Speaking of big tech, within the metal sphere I noticed on my FB feed that Prosthetic Records and Possessed (maybe others) participated in the #BlackOutTuesday thing, much to the amusing and predictable chagrin of some of their followers. I've never been one for any of those profile pic trends, but they sure do seem to do one thing very effectively: send a certain kind of person into an almighty pissy rage!

Yup, seen it in on a lot of profiles on insta.
They have to let everyone know that they have "UNFOLLOWED" the person.

social media is so dated, I'd be very surprised if it's how we do business in any way within 3 years. There's some small signs that forums, email chains, handwritten letters, home phones, magazines etc will come back from extinction. if someone puts a black square on their home phone, you won't know, and it'd be pointless.


That is indeed a funny and ridiculous image!

Quote from: boozegeune on May 30, 2020, 10:35:14 AM
Was it only yesterday or the day before that he said 'when the looting starts, the shooting starts', which is an almost direct lift from the segregation era, I would consider this and many other things he's said as fairly far right.

But I agree that his is an unusual case, wasnt he like a lifelong Democrat until around 2015/6?
This was post #15 of this thread. I knew it was going to turn into a right shitshow after this...  :laugh:
We wasn't disappointed...  :laugh: :laugh:

#215 June 03, 2020, 11:33:46 AM Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 12:22:48 PM by The Butcher
Just had to shake the head at the aul sheep virtue signalling on social media the past day or so. Now half of them deleting their black image after realising it's blocking out information that's being spread in the US via hashtags etc. I can understand people genuinely wanting to help but most don't bother to actually figure things out and just do the one-two click and done - slacktivism complete.

Have to say...it's frustrating to see a blatant disregard for a pandemic, a crammed rally like that can and probably will put vulnerable people at more risk now in the coming weeks. Perhaps instead of traveling to the rally, use that money instead towards donations to the causes they support then that would have been way more helpful at a unique time like this. Tightrope discussion on that front. Anyway, what a fucking mess, we have our issues here but the system in the US sucks. Forever spirals into the poverty trap against the backdrop of police brutality/systematic racism.

On the big tech aspect, the 2008 crash should have taught us that the big institutions were not let fail, were not broken up, bailouts galore, central banks printed money and even today still swirl it around. Earlier in the thread someone said if people only get their information from social media then they are an idiot. Unfortunately half the population are idiots and we have to contend with that.

Facebook purchased competitors Instagram and WhatsApp - is there a tipping point of annual profit where we can say "Company X is now too big, you can no longer legally perform mergers." Is this where regulators step in? What is clear to me is that we need to reverse many of these previous big tech mergers. Do we go further and regionalise these social media companies? Facebook Ireland, Facebook UK etc. Further enhancements of GDRP might be required (and a version of it to be implemented in the US).

Ideally we've have a tech solution for our digital identities, sharing out our personal data (the end goal should be that these companies never hold it but we can enable/sever the link) and perhaps a blockchain type solution when it comes to building trust in informational data sources. I don't think we are anywhere near this being explored and more likely to go the GDRP/break up the mergers route. Trump increasing liability on these platforms is not well thought out and I'm unsure of the consequences (his executive order will probably die in the courts before bad actors will find a way of working it to their advantage).

A bit out of the ordinary to find a link to support my view but happened upon this.


A powerful, impassioned speech. And probably more real than Trevor Noah. Pity I didn't find this yesterday and avoided a bleedin debate. Sher look.

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 03, 2020, 03:31:15 PM
A bit out of the ordinary to find a link to support my view but happened upon this.


A powerful, impassioned speech. And probably more real than Trevor Noah. Pity I didn't find this yesterday and avoided a bleedin debate. Sher look.

Don't diss Trevor Noah on here or you will be labelled right-wing.

Yes I agree the speech in the video is straight from the heart.

😂 I'm only going to be a casual observer from here on.

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 03, 2020, 03:31:15 PM
A bit out of the ordinary to find a link to support my view but happened upon this.


A powerful, impassioned speech. And probably more real than Trevor Noah. Pity I didn't find this yesterday and avoided a bleedin debate. Sher look.

But did you not have fun yesterday?  :abbath:

It should be pretty clear by all the reasoning given yesterday I wouldn't have any time for privileged white lads basically just out to have shits and giggles breaking shit up, then going home to tell everyone on social media they've been contributing to the protest so they can get extra likes and kudos on top. Trevor Noah and Cornel West weren't talking about spas like that either. The opposite in fact: they're people for whom the social contract essentially always works. Hopefully they felt incredibly stupid about themselves after that scolding, but if they did I doubt it'll last more than a day or two.

Whew, glad that's been sorted out then

There is of course a whole other side to the discussion that is not allowed into the mainstream because it's clogged up with comedians who have barely lived in the country a wet week who seem to think they have it all figured out.

So some investigation begins to reveal other voices in the black community who have very different views on institutional racism. I won't even try summarise because there's enough anecdote and hyperbole in the world at the moment. Of course this man is conservative so he'll immediately be classed some sort of untouchable, but maybe worth a listen. Maybe, just maybe there's more than just a race issue being sold to us here. Who stands to gain from keeping the narrative going that the system is inherently racist, corrupt and malevolent? Is America still as racist as it was back in the 50's or 60's? Is Ireland the same as it was 60 years ago? Are the sins of the father the sins of the son? I'm not saying I'm 100% either way, but when the mob goes one way without being questioned, that's when we need to start asking questions. Candace Owens another black lady brought up in the hood and while I find her views on certain topics somewhat outdated, her breakdown of the issues in the black community are extremely interesting and fly in the face of the mainstream.narritive.




If you watch the full Cornel West video (whose statements aren't so easy to sidestep away from with anecdotal details), you'll see he has quite a lot to see about "black faces in high places." As did Malcolm X (the famous "house negro" speech, which is a cultural must know if you've never seen it). Similarly, if you ask any pro-Israel person about the situation there, they'll be all too quick to point out that there are Arabs in the Knesset, Muslim faces in high places. I'm going out on a limb here by presuming you think that there is, however, an issue in Israel...

Who's talking about Israel? I certainly amn't and I wouldn't suppose that a solution to Israel could be trnsposed onto Northern Ireland or the US or South Africa. That's the way people like Trevor Noah think, all generalities and no hard facfs.

I would also add that I never said there isn't AN issue. You seem to have your mind made up that there's one way to look at all of this and that myself and any others exploring another view are of a certain mindset. The old house negro speech is always used to thrash any black person who steps out of line..maybe, just maybe Malcolm X didn't have all the answers and maybe things have changed hugely since his day. X died in 1965, we're in 2020 now.

Anyway, more to think about:
