Finishing work on a Friday evening and knowing it'll be at least Monday before getting back to that feeling of wanting to drive a steel nail through someone's forehead

The look of bovine non-comprehension on peoples faces if they ask you for your number and you tell them you don't have a phone.
I'ts fucking priceless, it's like ya told them ya have three cocks or something.

Love it..Wish I could still do it :(
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Gave about 3 years without a phone and it was great. I eventually succumbed to the WhatsApp groups for the kids training and stuff like that. It's fairly unavoidable. Pity.

I hate the fucking things, especially them fucking smart phones.
The mobile phone itself is a grand idea if used responsibly, very handy for people travelling and in emergencies and the like.
When they put cameras on them the whole thing went to pot.

Quote from: ochoill on September 11, 2023, 09:57:03 AMSimple Pleasures / Random Thoughts crossover here.

When I lived in Vancouver there was a spot very near two of the flats I lived in called Siegel's Bagels.  Can't even begin to explain how scoff their bagels were, you could get all sorts off them, and they were open pretty much 24 hours a day so I often ended up there at 3am after a feed of cans and ate it sitting on the curb outside (takeaway only sure).

Anyway I thought lately about their Montreal Smoked Meat Bagel and can't get it out of my mind.  Unbelievable munch, layers of wafer thin smoked beef stacked up until they were falling out the sides, with mustard and a pickle on it, in whatever bagel you want (everything bagel being my go-to).  I haven't been able to find anything close to it since I got home.  The bones of a decade trying out different types of bagels, different pastrami, anything to get close to it but it is untouchable.  Just whatever way they cured the meat was delicious, it was peppery but not overwhelming, had a nice sweetness with the spice of it, and was crumbly soft to bite but stacked thick so you could get a good meal out of it.

Just look at this shit:

My wife came home with some plain bagels from Dunnes yesterday that were closer to this type of bagel again so the hunt is back on for some decent smoked beef.  I need to make one of these.

I laughed reading this. I understand this kind of forlorn craving from the other side; I'm in Canada now and I crave a Chinese takeaway from back home all the time (there's nothing like it at all here). The odd times I am back (about once every two years), I usually have about one a day and gain about a stone in the two weeks  :laugh:

See also: chippy sausages.

#1626 October 04, 2023, 04:06:45 PM Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 04:10:26 PM by The Heretic
Sitting back listening to shite from in-laws for years then finally getting the chance to put them in their place...magnificent..

Quote from: Mooncat on October 01, 2023, 04:37:06 PMI laughed reading this. I understand this kind of forlorn craving from the other side; I'm in Canada now and I crave a Chinese takeaway from back home all the time (there's nothing like it at all here). The odd times I am back (about once every two years), I usually have about one a day and gain about a stone in the two weeks  :laugh:

See also: chippy sausages.
I did love the Chinese food in Van but it is a totally different thing to the stuff back home, there were definitely days where I just wanted a 3 in 1 and there is just nothing like it there.  Conversely I gave out recently that there's no shitty cheap by-the-slice pizza here in Limerick.  I suppose it's just a perpetual hanger over anything else :laugh:

Chinese with chips is the best thing Paddy every invented  :P

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 05, 2023, 08:41:57 AMChinese with chips is the best thing Paddy every invented  :P
It is up there with the crisp sandwich.  It doesn't even need to be a curry either, a sweet and sour or a satay with chips is fuckin lethal too.

There's a place in town here - Burger & Bao - that does some great scoff and some chinese chipper staples (3 in 1's, usual meal deals of curries & rice & starter).  It is all delicious but the bizarre peak of the menu for me is the BBC chips.  Beef, Bacon, cheese, cream sauce, scallions, whatever they have it all flavoured with, loaded up onto chips.  It is unbelievable, I don't know what way they make that sauce or cook the beef but the flavour is supreme.

I'm fuckin starving

You probably don't want to know so never find out, just keep eating.

Student who complimented my Bell Witch shirt, you just got yourself an A. Though I wonder now, does he actually know them? Or has he just been biding his time, waiting for the day I wear a shirt with a legible logo... 🤔

More generally, seeing rock and metal shirts every day on lads and ladies in their late teens/early twenties: Queen, Sabbath, Pantera, Prince, Zeppelin, Metallica, all in just the last week. Not only cool to see, but remarkable that what I don't see is shirts of whoever current rock and metal bands may be popular.

Quote from: ochoill on October 05, 2023, 10:05:10 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 05, 2023, 08:41:57 AMChinese with chips is the best thing Paddy every invented  :P
It is up there with the crisp sandwich.  It doesn't even need to be a curry either, a sweet and sour or a satay with chips is fuckin lethal too.

There's a place in town here - Burger & Bao - that does some great scoff and some chinese chipper staples (3 in 1's, usual meal deals of curries & rice & starter).  It is all delicious but the bizarre peak of the menu for me is the BBC chips.  Beef, Bacon, cheese, cream sauce, scallions, whatever they have it all flavoured with, loaded up onto chips.  It is unbelievable, I don't know what way they make that sauce or cook the beef but the flavour is supreme.

I'm fuckin starving

I've often stared at it from across the way at Mother Mac's but never ventured in. That sounds like an ideal post-Siege concoction though, can't wait.

Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on October 05, 2023, 11:00:04 AMI've often stared at it from across the way at Mother Mac's but never ventured in. That sounds like an ideal post-Siege concoction though, can't wait.
Unsurprisingly, Mother Macs is my haunt too :laugh: I am forever in there.  It closes early enough but it would line the stomach well for a feed of drink, I have often bought one and ate it in Mac's while on the Guinness.