Posting entirely posthumously for the craic here, as this project is dead and gone. TENEBRIST rehearsal recording from last year that I dug out while talking to Cunningham this morning

Death metal thing that was inspired by early Darkthrone/At The Gates/Demilich etc
This was myself, Donal Fullam (Molekh/Sodb), Karl Leavey, and Camille from Dreams of the Drowned/Stagnant Waters. We chipped away at it for about 2 and a half years on and off between various other projects and finally decided to let it go earlier this year as it was just hassle for everyone involved. only actually finished two songs in that whole period and had two more in various states of completion. Rough as fuck instrumental practice room recording, and there's another song at that link that sloppy as fuck. Really just posting for the craic as I say, figured some here might find it interesting as a historical thing , and I just really like that song i posted here.

Pity you couldn't develop ita bit more. Definitely sounds like it had some potential.

#347 August 06, 2023, 01:54:33 PM Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 01:56:07 PM by Pentagrimes
Develop it more? We had 2 finished songs in almost 3 years because of our "developing" tactics, it had become an absolute pain in the arse to be honest, as I'm sure the lads would agree. Nice to have some form of document though, and given "goatlord" era Darkthrone was a big influence I actually quote like the fact it exists in practice room quality only  :laugh:

Yeah, there were some really good ideas knocking around in that project. A finished recording would have been cool, but sure...

Ah I doubt it would have lasted long beyond a demo or two anyway,I don't think I really had any desire to be in a fully functional gigging metal band again anyway, and the lads are all busy

#350 September 23, 2023, 04:44:04 PM Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 05:59:38 PM by Pentagrimes
..actually Cam  who was our other guitarist has a new project called UNBINARIZE whose ep just came out. For fans of Gorguts, Fucker era MA, Unyielding Love, Ulcerate, seven string guitars,etc. The drummer,weirdly enough, is in that band ATRAMENTUM who put something out on Invictus recently enough.


The new Gravefields album is getting a fair bit of playing time lately.
Ripping death metal...

Hello. My name is Dominique. I am part of a new start-up record label called Cyanide Death Cult Records. We are aiming to specialise in signing and promoting avant-guarde black/death metal & industrial music. We are currently looking for fresh talent in these genres globally. We have heard that Ireland has a thriving underground metal scene with some bands that might fit the above criteria. If any of you have any recommendations for prominent, unsigned bands in these genres that would be great. We are looking for bands that are similar to Forgotten Tomb, Necrot, Archgoat, Deathspell Omega, Burzum, Gallhammer, Swans, Godflesh etc.

Looks like the Irish Times is getting desperate for today's quiz... 
 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Ah get ta feck!!  :laugh:  You'll be refereneced on Mastermind yet!

C'mon, which one of yis works at the Irish Times?  :laugh:  :abbath:

Has Andy spotted it yet?
Must be still in bed!   :laugh:

The other 3 would make good grind names! ;D