They just wanted to keep going. Back In Black being released so soon after his death is the reason for all the rumours about him having written lyrics for it which the rest of the band still claim to this day that he didn't.

Quotesnake's breath

The band's name is Irish for snake's breath (anál nathrach) and was taken from Merlin's Charm of Making in John Boorman's 1981 film Excalibur.

Right, I've been pronouncing it wrong for over 20 years then. Very hit and miss band anyway. The vocals are the main reason for that. Anyway, came across that bit randomly so going to listen to an album and see

Glen Benton is the Dave Mustaine of death metal

Quote from: Necro Red on May 19, 2024, 12:43:10 PMGlen Benton is the Dave Mustaine of death metal

How so? Is it the also-ran status or is it that he is way too talented to be standing over such mediocre output?

Both would apply

Quote from: Necro Red on May 19, 2024, 12:43:10 PMGlen Benton is the Dave Mustaine of death metal

Glen's a Satanist and Dave is a Jesus freak. Do you mean Glen Benton is the inverted Dave Mustaine?

In terms of his big gob and the slurry that oozes out  :laugh:

When reading old metal magazines from to 80's and 90's its kinda sobering to see how things panned out for certain bands. All piss and vinegar with paragraphs (and if lucky a full article) like "Upcoming rockers <enter band name here> release their debut EP/Album <enter EP/album name here> on <enter date here> followed by UK tour <enter tour dates here>, for them only to never make it big or self imploded a few years later...

At least it was the time before things dropped. Fucking loathe that term.

That's up there with the 'official video' thing.

I hate the term dropped and the term "shifted 6,000 units" as sales numbers for albums....

Shifted 6000 units is what happens when goth stud hits packed Fibbers.

Agree on the 'dropped' thing, more of a modern youtube generation thing but records being called 'projects' is another one.

A weird one from the 2000's was publications just calling albums cd's, 'Metallica will release their new cd next year' etc.

22 years since Ozzlessfest in Punchestown, can't remember why it was he didn't turn up

What a messy day that was  :laugh:

I saw earlier that De Mysterious Dom Sathanas was released thirty years ago today.

Quote from: Trev on May 26, 2024, 11:05:37 AM22 years since Ozzlessfest in Punchestown, can't remember why it was he didn't turn up
If I had known how bad it was going to be I wouldn't have shown up either.