Or the cunt who says they forgot something when they are in the check out queue, and take 10 minutes to get a tin of beans...

Quote from: Ducky on September 25, 2024, 03:32:05 PMYour supermarket "rival". As in, the person that seems to always be in front of the item you want, ot gets the last one, is in front of you in the queue and then acts surprised that they're being asked for payment and takes an age to root it out.

Boils my piss. I had a Chinese lady in front of me in Tesco before. Watched yer man scan every item. Why, who fucking knows. As soon as he finishes she then starts packing. He goes 60 yo yo and she totally ignores him. Packs the last item and goes how much. Takes put her card and tried to tap. He explains you have to put it in. She goes no it works. Takes him showing her where to put the card in for her to grasp the situation. Finally pays and then there's the 2 minute is everything in my wallet before sh leaves. A good 10 mins it was. I was raging after a few mins but the longer it went on the more hilarious it got. The teller was fit to fucking kill her.

#6167 September 25, 2024, 07:08:49 PM Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 07:25:10 PM by leatherface
The BBC. Used to be impartial, now beyond woke. I'm just trying to keep up with the events of the day , not interested in their opinions. At least The Guardian were always , at least, woke adjacent , so can't be mad at them. You could probably make the same argument for most news outlets but as the most famous one, they are stretching out a little too much with trendy ('the message') box ticking perspectives.

Quote from: Ollkiller on September 25, 2024, 06:57:03 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 25, 2024, 03:32:05 PMYour supermarket "rival". As in, the person that seems to always be in front of the item you want, ot gets the last one, is in front of you in the queue and then acts surprised that they're being asked for payment and takes an age to root it out.

Boils my piss. I had a Chinese lady in front of me in Tesco before. Watched yer man scan every item. Why, who fucking knows. As soon as he finishes she then starts packing. He goes 60 yo yo and she totally ignores him. Packs the last item and goes how much. Takes put her card and tried to tap. He explains you have to put it in. She goes no it works. Takes him showing her where to put the card in for her to grasp the situation. Finally pays and then there's the 2 minute is everything in my wallet before sh leaves. A good 10 mins it was. I was raging after a few mins but the longer it went on the more hilarious it got. The teller was fit to fucking kill her.

Man, it's fucking cat. Like you're looking at these people and genuinely wondering is it the first time they've ever used a supermarket in their lives. How do these idiots function in their day to day? And how do they manage to navigate it without setting themselves on fire?

Another supermarket pet peeve - people (usually well-to-do auld birds) getting flustered and looking around for an alternative when they ask "is THIS the queue?" and you confirm it is. At some point I will say "no love, we're all standing in a line with groceries in hand and the person at the head of the queue is scanning and paying for the craic".

Ones unprepared at the till fucks me right off every fucking time (with certain allowances made for elderly people), and I often see ones having full blown conversations at the till while I'm queue behind them, slowing the whole process down...

Self service checkouts are the way to go though they are scarce and they ask permission from the staff for you to be able to buy alcohol but anyway.

Quote from: leatherface on September 26, 2024, 12:35:56 PMSelf service checkouts are the way to go though they are scarce and they ask permission from the staff for you to be able to buy alcohol but anyway.

I'm the opposite. I hate them as I see them as a tool used by supermarkets to have less staff operating tills, basically a cost cutting measure dressed up as better service delivery.

I generally won't use the self service till either for the same reason

Don't know if it still happens but the kids in my town used to take the temporary stickers of the discounted/going out of date stuff and stick it onto whatever they wanted to buy. Then they used the self checkouts not raise suspicions with a check out staff. 

I did that myself more than once.

I absolutely detest self service checkouts. I'd much rather see someone earning a few bob. I always queue rather than save time on a machine, but fucking Aldi trumped me last week.

They only had self service tills and what a fecking mess. Machines not working for people, no one around to deal with most of the time, fella ahead of me had to move machines as first one wouldn't take cash, then he had to wait again for someone to verify ID for alcohol. I ended up on his first machine and it wouldn't read the card properly, etc etc. I won't be going back to that Aldi ever again. Fuck right off.

I usually use the self service tills as I don't buy too big a shop in one go, which is what they're meant for.

My local Tesco always has someone overseeing them, so if you need to verify age or whatever it's done straight away (unlike Dunnes where you're left like a clown.

They still have a rake of proper tills, so they're not doing anyone out of a job.

Quote from: Ducky on September 26, 2024, 12:48:28 AM
Quote from: Ollkiller on September 25, 2024, 06:57:03 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 25, 2024, 03:32:05 PMYour supermarket "rival". As in, the person that seems to always be in front of the item you want, ot gets the last one, is in front of you in the queue and then acts surprised that they're being asked for payment and takes an age to root it out.

Boils my piss. I had a Chinese lady in front of me in Tesco before. Watched yer man scan every item. Why, who fucking knows. As soon as he finishes she then starts packing. He goes 60 yo yo and she totally ignores him. Packs the last item and goes how much. Takes put her card and tried to tap. He explains you have to put it in. She goes no it works. Takes him showing her where to put the card in for her to grasp the situation. Finally pays and then there's the 2 minute is everything in my wallet before sh leaves. A good 10 mins it was. I was raging after a few mins but the longer it went on the more hilarious it got. The teller was fit to fucking kill her.

Man, it's fucking cat. Like you're looking at these people and genuinely wondering is it the first time they've ever used a supermarket in their lives. How do these idiots function in their day to day? And how do they manage to navigate it without setting themselves on fire?

Another supermarket pet peeve - people (usually well-to-do auld birds) getting flustered and looking around for an alternative when they ask "is THIS the queue?" and you confirm it is. At some point I will say "no love, we're all standing in a line with groceries in hand and the person at the head of the queue is scanning and paying for the craic".

See also: people at ATMs. Take a solid 5 minutes just to stare blankly at each screen, process the information, press an option, the wrong one, then go back, process again etc etc. Of course you're then in with your withdrawal in like 30secs.

People at any kind of technology really: buying train tickets, any kind of kiosk at the airport, buying cinema tickets etc.

Bonus ATM pet peeve: You're on a night out and need to withdraw some cash and some drunk cunt is at the machine with a queue behind him. Not only is he slow, but feels the need to drunkenly slur a bunch of bullshit to his mate, or the person behind him and just take forever while pissing everyone off.

The level of tech literacy really is shocking, even in younger people. One of my mate's brothers doesn't use WhatsApp because... he can't figure out how to make a Google account and download shit off the Play Store.

In the other direction, I did a job interview last year via Microsoft Teams. Three auld shites on the panel. First fella asks "is my picture moving", and I say no there's a static picture, but no video. "But is my picture moving?" (it's not, you dopey cunt, that's what I meant by there's no video).

Then one of the others asks can I see him. Yeah I can see the top of your head, and then your entire office because you're not in frame. He couldn't grasp how the fucking camera lense needed to be pointed at him.

Used to work in a solicitor's office and we had one who didn't have a clue about email. It came up at one of our monthly meetings about the fact she was being salty about a colleague, and managed to CC everyone else in the office (including her colleague). She'd also be pure bitchy about not doing something, then you have to forward the manager the email you sent her back asking what she meant because there was ambiguity in her original request, but heyyo her inbox was full because she didn't know how to delete emails.

You 100% know these dopes needed "there's no 'any' key" explained to them several times over :laugh:

Yeah it really is a fucking miracle anything functions as well as it does at all.