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Messages - Danny

Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
September 24, 2024, 03:46:57 AM
MESHUGGAH - Immutable
Morbid Angel - Covenant
PORTAL - Swarth
DsO - Fas
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Funeral Mist - Salvation
Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
July 10, 2024, 07:11:08 PM
Today I'm stuck on a Scratch Acid and Jesus Lizard buzz. Pure deadliness.

Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, I like him just fine-But he's a MOUTH BREATHER!! ???

Pretty excited for the new album, slightly worried though cus Ipecac Records put out a lot of shite. But I hope David Yow keeps Mike Patton's (genius as he also his) fuckin hands off it.
Celtic Frost- A Dying God Coming Into Human Flesh.

I think this is one of the best metal songs ever in fairness and have loved it for years. the lyrics, the vocals, the intensity and tension in the song arrangement is pure genius and dark as fuck.

But yeah I watched the video for it about 5 times last night & now today I just have the words stuck in the back of me fucked up brain...


God Celtic Frost Hellhammer and Triptykon are fuckin genius bands.
That's actually really fuckin funny. :P

BUT I will say, Brian Eno's even most minimal ambient shit is joyful. Shit like that is great for meditation or to help to fall asleep to.
And Burzum is still shit. And his best work at that. The "prison albums" should not exist.
Quote from: astfgyl on July 07, 2024, 12:53:15 AMNo wooden spoon for you!!!!

What am I missing here? Wooden spoon>?   :-\

But yeah deadly performance, Snorre is as good as Euronymous or Blasphemer doing them fuckin weird riffs I think.
And Gaahl would make a deadly frontman for MAYHEM I recon if Csihar ever has enough & leaves or he fuckin dies or is fired or whatever. Or bring back MANIAC. I love Csihar like but MANIAC ruled...whatever happened to his SKITLIV band with the SHINING Kvarforth dude I thought that was great but only one release we got sadly.

Metal Discussion / Re: Controversial Metal Opinions
July 08, 2024, 07:34:07 PM
Quote from: Sworntothecans on July 07, 2024, 10:45:18 AM
Quote from: Circlepit on July 07, 2024, 09:47:01 AMAltars Of Madness is brilliant but the weakest of the first 3 MA albums.
Agreed. When they got out of the comfort zone on Blessed/Covenant that's when they came into their own.

Totally agree with this. I'd rate the 1st 4 MA as follows- Covenant-Blessed-Domination-Altars
But even Altars is brilliant. Might even beat out Domination if not for Where The Slime Live.
Covenant really is a fuckin masterful record. World Of Shit, Sworn To The Black...fuckin God Of Emptiness. Fuckin untouchable


FFS it's excellence
Classifieds / Re: Star Trek Starfleet Delta Set
July 08, 2024, 07:25:16 PM
Gigs and Festivals / Re: Rammstein - RDS - 23/06/24
July 06, 2024, 11:50:03 PM
I went to this moreso for my girlfriend who's obsessssssed with them (or wants to ride Till at least) & she fuckin had the time of her life. I enjoyed it too but I kinda lost interest in them a good while ago, I used to love Mutter however, still a decent record. Great show nonetheless they really fuckin go for it! Sure they'd want to for the ticket prices would they not ffs...
I just wanna say I cannot fuckin wait for this. Sure the bros are dead & gone but Zakk & Benante are doin it justice. Never seen them live before so I'm fairly lookin forward to it! I'm gonna try hang round & stalk Philip until he talks to me for a minute or 2 & I get a signature on my vinyl copy of Vulgar Display. If Hetfield will do it humbly-so should he.  >:(
Classifieds / Re: Star Trek Starfleet Delta Set
July 06, 2024, 11:43:18 PM
Metal Discussion / Re: Controversial Metal Opinions
July 06, 2024, 11:36:17 PM
Here's 1 to cheer yis all up no doubt. ABBATH's solo records shit all over & are way more fun than IMMORTAL's- besides maybe 5 listenable songs at most.

Also Burzum still suck ass.

So does Agalloch- I'd much rather listen to fuck all- or me wife shittin on about make up, fake tan & Nikki fuckin Minaj.  :-X
That there THORNS shirt is cool, as is their main album I love, a masterpiece of forward thinkin black metal really. Loved the interchangeable vocals from both Satyr from Satyricon and Aldrahn-from DHG just after he did 666 International (the only DHG album I like-& I've tried all the others)- & of course the legend Hellhammer on the drums, makes for a very engaging record. Their demo ain't bad either despite no vocals if I recall but it had the TNBM "eerie guitar bendy notes sound" nailed down which obviously Euronymous ripped off from him & Varg, but I don't blame him honestly cus he did it very well too & I worship MAYHEM.

I really hope THORNS do another album soon someday before I'm dead & gone. Get Satyr again-nevermind Aldrahn & get Frost-nevermind Hellhammer on it this time please. (Both Satyr and Frost have been playin live with them on their rare few live performances & they fuckin ruled. As cool as that shirt is I dunno if I'd buy it-maybe if a new record comes out I'd be more inclined to support!

As an aside this video rules, a MAYHEM Freezin fuckin Moon cover tribute with Gaahl on vocals, Snorre from THORNS & Samoth from EMPEROR on guitars & Anders from Cadaver/Satyricon on bass & Trym from EMPEROR on drums- with the MAYHEM dudes being the only audience there watching them play their own song. Gaahl killed it, & I liked the way he kept his face down & obscured seemingly or presumably in tribute to DEAD. (or maybe he's not-I dunno)...

