Black on black doesn't sell? Jesus speak for yourself ye racist!

I don't see race, only categories.

I was watching a vid earlier and fuck me I'd swear it was Cornel West giving it to some young white cheerleader. Put me off my flow completely  :abbath:

#259 June 03, 2020, 09:52:46 PM Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 09:56:32 PM by Juggz
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 09:18:15 PM
Quote from: Juggz on June 03, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you’re just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Am I? Ace, thanks.

I’ll give you a few examples, starting with the media. With the exception of the The Wall Street Journal and Fox in the US (controlled by a libertarian) over 90% of news reports related to Donald Trump have been overwhelmingly negative, and I’m talking about widely consumed media such as the BBC, CBS, MSNBC, The Washington Post and countless others. I don’t need to point out the zero credibility left to CNN with Don Lemon and Brian Steltner anchoring their show.

Rasmussen reports show that 62% of Americans believe there is leftist bias in the media, single figures for its opposite number.

Opponents of gay marriage (I’m not one of them) and the repeal the 8th movement were treated with absolute contempt, undeniable regardless of your opinion of their views.

Traditional gender roles, the conflation of sex with gender, even expressing oneself to the contrary is not only frowned upon, it can have the police knocking on your door in the UK. Being even mildly conservative is conflated with extremism and bigotry, and I can tell you that from experience.

So if you think I’m ‘talking shite’ and then leave your comment at that, floating around like the odious fart that it is, fine. Try fighting your corner if you disagree, rather than dismissing an opinion you dislike.
Both the US and the UK, which you have used for your examples, are run by right wing conservative governments, voted for by the people of those countries. Please explain how this makes the minority mainstream, cos I don't get it, fella. You're mixing liberalism with left-wing political views and those things are not intrinsically linked. Whatever shite-bubble you're getting your information from behind this right-winger as minority victim complex is just that, shite.

Do ye honestly not see it? The hole on yer one

#262 June 03, 2020, 10:05:51 PM Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 10:50:02 PM by Caomhaoin
Classic liberalism has nothing to do with left wing politics, so I think it's you who is confused.

The progressive movement, what I believe you mean to say, has a stranglehold on American academia, the movies you watch, the 'news' that is consumed. If you dare to express conservative opinions on social media about transgenderism being a psychological disorder, abortion being wrong, whatever the case may be, you'll be slaughtered for it, or booted. If you have a YouTube channel, you'll be demonitized.

For the record, I'm a right winger and I rarely use social media, therefore I don't have a 'victim complex' as you put it. Nevertheless I'm capable of seeing what's in front of me. A speaker like Ben Shapiro or Gavin McInnes turns up to speak at a college campus, they place gets set on fire. Find me an example of a left wing speaker being 'cancelled' on an American campus by Proud Boys or any protestors from the right and I'll send you a pack of beer from any brewer you want (within reason).

Which takes more balls, wearing a Che Guevara shirts or one of those oh-so-trendy CCCP Tops, or a MAGA hat?

Precisely, because one is mainstream, hip, class. The other is shadowy, other, counter-culture. It might seem like a base argument, but it's essentially what it boils down to. The paraphernalia, bells and whistles of social justice warriorism, progressives, however you label it is completely mainstream. The same cannot be said of conservative views. Look at the total lack of response to the BLM protest in London, despite the Covid social distancing rules. I'm speculating of course, but what do you think would happen if it were Tommy Robinson and pals protesting Muslim grooming gangs? A different story altogether, I'd wager.

If you believe that  Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are wind vanes for popular culture, well, I don't know what to tell you, fella.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 09:58:09 PM
Do ye honestly not see it? The hole on yer one

I saw it, from my casual observer's chair.  8)

Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 09:58:09 PM
Do ye honestly not see it? The hole on yer one
The amount of it being pushed online?  Well it's pretty much all absolutely anyone is talking about online at the moment so it's no wonder it was recommended to you.  I haven't noticed it on YouTube myself but it's all I see on Twitter and Facebook at least.  Not that I mind - I'm interested in it and honestly hope that, regardless of how we're picking it apart the current situation here in this thread, this is the start to the end of the level of racism and class divide that's absolutely intrinsic to how the US was formed and operates, amongst other things.

Just to be clear Black Wives Matter is available on pornhub and something called Spankbang also.

Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 10:29:38 PM
Just to be clear Black Wives Matter is available on pornhub and something called Spankbang also.
I gave you something to do for the evening so  :laugh:

Quote from: ochoill on June 03, 2020, 10:15:50 PM
Not that I mind - I'm interested in it and honestly hope that, regardless of how we're picking it apart the current situation here in this thread, this is the start to the end of the level of racism and class divide that's absolutely intrinsic to how the US was formed and operates, amongst other things.

Sure it's already over; it's been an illusion for an indeterminate amount of time  :abbath: Super-rich whites in countries their ancestors invaded and subjugated are victim to just as much racism as impoverished blacks in countries their ancestors were dragged to on pain of death by super-rich whites who found themselves without cheap labour having slaughtered all the indigenous people. So that means we're all even now, it's all good. Water under the bridge. Maybe you're not white though, if you were you'd understand  :abbath:

#ALLWIVESMATTER  :abbath: :abbath: :abbath:

Quote from: ochoill on June 03, 2020, 10:15:50 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 09:58:09 PM
Do ye honestly not see it? The hole on yer one
The amount of it being pushed online?  Well it's pretty much all absolutely anyone is talking about online at the moment so it's no wonder it was recommended to you.  I haven't noticed it on YouTube myself but it's all I see on Twitter and Facebook at least.  Not that I mind - I'm interested in it and honestly hope that, regardless of how we're picking it apart the current situation here in this thread, this is the start to the end of the level of racism and class divide that's absolutely intrinsic to how the US was formed and operates, amongst other things.

I know it's all any cunt is talking about online, but why force me in that direction when all I wanted was a bit of experimental noise rock? The whole reason it is all that is being talked about online is precisely because of shit like this and it's a load of balls in that way.

"Russia Finally Wins Cold War" says no-one.

How do ye all like your Maskirovka?!

Quote from: ochoill on June 03, 2020, 10:32:47 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 03, 2020, 10:29:38 PM
Just to be clear Black Wives Matter is available on pornhub and something called Spankbang also.
I gave you something to do for the evening so  :laugh:

A welcome distraction :laugh: