I'm the same with The Exorcist. Finally seeing a banned film I'd heard so much about, when the slasher-esque special effects kicked in I just couldn't take it seriously. I was expecting something more like The Omen but nastier. Must watch it again though, for the film it is rather than the cultural taboo it was.

I'm still undecided about the additions in the director's cut. The spiderwalk scene is just silly, though given that every possession/exorcism film since has a version of it (usually either an impossible contortion or someone scuttling along the ceiling), you can't deny its influence. Pazuzu's face popping up in the shadows startled me alright on first viewing. Doesn't make much sense narratively but the one in the kitchen was unsettling.

Well, either way, just watched Sorcerer. Lethal. Haven't been that anxious at a film in years.

Ive never seen Sorcerer!,i'll have to get on it!

Always loved The Exorcist but reading the book a year or two ago and watching it again heightened the experience.

"Sorcerer" - and Clouzot's "Wages Of Fear" are both outstanding. Superb pissing rain of a Saturday/Sunday afternoon viewing.

I really like Friedkin's "Blue Chips" too. Really underrated.

Robbie Robertson. 80 years old and a fine legacy left behind him.

Absolutely a fine legacy.

Rodriguez aka Sugarman also, 81 years old, and another fine legacy, albeit by the skin of its teeth!

Michael Parkinson, 88.

The end times are truly upon us.

For wrestling fans, Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt have died.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on August 25, 2023, 02:52:42 AMFor wrestling fans, Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt have died.

Morgan you're out of here..RIP

Stopped watching wrestling over 20 years ago but always liked the Terry Funk hardcore matches from what I read he was still wrestling up until a few years ago. Never heard of the other fella but looked him up and he was IRS's son.

Bernie Marsden has passed away his family just announced on twitter.. gentleman and a great player

Shit... Love early Whitesnake.
Wrote and played some absolute bangers.