Quote from: blessed1 on November 29, 2022, 10:29:00 AMI wish they kept writing songs in the vein of No Leaf Clover and -Human.
I remember being really excited to hear what the album after SnM would sound like after those two songs.

Ah but then we wouldn't have had Saint Anger all around our necks for the past 20 years!

It's all a generational thing with them at this stage, sure.

Older heads pine for the glory days of the 80's.
Not so older heads pine for the 90's-00's.

My young fella is buzzing of this new one, for sure.
So his generation are gonna lap it up.

That being said... he's getting a mighty kick out Napalm Death at the moment, so maybe there's hope for him yet.  :laugh:

On another note.

All these double night, no repeat songs is a HUGE money spinner for them too.
Not many bands could pull it off to the size and scale that Metallica will do.

Part of me is thinking, 'Greedy Cunts'.
But then I also can't help thinking 'Fair Play!'.

Definitely fair play. If there are cunts who'll pay for it, then why not?

If there were Irish dates I consider going but apart from that...

Quote from: Bürggermeister on November 29, 2022, 12:23:28 PMOn a related note, this is an interesting read


I still don't fully understand (due to lack of looking into it, naturally) why they haven't been able to conceive of a ticketing system that makes scalping much, much more difficult, rather than what they're doing which is, what? Accepting scalping as an inevitable evil and merely proposing a lesser evil in its stead??

The bottom line is..if you charge it they will come..no matter what..and they know it....

Exactly. Scalping has shown what (some) people are prepared to pay to attend events and, rather than try to kill it, they want to take it over themselves. Despite Ticketmaster being the scum of the Earth, the bands are working with them on it, regardless of how much they may pretend otherwise, if yer man is to be believed.

As already mentioned, there is a bit of an Offspring vibe to it and I like it. That's the most enjoyable Metallica song I've listened to since Garage Inc.
I don't know if it was absolutely necessary to so blatantly reuse the riff from the bridge section of Hit The Lights, but there you go.
I'd listen to it again and I'm curious to hear what the rest of the album sounds like. At 77 mins I think we're guaranteed some utter shit, but having said that, I'm surprised I enjoyed this song as much as I did.

#55 November 29, 2022, 07:03:12 PM Last Edit: November 29, 2022, 07:07:31 PM by mickO)))
Quote from: jobrok1 on November 29, 2022, 12:13:42 PMOn another note.

All these double night, no repeat songs is a HUGE money spinner for them too.
Not many bands could pull it off to the size and scale that Metallica will do.

Part of me is thinking, 'Greedy Cunts'.
But then I also can't help thinking 'Fair Play!'.

The double nights thing is a great idea wish more bands would do it. No interest in Metallica after Justice but if they played in Dublin and the setlist was decent I would consider going.

Speaking of them being greedy cunts I just saw the basic standard black vinyl version of the new album is retailing for €45.

Quote from: blessed1 on November 29, 2022, 10:29:00 AMI wish they kept writing songs in the vein of No Leaf Clover and -Human.
I remember being really excited to hear what the album after SnM would sound like after those two songs.

Me too! We got fuckin scalded!!  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Echoing what others have said but you really expect that riff to build into something that never appears. For me personally this caused the song to really drag along. I listened to Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invictus and Primordial - The Coffin Ships in the same listening session as this song and despite both those songs clocking in around the 10 minute mark they absolutely flew by compared to that new Metallica song. I did like a lot of Hardwired so I won't write them off just yet but a poor start.

Apart from the vocals, it sounds like a mid-90s Megadave leftover.

Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on November 29, 2022, 10:14:33 PMApart from the vocals, it sounds like a mid-90s Megadave leftover.

I would be very happy if they managed to pull off something like 'The Killing Road' nowadays. Obviously not going to happen...I'd actually prefer if they did another Load/Reload type album, think it would suit them at this late stage than this vacuous attempt of rehashing their debut.