Quote from: Squigs on December 06, 2022, 08:38:59 PMIt's been longer since the wrote No Leaf Clover to now than it was when they wrote Hit The Lights to No Leaf Clover.
We'e rehashing opinions as bad as Metallica as ideas.
:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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I was surprised by the lead off song, I thought it was good, but it got worse on repeat listens.
The artwork is terrible, a pile of scrap around a child's cot. Uninteresting and it will look shit on a t-shirt.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Another new song:


Fairly generic, to the point of forgetting it while I'm still actually listening to it. Sounds like a ReLoad throwback.

#93 January 20, 2023, 02:26:45 AM Last Edit: January 20, 2023, 07:11:38 AM by Mooncat
There's something very 'old men who clap on the 1 and the 3' about the riffing. Super generic, no real groove or syncopation. Quite enjoyed the first song but this one sucks. I cannot believe Kirk Hammett is still a working guitarist.

Shocking, like the last excuse of a single its bad enough but once the vocals kick it becomes unbearable

Dreadful. Still shocked that quite a few voiced support for the first track, but that one is indeed worse. Even the sound of the album is nauseating, so sterile.

Not up to much. I still can't fathom how Hetfield hasn't done a country and western album yet. Such a wasted opportunity.

QuoteI still can't fathom how Hetfield hasn't done a country and western album yet. Such a wasted opportunity.

Can't tell is that's a gag or not but I was literally just thinking along the same lines that at least an acoustic based project would probably be best as far as Hetfield is concerned. Voice is completely unfit for purpose in the context of Metallica.

Like the last single these riffs are so bad...whatever about hetfield not being able to sing..the riffs are so bereft of ideas and just chucked together aimlessly....they are like riffs total guitar magazine would teach a 13 yr old 25 years ago in a 'metal edition'

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on January 20, 2023, 08:41:08 AM
QuoteI still can't fathom how Hetfield hasn't done a country and western album yet. Such a wasted opportunity.

Can't tell is that's a gag or not but I was literally just thinking along the same lines that at least an acoustic based project would probably be best as far as Hetfield is concerned. Voice is completely unfit for purpose in the context of Metallica.

I'm not joking. I think a country album from him would at least have the potential to be really good.

QuoteI'm not joking

Good, I agree! I think it could work and his voice as is would be well suited for it.

It must be painful for them writing a Metallica record these days.

That is 100% within the expectations of any new Metallica song over the last 30 years. And ye had me hoping for something remarkably awful there!

Whatever about how generic the songs have been, how can arguably the biggest band in the world not put together a decent sounding album?

Are their ears just completely fucked and they don't realise how shit their production has been for 20 years? Christ I'd take a generic Andy Sneap job at this point

They aren't metal heads. Simple as that.

It's fucking terrible but it's a stadium filler. They still won't have trouble selling tickets pedalling this shite. Old men selling teen angst never goes out of fashion. Dreadfully embarassing stuff, altogether.

Come to think of it, Trujillo, the most anonymous figure in rock, has now been a part of the shit show longer than Burton, Newsted and McGovney put together, hasn't he. What a catalogue of shit to have as your legacy.