I was under prof. wedgie on MI, but time for a change because it was a stupid, shit name.

I'll just echo what everyone else has been saying in hoping this place takes off. I find facebook/twitter is useless for any sort of gig or band discussion so had been missing MI for that. I was introduced to so many new bands through the site, so seeing all the old users moving here hopefully that'll continue!

Another MI import (scifo). Had found it a bit stale (read childish) the last year or so but would still regularly check for gig info. new releases/bands etc. This looks like a worthy successor so best of luck

Long time MI lurker, good to see an alternative pop up, gig discussions are invaluable

@ Hambeast - is there a way to add shows to the 'gig listing' section or is it only admins allowed to do that? Sorry, I might be blind.

Here from MI. Even though I had a chance for a new username I decided to stick with that stupid one. I wondered where all ye hoors were posting.

Great to be able to keep track of gigs and new releases.

Fair play Hambeast.

Thanks for setting the new site up. As mentioned above, a site like this is invaluable for gig\album info.
I was mostly lurking on MI  over the past few years like a lot of people it seems.  I guess I should have posted more to let them know I was actually using it.
Best of luck.

Long time lurker / poster from mi.  Best of luck with the new site. Glad to have it.

Hello. I don't contribute. Just lurk.

Fuck that. Lurking is what killed the last one. Contribute.  :D

I'd agree with Juggz. You will get more value out of a forum by interacting with it. If the threads aren't to your taste then start one of your own.

Exactly. It was sad to see so many people make comments in the last couple of weeks about how they visited MI but never posted. The strength of any forum is in the level and quality of participation. Get involved and get the most out this. Have your say, that's what it's all about.