Quote from: hellfire on December 05, 2023, 10:40:43 AMApparently yer man is awake. When they're done questioning him they should beat him back into the coma. No doubt any statements he makes will be terror washed like the airport.


Jaysus yer wan who shared that link on twitter is an absolute headcase, these freaks like Gavin Pepper, Mick O'Keefe etc seem to be almost be enjoying the fact a kid got stabbed.

Meant to post the mirror article directly. Not sure who she is.

Quote from: ldj on December 05, 2023, 11:20:41 AMthese freaks like Gavin Pepper, Mick O'Keefe etc seem to be almost be enjoying the fact a kid got stabbed.

Complete with Alex Jones level videos "explaining" why the girl had in fact already died but that this fact was being covered up. It seems to be like porn to certain people, and more than a few were drooling in expectation that that story would be "proven" true had her death been announced shortly after the end of the weekend in question. Morbid mindset, lynch mob mindset.

All the far right opinions I give on here and I've never heard of half the names ye lads do be throwing out. Did see that rumour that the girl was dead and filed it in the Things That Don't Sound Believable drawer straight away. Was a little surprised that the parents haven't given any statement or a call for calm or anything but then I'd guess they have other things on their minds for the foreseeable.

As for yer man waking up, I doubt much sensible info will come from him as to why he'd do something like that.

Quote from: astfgyl on December 05, 2023, 05:50:42 PMAll the far right opinions I give on here and I've never heard of half the names ye lads do be throwing out.

Do yourself a favour and stay blissfully unaware of those complete head the ball cunts!

Quote from: Born of Fire on December 05, 2023, 06:33:41 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on December 05, 2023, 05:50:42 PMAll the far right opinions I give on here and I've never heard of half the names ye lads do be throwing out.

Do yourself a favour and stay blissfully unaware of those complete head the ball cunts!

Whoever those maneens actually are, I've the same level of interest in them as the likes of Paul Murphy or Richard Boyd Barrett.

Not a hope for me taking any of those charlatans seriously at all. You might as well be lining up the fuckin National Party or some shit.

Livestream documentary making?


Interesting statement at the end, that garda have now not ruled out that there may be a terror angle to the attack..?

They only woke the bastard up the other day and still can't arrest him. They can't really establish motive until they talk to him.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 08, 2023, 12:27:43 AMLivestream documentary making?


Interesting statement at the end, that garda have now not ruled out that there may be a terror angle to the attack..?

I remember the may day riots where essentially the cops beat up a load of non violent students. They should have beat the living fuck out of that crowd.

Interesting last line alright.

I know a lad who was arrested as part of the mayday riots and he didn't even claim they were non violent.

I know a load of students who were at it and whilst there may have been a small part causing trouble the guards went in and battered anyone in sight. Took off their badges before going in as well.

The majority were non-violent, unlike with these riots. When the majority are non-violent, gardaí can go in with violence without fearing for their own safety. At these latest riots, the majority were violent and gardaí were outnumbered for much of the time. They were at genuine risk if they'd gone full on against the rioters. Several times watching that Prime Time reconstruction I was thinking, thank fuck Irish people don't have easy access to firearms.

Aye the students were easy pickings. This crowd stood up to them and as you said they were under resourced.

Quote from: Ollkiller on December 08, 2023, 12:15:44 PMI know a load of students who were at it and whilst there may have been a small part causing trouble the guards went in and battered anyone in sight. Took off their badges before going in as well.

Yeah, her man was always a bag of hassle. Couldn't bring him to a pub nevermind anything like that.

Under resourced Gardai is something I've heard about for at least 20 years.

QuoteGarda commissioner: "I have said this before, but I not only want to get to the current target of 15,000 gardaí, but given population growth, demographic change and the rapidly changing nature of crime, I believe there is a strong case for there to be more than 15,000 gardaí."


Here's a good summary re: joining the force now ->

QuoteWork front line regular policing it's a 48 hour week (4x12 hrs days) be regularly denied annual leave because of shortage of numbers, have days off cancelled for court and to cover events due to the lack of planning from management. Extremely high change of being assaulted and a good chance of being injured with limited to zero judicial and managerial support as well as being restricted in how you defend yourself physically.

Joining it now your pay and pension will be below what is required to live in or near any city which is where you would almost certainly be posted.
Plenty of work dealing with mental health related issues for which you will receive no training or support from MH services.
Huge time spent on court time + pointless and excessive admin and stats recording for outside agency's like policing authority RSA or Tusla and people misusing DVSA orders to gain sympathy in civil courts during separation and child access court proceedings. The rest of the time you can split between embarrassing PR crap and pandering to members of the public complaints about non policing issues like dogs barking or other civil matters.

All these factor are resulting in a lower standard and lower quality of new Gardai further decreasing moral and public confidence and a worse police service for all - Moral is beyond low, its so bad that its unrecoverable at this point and any one with skill and ability are leaving to better jobs with less pointless crap attached in the private and public sectors. It is very bad right now and standards and the service to the public is going to get a lot worse as this continues.If you still want it , go for it , some one has to do it and you might like it and or be good at it.


300 assaults causing injury a year to Gardai (1,000 assaults total to Gardai a year) - 300 a year is 9,000 over the course of a 30 year career. Most recent recruits will end up working longer. The gardai are only 14,133 strong. That equates to a 64% chance of being injured...if assaults occur equally across the country. They do not. They will mostly be in Dublin. Community police and other non front line units, SRU, district and divisional detectives, traffic units, those permanently sitting in the Phoenix park and offices around the country, etc will be less likely to be bearing the brunt of this. Regular unit Gardai , the job with the most shift work, the Gardai who respond to your 999 call (unless it a rare armed response requirement)...will be repeatedly getting injured. In places they cant afford to live. So Dublin Gardai getting hammered and its only going to get worse - they wont be able to retain anyone and it will get worse as it'll be Dublin based Gardai leaving - not the ones down the country meaning the new recruits all get sent to Dublin. Meanwhile the ones who started 30 years ago and COULD afford a house retired.