#270 June 03, 2020, 10:41:54 PM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 03:11:15 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 03, 2020, 10:33:24 PM
Quote from: ochoill on June 03, 2020, 10:15:50 PM
Not that I mind - I'm interested in it and honestly hope that, regardless of how we're picking it apart the current situation here in this thread, this is the start to the end of the level of racism and class divide that's absolutely intrinsic to how the US was formed and operates, amongst other things.

Sure it's already over; it's been an illusion for an indeterminate amount of time  :abbath: Super-rich whites in countries their ancestors invaded and subjugated are victim to just as much racism as impoverished blacks in countries their ancestors were dragged to on pain of death by super-rich whites who found themselves without cheap labour having slaughtered all the indigenous people. So that means we're all even now, it's all good. Water under the bridge. Maybe you're not white though, if you were you'd understand  :abbath:

#ALLWIVESMATTER  :abbath: :abbath: :abbath:

I'm black ya cunt ya

Edit: I feel I must clarify that I'm not actually black, I was trying to make a bit of a point about how logic and reason go out the window when colour is brought into the discussion.

I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man

Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 10:39:18 PM
Quote from: ochoill on June 03, 2020, 10:15:50 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 09:58:09 PM
Do ye honestly not see it? The hole on yer one
The amount of it being pushed online?  Well it's pretty much all absolutely anyone is talking about online at the moment so it's no wonder it was recommended to you.  I haven't noticed it on YouTube myself but it's all I see on Twitter and Facebook at least.  Not that I mind - I'm interested in it and honestly hope that, regardless of how we're picking it apart the current situation here in this thread, this is the start to the end of the level of racism and class divide that's absolutely intrinsic to how the US was formed and operates, amongst other things.
How do ye all like your Maskirovka?!

Eehhh from behind? Is this a trick question?

Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 10:40:38 PM
Quote from: ochoill on June 03, 2020, 10:32:47 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 10:29:38 PM
Just to be clear Black Wives Matter is available on pornhub and something called Spankbang also.
I gave you something to do for the evening so  :laugh:

A welcome distraction :laugh:

Betcha a tenner it could have been called White Husbands Matter!

Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 10:42:23 PM
Eehhh from behind? Is this a trick question?

It's always from behind

Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 07:53:37 PM
How do you all think this attack on institutional racism would be playing out if George Floyd had been murdered by a black officer?

Sort of playing devil's advocate but only sort of

"But don't let it be a black and a white one
'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showing out for the white cop"  :abbath:

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 09:18:15 PM
Quote from: Juggz on June 03, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you're just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Am I? Ace, thanks.

I'll give you a few examples, starting with the media. With the exception of the The Wall Street Journal and Fox in the US (controlled by a libertarian) over 90% of news reports related to Donald Trump have been overwhelmingly negative, and I'm talking about widely consumed media such as the BBC, CBS, MSNBC, The Washington Post and countless others. I don't need to point out the zero credibility left to CNN with Don Lemon and Brian Steltner anchoring their show.

Rasmussen reports show that 62% of Americans believe there is leftist bias in the media, single figures for its opposite number.

Opponents of gay marriage (I'm not one of them) and the repeal the 8th movement were treated with absolute contempt, undeniable regardless of your opinion of their views.

Traditional gender roles, the conflation of sex with gender, even expressing oneself to the contrary is not only frowned upon, it can have the police knocking on your door in the UK. Being even mildly conservative is conflated with extremism and bigotry, and I can tell you that from experience.

So if you think I'm 'talking shite' and then leave your comment at that, floating around like the odious fart that it is, fine. Try fighting your corner if you disagree, rather than dismissing an opinion you dislike.

Do you believe that 90% of the stories about Trump are negative because of a leftie bias or is it because he's been guilty of decades of bad shit that has been well documented? (even before he came to power). All the stuff with Ukraine, building a wall to keep out Mexicans, rolling back loads of power from the EPA, pussy grabbing, inciting violence towards protesters, defunding the WHO because of their response to COVID19 (even though it was Trump who first abolished a pandemic task force and then sat on his little hands before anything happened, even then he spoke absolute nonsense for most of it). Links to Jeffery Epstein? The bit where he just tried to buy Greenland? More deflections than Bruce Grobbelaar?

Fuck what 62% of Americans think about the leftist bias, what percentage of them are conservative Christian nutters who believe it's their God given right to own firearms and don't believe in science and that the fucking moon landings are a leftie conspiracy? A public poll of ordinary Americans means absolute jack shit unless you're polling every single one of them.

