The article says radically conservative. The point I made was what is regular conservative when the slightest display of conservatism is deemed far right.

The article is pretty clear that it's not just one characteristic, such as conservatism/traditionalism, but rather "a spectrum": 

QuoteFar-right politics, or right-wing extremism, refers to a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative, ultra-nationalist, and authoritarian, often also including nativist tendencies.

And yeah, it's just your basic Wikipedia rough idea, to be taken with a pinch of salt, so please, by all means, go fill your boots with more scholarly analyses of what have historically been the defining features of the far right.

It was me then, in case that wasn't clear, who added in examples of how this rough definition translates to the current bunch of stand-up lads, the positions they display, the language they use, the actions they take:
Quoteradically conservative [e.g. Catholic, pro-Life, etc.], ultra-nationalist [e.g. #IrelandForTheIrish, etc.], and authoritarian [e.g. achieving objectives via intimidation and/or force, aggressive/violent imposition of will, military fantasizing, etc.], often also including nativist [e.g. "indigenous Irish"] tendencies.

Sure I've people in my own family who are Catholic and pro-Life but neither ultra-nationalist nor nativist nor particularly authoritarian. And I do also have people in my own family who do have far right tendencies, in the sense that I could easily see them voting for a credible far right Irish politician, who ticked the right boxes with respect to nationalism and authoritarianism, if one were to emerge. So this thing of "the slightest display of conservatism is deemed far right" is just disingenuous. That's not to say there aren't nutbar leftists out there who grossly simplify things and may consider anyone who's pro-Life to be far right, but the lads currently in question, the core heads, they regularly tick all the boxes.

When everything is brought down to a question of #IrelandIsFull, "all your woes are the fault of foreigners," etc., to the silencing of the real homegrown culprits, then, yeah, good chance you're dealing with far right politics:

QuoteBasic economics is Supply and demand we dont have enough Supply to meet demand mass migration into Ireland has young irish couples in direct competition with foreigner's to rent or buy a home this is leading to massive rent increases  in the market #irelandisfull

Foreigners, not landlords, responsible for rent increases. Interesting take. #IrelandIsFullOfCuntLandlords

The immigration situation is genuinely a factor in driving up rents. Why not call a spade a spade? Landlords everywhere are rubbing their hands at the lack of supply at the minute. It's not far right to point that out. It just is what it is. We already had a supply problem and now we have a worse one.

All the other shit is just window dressing, which distracts everyone to the delight of the government who have mismanaged things so badly, going back long before the Ukrainians and lads arrived.

Quote from: astfgyl on December 01, 2023, 01:55:37 PMLandlords everywhere are rubbing their hands at the lack of supply at the minute. It's not far right to point that out.

He didn't point that out. He didn't mention landlords at all, despite the headline of the article he's commenting being "Huge 11pc increase in new rents raises fears landlords are breaking zone rules." Turning even a story about the greed of Irish landlords into a chance to take a potshot at foreigners shows where the real priorities are. And it's not with young couples struggling to pay rent. It's just with kicking out foreigners. Like as if currently rent-gouging Irish landlords will suddenly become sound if that happens  :laugh:

#350 December 01, 2023, 02:12:30 PM Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 04:35:16 PM by The Butcher
Just took part in a Ireland Talks poll that will feature in Sunday independent, should be interesting as it's about the riots and immigration and then Israel Palestine etc

Three of the questions were on a scale 0-10 how comfortable would you feel living next door to a Jew/Christian/Muslim *facepalm*

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 01, 2023, 02:06:31 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on December 01, 2023, 01:55:37 PMLandlords everywhere are rubbing their hands at the lack of supply at the minute. It's not far right to point that out.

He didn't point that out. He didn't mention landlords at all, despite the headline of the article he's commenting being "Huge 11pc increase in new rents raises fears landlords are breaking zone rules." Turning even a story about the greed of Irish landlords into a chance to take a potshot at foreigners shows where the real priorities are. And it's not with young couples struggling to pay rent. It's just with kicking out foreigners. Like as if currently rent-gouging Irish landlords will suddenly become sound if that happens  :laugh:

Sorry I missed the context to an extent. I thought you were saying that the influx of immigrants and international protection applicants is not putting a strain on an already under-supplied market and is not having any effect on driving up rents, or to say so is far right stuff. The fact that landlords are rubbing their hands is indeed nothing new. They love a good housing crisis as it drives up their profits. Unfortunately a large percentage of the people who could regulate that somewhat are also landlords so aren't going to want to fix it, as much as they might want to look like they want to fix it. It was a thing long before the arrivals as I've said.

The hotel thing is also a real issue the way the government is paying them to host all the lads and driving up the price of that too. I'm sure it's all pals of the current incumbents who are making the profits there too and they are eye watering for sure.

In a way I can see that the international protection system as we have it now is entirely the product of Irish greed rather than international chancery. The latter is enabled by the former.

And as has been alluded to here many times, we have plenty of cunts of our own long before we had international ones to add to it. Nobody gouges like the Irish.

All problems here with this situation must be addressed to government and not the arrivals.

It seems the creche worker is out of ICU. Think we can all agree that's a good thing.

No news on the 5 yeast old yet? Good to hear the teacher is alright. Fucking hell, what a champion but what an ordeal for her to go through.

Haven't looked for a couple of days, but there was some not-really-news about her condition reported today:

QuoteTHE MOTHER OF a five-year-old girl who was critically injured in last month's stabbing incident in Dublin's Parnell Square has said her daughter "has shown incredible strength and still here with us".

However, she added that "we don't yet know what lies ahead."

And, since it's mentioned there, a GoFundMe for the girl and her family:

I'll have to fire a few quid over. Good to hear she's still alive and here's hoping she pulls through with, hopefully, minor or zero lifelong affects from her injuries.

It's actually very bad that the nationality of the two blokes who turned up became a mickey measuring competition between left and right when that girl actually took a knife for it. And I'm not minimising my own part in getting caught up in any of that argument. They all did the human thing but even that is a thing nowadays.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on December 04, 2023, 09:32:29 PMI'll have to fire a few quid over. Good to hear she's still alive and here's hoping she pulls through with, hopefully, minor or zero lifelong affects from her injuries.

Let's hope you're right. No improvement in her condition reported anywhere though.

Apparently yer man is awake. When they're done questioning him they should beat him back into the coma. No doubt any statements he makes will be terror washed like the airport.
