Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 04:52:58 PM




Dude, intellectually and morally, that's real scraping the barrel stuff.

First video: "Not one cop came out after Rodney King or George Floyd to say, 'Yup, that's how we do it!'" Chap therefore concludes that there's no problem, because after the fact they recognize this as error. How many cops were kicking lumps into Rodney King? 6 or 7? Four involved in killing George Floyd. What matters, the only thing that matters (does this really have to be said???), is how cops act during the act! Not what they say when the entire globe is condemning something it's too late to change! And then there's some blahblahblah making out like this is a Democrat versus Republican issue. It's not. West speaks on this also.

Second video: If you're interested in an analysis of the stats, you're going to have to go into it and compare both sides and decide for yourself. I wouldn't put any weight to stats a highly biased individual just rolls off in an interview, whether for or against. Look into them if you're interested.

Third video: Holy shit. Well, here we see just how rigorous he is with stats! Let's make a video where we talk about children without fathers, but rather than having stats about that, let's just equate to children born in or out of wedlock! Just born, mind you, no mention of divorce (I'd imagine, given this is the US, that would utterly fuck up his argument). And let's not talk either about the lack of education, the number of fathers incarcerated for misdemeanours... let's not talk about anything! Let's just get our conservative message across that people shouldn't be riding outside of marriage!  :abbath:

Arab Israelis live a hell of a lot better there than in the failed-state-in-waiting next door. More than you think would prefer an Israeli passport than a Palestinian one. Just saying likes...


Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 05:46:39 PM
Arab Israelis live a hell of a lot better there than in the failed-state-in-waiting next door. More than you think would prefer an Israeli passport than a Palestinian one. Just saying likes...



Thanks Kev, that's exactly the kind of analysis I was talking about! Couldn't have caricaturized it better had I tried.

Charicaturuzed what? Life in a failed state?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 03, 2020, 05:46:08 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 04:52:58 PM




Dude, intellectually and morally, that's real scraping the barrel stuff.

First video: "Not one cop came out after Rodney King or George Floyd to say, 'Yup, that's how we do it!'" Chap therefore concludes that there's no problem, because after the fact they recognize this as error. How many cops were kicking lumps into Rodney King? 6 or 7? Four involved in killing George Floyd. What matters, the only thing that matters (does this really have to be said???), is how cops act during the act! Not what they say when the entire globe is condemning something it's too late to change! And then there's some blahblahblah making out like this is a Democrat versus Republican issue. It's not. West speaks on this also.

Second video: If you're interested in an analysis of the stats, you're going to have to go into it and compare both sides and decide for yourself. I wouldn't put any weight to stats a highly biased individual just rolls off in an interview, whether for or against. Look into them if you're interested.

Third video: Holy shit. Well, here we see just how rigorous he is with stats! Let's make a video where we talk about children without fathers, but rather than having stats about that, let's just equate to children born in or out of wedlock! Just born, mind you, no mention of divorce (I'd imagine, given this is the US, that would utterly fuck up his argument). And let's not talk either about the lack of education, the number of fathers incarcerated for misdemeanours... let's not talk about anything! Let's just get our conservative message across that people shouldn't be riding outside of marriage!  :abbath:

I've listened to West plenty of times and when he's not drivelling on and gets to the point, his basic assumption is that America is fucked, capitalism is to blame for it and they'd be much better off with some sort of Socialist system. Very anti system, hugely hyperbolic, any black man or woman who is in a position of power has been corrupted. And who has all the answers? He does, of course. The fucking arrogance him. No questioning, quite simply the murder of George couldn't be anything but racially motivated, sure what else could it be? So he's judge, jury and executioner. We all have to stand around and agree that it's all fucked and there's no way around it. So what's the solution then?

Have a listen to this:


Not one solution offered. Everything is fucked, we might aswell give up. What a message to be sending out there.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 05:57:00 PM
Charicaturuzed what? Life in a failed state?

Firstly, this is who you're quoting, a Zionist think tank:

The article you linked to doesn't contain a link to the poll it's quoting (standard practice in highly biased media), and I can't find it on the website of the polling group, but feel free to peruse:

You really need to balance out your biases a bit: I recognize that The Guardian and CNN are often rag-like because of their bias, but passing off a link from actual Zionists because it supports, what? Just a general conservative narrative you want to identify with? To what end? I don't get it, and it's very easy to avoid.

