Thought I'd sign up here too as I have come full circle with abhorring social media and yearning for the glory days of the old forums, and have been lurking here for a while now.
I was previously megadeth_freak on MI (and couldn't pass up the opportunity to register on a forum with a less cringy name :laugh:) so recognise a few of the older heads here too.
Live in Sydney now but still keep an eye on things on here for when I'm back home/good recommendations.  8) 

Hey Darren, how's it going dude. I was only talking about you to Annik the other day and wondering if you're still out this direction. We've been in Melbourne for three and a half years at this stage. I hope Sydney is keeping you on your best behaviour  8)

Yep I remember megadeth_freak ,welcome back man
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Hi folks, been browsing here on and off so decided to sign up once and for all!