ALSO Ladz- help me out here- that shop Andy linked to there is deadly. All I'm aware of meself is METALSHOP, Impericon, EMP, Rockabilia etc the most popular ones I suppose- please post some links to merch shops for proper metal/rock merch for shirts/whatever else here... Thanks & Cheers happy weekend yiz mad bastardz  8)
Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
July 03, 2024, 04:20:58 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 30, 2024, 08:33:39 PMAre Sadus or Morbid Saint any less obscure than Skepticism? Dunno...

Yeah I would imagine & guess so anyway. Skepticism is a vaguely obscure mostly one hit wonder gem Finnish funeral doom metal band.

SADUS & Morbid Saint are in the top 20 USA Thrash Metal bands easily.

I dunno man & don't really give a vague rats gee in fairness now- nor am I trying in anyway to be anyway with you, its just friendly repartee & a curiosity to me. You are the Metal Warfare Forum's main content provider & highest poster after all- so it's hard not to read many of your posts.

I just find it odd-I guess it's all just arbitrary really innit- but like for me anyhow; to try explain as concisely as I can- as a boy I went from Michael Jackson to The Beatles to Nirvana to Korn etc--but then I discovered Black Sabbath, obsessed over them for years, exhausted meself studying & absorbing heavy metal- the Maiden, Priest, Motorhead, Mercyful Fate, MANOWAR, Running Wild, Manila Roads etc...

Then when I discovered Metallica & SLAYER & Thrash- which was like next level excitin to me- likewise I devoured about 50 thrash metal bands; using Metal Archives or Lastfm "similar bands" for the next year or more until I found all the ones worth listening to & giving time to... & there's a fuckin LOT. The late 80's-early 90's was insane for the amount of proper THRASH- & incredibly talented bands that went under the radar & were dropped after 1 record. I still find obscure Thrash metal records to this day from that era I've never heard of-that are fuckin savage like.

I then moved on to Death, then Black, then DOOM metal and then the inbetweens & whatever the fuck else genres. I do enjoy a lot of lesser known & underground & avant-garde or obscure bands & records like so don't get me wrong. But I kind of felt for me- like it was logical to exhaust not just the best & most popular bands of a genre-as the 2nd/3rd rate derivative but underrated gems of Heavy>Thrash>Death>Black>Doom options to explore before movin on to obscurities (as deadly as they can often be) like BEHERIT, Blasphemy, GoatPenis or Mortuary Drapes or whomever.

But yeah whatever the fuck peace & cheers enjoy the sounds in yer ear holez friend. It's all gravy- Stormcrowfleet may indeed rule-but for me-it's no fuckin match for the likes of Chemical Invasion or Swallowed In Black is all!

Quote from: Mithrandir on June 30, 2024, 09:41:34 PM
Quote from: Danny on June 30, 2024, 07:13:48 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 30, 2024, 12:50:50 AMSkepticism- Stormcrowfleet...Beherit- Drawing Down the Moon...
I love you man
Is this our first forum romance?

No ha there's been a few, I recall a couple back on Metal Ireland. My days of being obsessed with & worshippin the original lineup of MALTHUSIAN are behind me now (though there still remains a logo or 3 I spray painted under a bridge or 2 round here with other various heretical & alchemical symbols & shite- although they've been tagged over mostly by the local drug dealer mongchilds now)

ANYWAY my first love was on here was Tommy Victor. God I miss him.

Besides, sorry for Tommy & Andy, my 1st love belongs to the Lord (& BLACK METAL!  :abbath: )


VENOM- Black Metal
SLAYER- Reign In Blood
Morbid Angel- Covenant
MESHUGGAH- Destroy/Erase/Improve
VERMINOUS SERPENT- The Malign Covenant
Dog Fashion Disco- Anarchists Of Good Taste  8)
Classifieds / Re: Star Trek Starfleet Delta Set
July 01, 2024, 07:46:22 PM
Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
June 30, 2024, 07:13:48 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 30, 2024, 12:50:50 AMSkepticism- Stormcrowfleet.
Thergothon- Fhtagn- nagh Yog- Sothoth.
Skepticism- 7".
Beherit- Drawing Down the Moon.

I love you man but honestly sometimes I can't believe the obscure bands you commonly & casually listen to-when in other threads I've seen you say mental things like you've never listened to fuckin SADUS or Morbid Saint for example of what comes to mind atm. Does not compute. But all good-just a curiosity to me. Enjoy yourself Sir.

201 FUCKIN STAB WOUNDS- Manual Wank Procedures (Now this is fuckin good so far. Fresh energy. I like the production & the bass tone therein)

Imperial Triumphant- Vile Luxury (Redux 1924) (This band sound like some mental patients escaped Romanian prison for Blasphemy & refusing to use gender pro-nouns who worship PORTAL & Ds0 & GORGUTS- They went & got locked- managed to steal some quality instruments & a load of research chemicals & top shelf weed off some other unfortunate cunts, then threw on some dodgy masks to conceal their identities for these very reasons...& somehow wormed their way into a studio somewhere to record this mental masterful music to release to the world to fuck with me head-enjoyably)

Vircolac- Veneration (3rd listen through of this one. I DO like it but I dunno...likewise with MALTHUSIAN for me- finding their Debut Demo their best work- with Vircolac I'm still into Codex Perfida the best & most engaging)

Misotheist- Vessels By Which The Devil Is Made Flesh (TNBM. No Fun no mosh no blacks white tans or Irish either-but dogs are welcome)

Blaze of Perdition- Upharsin (True Polski Black Metal. No Fun No Jesus-but moshing and Irish Coffee's are welcome)

+THE JESUS LIZARD- Hide & Seek (1st single from their new album- this has me very excited. I worship the Lizard and SRATCH ACID moreso. Need more!) >:(