Atmospheric Black Metal is one of my pet peeves. The term is ridiculous and the music is usually shite.

Quote from: ochoill on January 09, 2024, 02:19:02 PMIn a newish band that fits the thread - Ordinator.  Finishing up a three song Demo recording this month so I'll fire up a proper thread then but in the meantime here's a video of a song when we supported Wolfbastard and Tooms a little while ago.  A song that won't be on the Demo, but will be on the next release (the next release is also about half written):

Pity I couldn't get out of the ice skating for the gig. I'd have hopped around to that, drinking milk and annoying lads. Ye might get on with finishing up the demo one of the days.

Hopefully it's not too atmospheric  :laugh:

Quote from: open face surgery on January 10, 2024, 10:15:11 PMNice one. That sounds cool.
Cheers for giving it a spin, looking forward to getting this stuff a bit more active now this year.

Quote from: astfgyl on January 11, 2024, 11:26:13 AMPity I couldn't get out of the ice skating for the gig. I'd have hopped around to that, drinking milk and annoying lads. Ye might get on with finishing up the demo one of the days.

Hopefully it's not too atmospheric  :laugh:
Lol no we made sure there is actual riffs in this, Scott gives out to me if I go too senseless.  We'll be on live again soon anyway just waiting for the gig to be announced.

Here's a bonus from the recording days of Sacrilegia's EP, a cover for ABSU's "Swords and Leather", due to feature in a tribute that we know fuck all about at this stage. Link below:

Not an official release but I'd rather not see it go to waste. Much rawer than the EP as we were rushed to hand the track in, ironically.

Quote from: open face surgery on January 11, 2024, 11:24:32 AMAtmospheric Black Metal is one of my pet peeves. The term is ridiculous and the music is usually shite.

I'd normally use that to describe album like In The Nightside Eclipse, Metal Noir Québécois and To Embrace The Corpses Bleeding. Although I was talking to one of the lads recently who said my definition is not usually what is meant these days.

One of the initial points of BM was atmosphere  so it's a silly term in the way that "fast grindcore" or "heavy doom" might be. But this is better hashed out in  another thread perhaps.

I think that's true to a point but in 2024 atmospheric black metal as a tag actually denotes something. I would associate it with post black metal with big open chord riffs, pleasant melodies and, often, a focus on nature themes but without the folk element attached that might associate it with more 'problematic' pagan black metal bands. Nice guy black metal? It can  be really good but it often lacks the edge or threat of more aggressive folk influenced black metal.

#384 February 02, 2024, 03:01:27 PM Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 03:31:01 PM by jobrok1

Iarmhairt is an atmospheric black metal band from Ireland, featuring members of Sacred Noose and Unyielding Love, focusing on immersive, yet tumultuous atmospheres in their debut demo tape. Influenced by similarly conscious acts such as Altar of Plagues and Panopticon, Iarmhairt journeys through a series of desolate, yet revitalised landscapes of a world slowly reclaimed by nature post humanity's self-destruction. Iarmhairt delves into a realm where verdant growth expropriates forgotten cities as life becomes abundant once again. 'Demo MMXXIII' will be available through Fiadh for US listeners and through the band directly for everywhere else. 

Insidious Void from Belfast are one of the best local bands I've seen lately - super dense and heavy death metal, really worth checking out.

Surely a void can't be insidious!?!

As insidious as the void between your posts, Donal. 
:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Seriously though!
Good band alright.

Quote from: open face surgery on February 07, 2024, 07:26:49 PMSurely a void can't be insidious!?!

Anything can be insidious if you're brave enough Matt!