Opponents of gay rights and Repeal the 8th were correctly treated with contempt because being opponents of them means you are an opponent of what should be basic human/women's rights. Try telling my friend who conceived through rape by a stranger that abortion is a bad thing. And if it's okay in that circumstance (because people's morals are surprisingly malleable when it's themselves or someone close to them in the firing line), why not in others?

Traditional gender rolls are load of bollocks, an anachronism that belongs in the past. I don't have strong opinions about the gender debate because I haven't given it much thought, but I currently sit at "let people live how they want". Where does having a conservative opinion around that get anyone? More to the point, why have a conservative opinion? They're not doing anything to conservatives, why make their lives more difficult? Plus, one of the reasons why I haven't thought of gender issues is I can't get myself into that headspace... I'd imagine conservative commentators are in a similar predicament, so why try to go against these people? 

I fully support the people protesting in America but some of (a lot of the) people over here going on about it just come across as sanctimonious pricks. Seeing a lot of 'if you're not out protesting' or posting on social media about it you're contributing to the oppression of black people which is bollocks imo, I sympathise with the BLM movement but if everyone protested about every injustice that happened 5,000 miles away nothing would get done. If they want to protest/donate/stand in solidarity then go for it, I actively encourage them (though I'd rather they did it from home in the current climate), but don't act so self-righteous for supporting exactly one social issue in your entire life.

Quote from: Ducky on June 03, 2020, 11:36:01 PM
More to the point, why have a conservative opinion? They're not doing anything to conservatives, why make their lives more difficult? Plus, one of the reasons why I haven't thought of gender issues is I can't get myself into that headspace... I'd imagine conservative commentators are in a similar predicament, so why try to go against these people?

'Cos...the bible  :abbath:

Quote from: Ducky on June 03, 2020, 11:36:01 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 09:18:15 PM
Quote from: Juggz on June 03, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you're just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Am I? Ace, thanks.

I'll give you a few examples, starting with the media. With the exception of the The Wall Street Journal and Fox in the US (controlled by a libertarian) over 90% of news reports related to Donald Trump have been overwhelmingly negative, and I'm talking about widely consumed media such as the BBC, CBS, MSNBC, The Washington Post and countless others. I don't need to point out the zero credibility left to CNN with Don Lemon and Brian Steltner anchoring their show.

Rasmussen reports show that 62% of Americans believe there is leftist bias in the media, single figures for its opposite number.

Opponents of gay marriage (I'm not one of them) and the repeal the 8th movement were treated with absolute contempt, undeniable regardless of your opinion of their views.

Traditional gender roles, the conflation of sex with gender, even expressing oneself to the contrary is not only frowned upon, it can have the police knocking on your door in the UK. Being even mildly conservative is conflated with extremism and bigotry, and I can tell you that from experience.

So if you think I'm 'talking shite' and then leave your comment at that, floating around like the odious fart that it is, fine. Try fighting your corner if you disagree, rather than dismissing an opinion you dislike.

Do you believe that 90% of the stories about Trump are negative because of a leftie bias or is it because he's been guilty of decades of bad shit that has been well documented? (even before he came to power). All the stuff with Ukraine, building a wall to keep out Mexicans, rolling back loads of power from the EPA, pussy grabbing, inciting violence towards protesters, defunding the WHO because of their response to COVID19 (even though it was Trump who first abolished a pandemic task force and then sat on his little hands before anything happened, even then he spoke absolute nonsense for most of it). Links to Jeffery Epstein? The bit where he just tried to buy Greenland? More deflections than Bruce Grobbelaar?

Fuck what 62% of Americans think about the leftist bias, what percentage of them are conservative Christian nutters who believe it's their God given right to own firearms and don't believe in science and that the fucking moon landings are a leftie conspiracy? A public poll of ordinary Americans means absolute jack shit unless you're polling every single one of them.

Opponents of gay rights and Repeal the 8th were correctly treated with contempt because being opponents of them means you are an opponent of what should be basic human/women's rights. Try telling my friend who conceived through rape by a stranger that abortion is a bad thing. And if it's okay in that circumstance (because people's morals are surprisingly malleable when it's themselves or someone close to them in the firing line), why not in others?

Traditional gender rolls are load of bollocks, an anachronism that belongs in the past. I don't have strong opinions about the gender debate because I haven't given it much thought, but I currently sit at "let people live how they want". Where does having a conservative opinion around that get anyone? More to the point, why have a conservative opinion? They're not doing anything to conservatives, why make their lives more difficult? Plus, one of the reasons why I haven't thought of gender issues is I can't get myself into that headspace... I'd imagine conservative commentators are in a similar predicament, so why try to go against these people?


