Quote from: Don Gately on December 01, 2022, 12:01:21 PMThe whole words finishing with...ation is a bit wearying


Opposition (opposition)
Contradiction (contradiction)
Premonition (premonition)
Agitation (agitation)
Violation (violation)
Mutilation (mutilation)
Planet Dies

Darkest color
Blistered Earth
True death of life

Termination (termination)
Expiration (expiration)
Cancellation (cancellation)
Human Race
Expectation (expectation)
Liberation (liberation)
Population (population)
Lay to waste

See our mother
Put to death
See our mother die

Exactly my thoughts, very lazy lyrics. Blackened is great but come on..

The lyrics are a bit shit, except for "Lightning the nation", which surely has to be a Diamond Head reference!

Yup, just the kind of shite they would pull to try get old crusties like us interested  :abbath:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 01, 2022, 04:11:46 PMYup, just the kind of shite they would pull to try get old crusties like us interested  :abbath:
Should have just gone with this


Actually now that I think of it, most of the song is very Diamond Head like. Maybe that's why I keep replaying it  :laugh:

Even the way his voice goes up and drawn out in the chorus. If the rest of the album has a similar Diamond Head vibe to it, I'd be excited  :abbath:

Quote from: Don Gately on December 01, 2022, 02:00:22 PMExactly my thoughts, very lazy lyrics. Blackened is great but come on..
I know... Just couldn't resist    :P

Listening to that Lux Aeturnus choon. Dreadful, derivative shite. The intro riff...ha ha, quality control is just non-existent.

As for the vocals? I mean they're about as good as could have been hoped for. Nevertheless there are no discernible balls at all, nothing. The lyrics are, to put it politely, lacking a certain je ne sais quoi.

the drums also sound just awful. compressed to fuck.

The music teacher where I work loves Metallica (but is also fond of Sonata Arctica and worse) was defending it, but conceded on the drum sound too.

I'd hope all the tracks don't sound the same as this on the album. As said above, I wouldn't complian if they did a few numbers similar to No Leaf Clover, Until It Sleeps or even I Disappear. Are they forcing the whole "Metal" thing now?

I think even a half way decent track like No Leaf Clover is beyond these boys now, sadly.

Still go to a gig if they were in town mind you.

I see they've had to put a statement out after some crypto scams emerged on the back of the new song. Some YouTube channels claiming to be Metallica offering to double any Bitcoin sent to them in celebration of the new album  :laugh:

It's been longer since the wrote No Leaf Clover to now than it was when they wrote Hit The Lights to No Leaf Clover.

We'e rehashing opinions as bad as Metallica as ideas.