I lean left, hard-left, but I wrote stuff supporting that MAGA hat wearing kid who got stuck eye-to-eye with the weird Native American, I've written stuff defending Jordan Peterson against misrepresentations, even though I personally think he's a charlatan. Like, you don't need to buy into an entire narrative just because the choice of media lumps it all together. Put your own narrative together, no matter what kind of hodge podge it appears to the common eye!

Historically justified or not, a certain percentage of the BLM crowd are as racist as the institutions they seek to change.

It is to be expected from a race that has been subjugated as they have but that is going to be an obstacle to moving forward in much the same way as the racism from the other side.

Sure just look at how racist the Irish are to the British, even if it is in a seemingly casual way. The famine was 150 years ago, independence came 100 years ago and yet rebel songs are heard in every town every weekend. It is ingrained in the psyche of the average Irishman to never forget about it. How difficult is it going to be to erase that from the American mindset even if the current protests do manage to bring about change?

You've hit the nail on the head of where I'm coming from with this. Taking all emotions out of it, you look at the US in 1950 and you look at the US in 2020 and legally there is no difference between someone black and someone white. A black person can become the president of the US tomorrow. So there is equlaity for every human under the law.

Then we have something far more abstract such as biases and feelings, which even so, should be absorbed by the legal system. That was not the case in the past. If the murder of George Floyd is racially motivated, then the full rigour of the law will come to bear on him. Now, if that does not happen, there is obvious corruption within the system, but that should be rooted out. A lot of what is happening at the moment with riots etc is based on feeling and suspiscions, on prejudices and expectations. In the same way I 'think' an English person thinks I'm a thick Paddy cunt, that is my feeling, yet if he says it or acts on it or discriminates against me for it that is illegal.

So yes, America needs to heal psychologically and spiritually and build bridges and try to come together, because the framework actually does exist for it to happen. The problem is that there a constant digging up of these old hatreds and fears and they're definitely being stoked up to swrvice other agendas. I would say that Trump is a major target, as is the capitalist system(never said it's perfect, much happier in Europe), but the idea that everything is fucked, we should burn it all down(which I've heard countless times this week) I simply don't see as a viable solution when further education, bridge building, healing of communities, revision of policing, of drug policies etc etc would reveal far better results. Morally, looting,  killing, beating, destroying is wrong. There should be no concession on those things.

All good points.

I went looking for the Pew research that Coleman Hughes (an author for Quillette, not known for its racial niceties) is quoting from in that video, and found it: https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/04/2015-04-09_black-immigrants_FINAL.pdf

He's drawing his conclusions from somewhere else though, perhaps just his own interpretation.

However, while looking for that, I stumbled upon this, which is (even independently of whether it's true or not) the kind of idea that disenfranchises young black men en masse, and which if true, goes beyond a feeling:

#235 June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 07:30:19 PM by Caomhaoin
The left is now the mainstream, so being conservative about almost anything is counter-culture these days, I get the evil eye and the crooked mouth all the time for my views, none of which are extreme. I'm an agnostic, with no religious identity yet I think abortion is murder. I used to go out with a bird who looked at me like I'd done that Paddy Kennedy story about gathering all those tools and paraphernalia on a building site and took a shit on it when I expressed that view. I'm capable of drawing my own conclusions on all sorts of things, see.

Israel is like the loyalists  up the road. Very easy to demonise , and do themselves no favours with their extreme over reaction to puny, piss ant attempts at hurting them from screeching jihadis with homemade rockets. Delve a little deeper, and you'll see they have a deeply ingrained siege mentality which has left them with an itchy trigger finger. I can't say I blame them. But as I mentioned, they do themselves no favours.

How do you all think this attack on institutional racism would be playing out if George Floyd had been murdered by a black officer?

Sort of playing devil's advocate but only sort of

Or if there was more coverage of the systematic murder, rape and future dispossession of white farmers in South Africa?

Some of you may not trust Lauren Southern, but her documentary about it on YouTube is worth a watch.

Indeed. The South African blacks have a right to be aggrieved with how they were treated but now they have become alike to the very enemy they wished to extinguish.

This is a lot of the problem. It's like getting a few slaps off a lad and then being given the chance to flog him back. Very difficult to take the decent road out and be the bigger chap and move on.