And there you have a perfect, angry diatribe showing utter intolerance for any form of conservative opinion.

Ducky you seem a good lad, and I'm not going to have any more beck and forths, I'm sprouting grey hairs here.

But, it seems you are for all kinds of diversity apart from diversity of opinion.

#280 June 04, 2020, 07:41:53 AM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 07:46:04 AM by Emphyrio
There really should be another thread cos this left/right divide always pops up and despite it often going in a fairly antagonistic direction, there's huge scope for proper discussion (argument) .

It's obvious that Kev's views lead him to the proverbial slaughterhouse, but I think that's unfair. And while I disagree with his stance on abortion, he should be able to hold and express these views. It reminds me of the Repeal movement and I remember the vitriol aimed at the more conservative folk, I even remember some friends on FB posting to anyone against repealing to unfriend them. And these are normally rational people.

And with that, I have totally derailed this thread. Oops.

We're even now EoinĂ­n, after I said that prayer for you in August 2018 for your liver not to crumble and fall clean out of yer arse after a certain game of GAA :)

And actually, it must have been a shit prayer cos the next day I got the most severe panic attack from drinking. I only very rarely get mangled ever since and fair chance I need half a Xanax to deal with a hangover. So, I dunno what kinda prayer it was. Maybe take it back!

Quote from: Ducky on June 03, 2020, 11:36:01 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 09:18:15 PM
Quote from: Juggz on June 03, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you're just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Am I? Ace, thanks.

I'll give you a few examples, starting with the media. With the exception of the The Wall Street Journal and Fox in the US (controlled by a libertarian) over 90% of news reports related to Donald Trump have been overwhelmingly negative, and I'm talking about widely consumed media such as the BBC, CBS, MSNBC, The Washington Post and countless others. I don't need to point out the zero credibility left to CNN with Don Lemon and Brian Steltner anchoring their show.

Rasmussen reports show that 62% of Americans believe there is leftist bias in the media, single figures for its opposite number.

Opponents of gay marriage (I'm not one of them) and the repeal the 8th movement were treated with absolute contempt, undeniable regardless of your opinion of their views.

Traditional gender roles, the conflation of sex with gender, even expressing oneself to the contrary is not only frowned upon, it can have the police knocking on your door in the UK. Being even mildly conservative is conflated with extremism and bigotry, and I can tell you that from experience.

So if you think I'm 'talking shite' and then leave your comment at that, floating around like the odious fart that it is, fine. Try fighting your corner if you disagree, rather than dismissing an opinion you dislike.

Do you believe that 90% of the stories about Trump are negative because of a leftie bias or is it because he's been guilty of decades of bad shit that has been well documented? (even before he came to power). All the stuff with Ukraine, building a wall to keep out Mexicans, rolling back loads of power from the EPA, pussy grabbing, inciting violence towards protesters, defunding the WHO because of their response to COVID19 (even though it was Trump who first abolished a pandemic task force and then sat on his little hands before anything happened, even then he spoke absolute nonsense for most of it). Links to Jeffery Epstein? The bit where he just tried to buy Greenland? More deflections than Bruce Grobbelaar?

Fuck what 62% of Americans think about the leftist bias, what percentage of them are conservative Christian nutters who believe it's their God given right to own firearms and don't believe in science and that the fucking moon landings are a leftie conspiracy? A public poll of ordinary Americans means absolute jack shit unless you're polling every single one of them.

Opponents of gay rights and Repeal the 8th were correctly treated with contempt because being opponents of them means you are an opponent of what should be basic human/women's rights. Try telling my friend who conceived through rape by a stranger that abortion is a bad thing. And if it's okay in that circumstance (because people's morals are surprisingly malleable when it's themselves or someone close to them in the firing line), why not in others?

Traditional gender rolls are load of bollocks, an anachronism that belongs in the past. I don't have strong opinions about the gender debate because I haven't given it much thought, but I currently sit at "let people live how they want". Where does having a conservative opinion around that get anyone? More to the point, why have a conservative opinion? They're not doing anything to conservatives, why make their lives more difficult? Plus, one of the reasons why I haven't thought of gender issues is I can't get myself into that headspace... I'd imagine conservative commentators are in a similar predicament, so why try to go against these people?

Sounds like you are one of them lefties.
Can't wait til the meltdown when trump wins the next election. More and more can see the democrat states are burning.  A lot of democrats will be changing sides to trump if they see their cities wrecked. Look at NYC ,the democrats did fuck all to stop the rioters.