Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you're just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Finally, this thread has been crying out for a less complex case!

Blacks are 90% of the population in SA but whites have 70% of the land, so really the whites only have themselves to blame:

If they'd done what the whites who settled the Americas did and committed proper genocide on the indigenous people, they wouldn't be in this mess now  :abbath: :abbath:

Again I will say an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. There is no questioning what the white invaders did to the SA black people but what is the point in throwing the violence back at them now? Those blacks are as racist as the whites who fucked them up in the first place. I doubt I would feel any different if it were me in their place.

And in another way, it is the same as how the 1% of the world hold 99% of the wealth. This is as much the problem with the modern world as racism and I genuinely feel these protests are a class issue as much as a race issue. I bet the rich black people aren't setting fire to anything. In fact they are on Youtube making dopey fucking videos about how the other blacks should be doing it

Please don't mention South Africa, it makes me think of Trevor Noah  :abbath:

Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 08:51:16 PM
And in another way, it is the same as how the 1% of the world hold 99% of the wealth. This is as much the problem with the modern world as racism and I genuinely feel these protests are a class issue as much as a race issue. I bet the rich black people aren't setting fire to anything. In fact they are on Youtube making dopey fucking videos about how the other blacks should be doing it

You're sounding just like Cornel West now, Pedrito's gonna be fuckin' livid  :abbath: :abbath:

Lads, I have no idea who Cornel West or Trevor Noah are and I have no interest in finding out.

#247 June 03, 2020, 09:18:15 PM Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 09:35:56 PM by Caomhaoin
Quote from: Juggz on June 03, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you're just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Am I? Ace, thanks.

I'll give you a few examples, starting with the media. With the exception of the The Wall Street Journal and Fox in the US (controlled by a libertarian) over 90% of news reports related to Donald Trump have been overwhelmingly negative, and I'm talking about widely consumed media such as the BBC, CBS, MSNBC, The Washington Post and countless others. I don't need to point out the zero credibility left to CNN with Don Lemon and Brian Steltner anchoring their show.

Rasmussen reports show that 62% of Americans believe there is leftist bias in the media, single figures for its opposite number.

Opponents of gay marriage (I'm not one of them) and the repeal the 8th movement were treated with absolute contempt, undeniable regardless of your opinion of their views.

Traditional gender roles, the conflation of sex with gender, even expressing oneself to the contrary is not only frowned upon, it can have the police knocking on your door in the UK. Being even mildly conservative is conflated with extremism and bigotry, and I can tell you that from experience.

So if you think I'm 'talking shite' and then leave your comment at that, floating around like the odious fart that it is, fine. Try fighting your corner if you disagree, rather than dismissing an opinion you dislike.

#248 June 03, 2020, 09:22:30 PM Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 09:24:04 PM by Caomhaoin
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 03, 2020, 08:28:01 PM
Finally, this thread has been crying out for a less complex case!

Blacks are 90% of the population in SA but whites have 70% of the land, so really the whites only have themselves to blame:

If they'd done what the whites who settled the Americas did and committed proper genocide on the indigenous people, they wouldn't be in this mess now  :abbath: :abbath:

The treatment of blacks by the Boers in Transvaal and the Oranje Staat is about as bad is it got. I read Packenhams book in the Boer War, and a British Tommy interviewed even said 'we could hardly believe it, the Boojers would shoot a kaffir like you'd shoot a dog on the street'.

Nevertheless, you can't blame their descendants for that. It certainly doesn't excuse what's going on over there now.

Oh just shut up and shift each other already .. I want to go home  :abbath:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 03, 2020, 09:04:13 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 08:51:16 PM
And in another way, it is the same as how the 1% of the world hold 99% of the wealth. This is as much the problem with the modern world as racism and I genuinely feel these protests are a class issue as much as a race issue. I bet the rich black people aren't setting fire to anything. In fact they are on Youtube making dopey fucking videos about how the other blacks should be doing it

You're sounding just like Cornel West now, Pedrito's gonna be fuckin' livid  :abbath: :abbath:

Sitting here in my mansion watching some Trevor Noah on the tv getting my back massaged by some Thai ladyboys..living it large I am bitches. Release the hounds if any riff raff approach the door  Jeeves  :abbath:

Can't we all just get along...?

Ok lads I have a shining example of how shit this has all gone. I was watching a few videos of the Psychic Graveyard album and lo and fucking behold here comes the next video and it's the latest on lads hopping off the white house and it's fucking live. Why not give me a video of more music as usual? We are being forced into all of this by the media and it's disgraceful how obvious it all is. There is some fucked up shit at play in all of this and I can't quite put my finger on what the purpose of it all is but it is all like a giant experiment in control by who the fuck I don't know but I smell a rat with the coverage.

Anyone else feel like they are being coerced? I live in Ireland and I want to watch videos of weird industrial noise rock and yet the next video by a site which is usually so clever at giving me what I want is autoplaying me some shit involving U.S. riots. This plays right back into the original idea of this thread. So much of this shit is social media driven and the reason I don't know who the commentators on it are is because I don't want to know. This is the first time my next autoplayed video has been a live one of any description and fuck it we are all being done here. I have had a similar feeling with the covid shit, not that it isn't real but that we are all being played like a fiddle and here we go again. Wait and see. I won't start into this again because I haven't figured out the purpose of it all and maybe I never will but we are all buying right into it in some way to a lesser or greater extent. The fact that this is the most active thread by far is a fine example of how it is working and I am not saying that I am any less ripe for the taking than anyone else.

And I wouldn't mind that was on pornhub

Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 09:44:59 PM
And I wouldn't mind that was on pornhub

White on black sells and black on white sells! Black on black, not so much.

The only difference between porn and the news is that, thankfully, in the former if it bleeds it doesn't lead  :abbath: :abbath: :abbath: