Can't tolerate Oliver. A liar, and a painfully unfunny one.

Wearing backpacks at gigs, or on trains, busses, or any other situation where people are crowded together. You'd think that taking the fucking bag off and holding it down by your feet to make space would just leap into the mind of the average cunt, especially given how frequently they seem to bouce the bag off people unfortunate enough to be standing closeby them but, no.

John Oliver is about as funny as rectal cancer. The general state of US Comedy late night hosts these days is appalling

Spring time has once again brought about an onslaught of birds seemingly with explosive diarrhea using my cars bodywork as a toilet  >:(

Quote from: Dragon_Khan on March 19, 2019, 01:51:30 PM
John Oliver is about as funny as rectal cancer. The general state of US Comedy late night hosts these days is appalling

Sometimes I think Trevor Noah is starting to come into his own, but he'll never be Jon Stewart. As for the others, Seth Meyers? Jaysus.

In the cinema yesterday evening, a young couple came in late, approximately thirty minutes into the film, and the young lady thought nothing of turning on the light on her phone and shining it around to find somewhere to sit. Prior to their arrival, there were three people in the screening and they brought the number up to five. It wasn't until they had walked up the steps, back down a bit because she said those ones were too high, and she kept the fucking thing shining until they had shuffled into the row and actually sat down.

#261 March 20, 2019, 08:40:07 AM Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 08:47:04 AM by Pedrito
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 19, 2019, 07:49:37 PM
Quote from: Dragon_Khan on March 19, 2019, 01:51:30 PM
John Oliver is about as funny as rectal cancer. The general state of US Comedy late night hosts these days is appalling

Sometimes I think Trevor Noah is starting to come into his own, but he'll never be Jon Stewart. As for the others, Seth Meyers? Jaysus.

I think Trevor Noah is about as poor as it gets. His constant lectures on race are vomit inducing. How a public sits there and allows him to admonish them in that way defies belief. Someone who thinks he's far more intelligent than he really is. a perfect example of what was being said in the NZ post. How was Noah never going to play the race card and link every white guy in America aannd Trump to the NZ shooting, despite saying that he wasn't? I think he thinks he's some sort of modern Martin Luther King.

Should have clarified - I only meant in terms of humour. Every so often he says something funny, which is more than can be said for Oliver or Meyers.

That said, I don't really see the issue with the point of view he's expressing there. I don't agree with it, but it's fairly banal "atmosphere of islamophobia" stuff that has been floating around for years. Exactly the opinion I would expect from a liberal, and I'm sure his audience also expect it.

#264 March 20, 2019, 10:23:13 AM Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 10:25:29 AM by Pedrito
Maybe I'm just jaded with that victim mentality stuff. If any countries have tried their damndest to erase the sins of the past, I would argue that the US and UK would win the contest hands down with germany of course included.
And yet, the likes of Noah ride on the coattails of real suffering to bask in the light of their own brilliance. He is, what would is known in South africa as 'coloured'..half white/half black. I used work with a number of people with this background, there are a lot in Dublin. They all said that life for them was impossible back in SA because they are seen as traitors by the black section of the population. They were all so happy to be in Ireland where they could raise their kids in peace, find jobs, and live peacefully and in security. Not saying that we don't need dissent, of course we do, but I just find Noah particularly hard to take in this regard. I find him to be like a tabloid reporter..all shock and drama. That said, I am not an expert on his stuff, I tend to turn him off after a minute or 2 listening every time.

I like John Stewart, witty guy..I think he works it better.

Quote from: Juggz on February 12, 2019, 08:57:21 AM
Contracted IT. In our place, a lot of the IT jobs have been farmed out to a contracted service and the permanent staff let go. I understand it's cheaper but, fuck me, there's a lot to be said for someone actually giving a shit about their job and the company they work for. I've given them a list of tasks to be done in sequence on a set of machines and I'm spending more time double-checking the work was done as instructed, finding it's not, pointing it out to them and getting them to do the work again but this time do it correctly, than I would have done had I just done the work myself. Utter ballache.

I did contract IT work for a bit and it's a massive con. Between recruiters and payment companies everyone made money but me. Yeah, I gave it the economy wash alright. Didn't overextended myself or give much thought to how solutions would work over the longer term.

Maybe it's the same in other jobs but archaeology is the pits for cunts not being able to let go of their university experience.  Endless prattle about their thesis/ masters/PhD, what their lecturer once said. Fuck, it's a boring pain in the hole to hear.

McDonalds' new paper straws. Just fuck off.

The growing brooded of whelps outside my house/area has  tripled in the last 4 years.

All day today they are outside screaming their lungs off. I'm all for kids outside having fun and not stuck on computers... but have them outside your own fucking houses and not mine.  To the point I've seen parents from around the area going to myhouse with the kids then turning and walking off.
I've already had it out with one of them for it as their kids made shit of the pavement while she sat her cunthole watching them.