No. The government and everyone who supports them has this coming for years.

My young lad just came down to me and showed me what his friends are saying in the chat groups.

The anger that people have had nothing to do with today. People are almost ready to fuck shit up on every level because the final straw has been pulled.

Anyone in doubt should go through the threads here back around a year and see the warnings and wonder why they were never heeded because the average Joe finally had an excuse.

It's not today, today was just the culmination of everything since 2008. It will end in police state shit is my guess but it has been coming

Quote from: 91/30 on November 23, 2023, 10:36:45 PMOnly the trotskyists and greta thunberg types will heed that.  They have enough legislation on the books to protect the state since 1939.  Won't matter a fuck.  They've swamped the country with scum and now they're going to reap the rewards

Off the top of my head I genuinely don't know anyone personally that is pro the current open border policy. I am talking about economic migrants not immigrants because these groups of people are not the same even though so many seem to think that they are.

You have the few that don't really think about what is going on but the majority of people I know are extremely pissed off about what is going on and have been for a long time yet only a handful of them will go out protest due to the constant far right labelling from the media and Government of anyone who goes against the narrative. If they bring in the anti-protest legislation along with the hate speech laws those numbers that currently protest will decrease drastically.

This stuff today will definitely help bring in all of those things.


Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 11:18:06 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."

Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:

And why wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right? 

So in that link, Robert Rodriguez is giving out about all those foreign bastards??  :laugh:  :laugh: You couldn't make it up with that crowd.

Drew Harris softly softly approach with the far right for too long is seriously back firing on the thin blue line today. They've been emboldened to do as they like - well done Drew you complete langer.

Tying this back to Covid? Amazing that shower are all wearing masks so often and have no difficulty breathing now, and talking about scare mongering back then and that's all they do since - they're all coming here to rape your wife, daughter, dog etc. Give me strength...

Seeing that shower also approaching a fire service car with a keg to hurl into it? Stay classy ye great protectors of Ireland  >:(

Here's to some serious fucking payback beatings of the scum involved when they're eventually dragged in  :abbath: 

Quote from: Snare on November 23, 2023, 11:51:38 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 11:18:06 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."

Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:

And why wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right? 

So in that link, Robert Rodriguez is giving out about all those foreign bastards??  :laugh:  :laugh: You couldn't make it up with that crowd.

Drew Harris softly softly approach with the far right for too long is seriously back firing on the thin blue line today. They've been emboldened to do as they like - well done Drew you complete langer.

Tying this back to Covid? Amazing that shower are all wearing masks so often and have no difficulty breathing now, and talking about scare mongering back then and that's all they do since - they're all coming here to rape your wife, daughter, dog etc. Give me strength...

Seeing that shower also approaching a fire service car with a keg to hurl into it? Stay classy ye great protectors of Ireland  >:(

Here's to some serious fucking payback beatings of the scum involved when they're eventually dragged in  :abbath:

I don't think you realise what is happening at ground level

"Drew Harris softly softly approach with the far right for too long is seriously back firing on the thin blue line today. They've been emboldened to do as they like - well done Drew you complete langer."

That is one of the weakest things I've ever read on here and I've had years of the duelling under my belt.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 11:18:06 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 10:02:49 PMHave heard Telegram messages outright calling for foreign blood to be spilt tonight and to "kill all immigrants."

Stumbled upon a tweet version of this so can share:

And why wouldn't the Garda commissioner blame this on the far-right? It'll be a tough night for the gardai on the street, but the Irish far right--too caught up in their mad and dumb conspiracy thinking to ever do anything properly smart, unlike the far right in other countries--have gifted themselves as a scapegoat for this. 

Compare it to what the Chief Supt Patrick McMenamin, who is in charge of policing north inner city Dublin said in his statement -

Which 'conspiracy theories'? 1,100 were dumped into Lisdoonvara, a population of 800. Lots of other examples of very large numbers being dumped among small populations. So it sounds like an attempt to disregard genuine concerns which only adds fuel to the fire for the other side.

Then there is the glaringly obvious make up of the populations being dumped with examples of the results to be seen across Europe from terrorism to the destruction of social cohesion - e.g recent French riots.

Society is too fractured now and it's a bad position for the state and gardai to be in. Hard to bridge the extremes, and the governments position is extremist and they will be doubling down after this.

Oh the government have been fucking us all strong and gaslighting us for the last 3 years

I must be the far right so

Thanks for pointing it out I shall endeavour to change my ways.

This was coming and I hope the place is burnt to the ground over it. I must be the far right.

Help me please.

Regarding the Drew Harris comment, I wonder do you know that even the guards went 90 percent against the cunt when it was put to them? Strangely enough we don't like the peelers dictating to us around here

Which recent French riots? They've been so common here, fairly non-stop since 1789, it's hard to keep up  :laugh: Do you mean the riots after police shot a young lad dead at point blank range during a traffic stop?

I'm sure you've spent enough time perusing far right accounts and outlets to know the kind of conspiracy thinking they wrap material facts up into, the obsession with WEF and related global conspiracies, etc. I know a lot of users of this forum may not agree, but it's a blessing to Ireland that its far right movement seemingly has absolutely zero political acuity. Sure, if SF get in and then fuck things up worse than ever, as some seem certain will occur, then conditions would be set for a shift right. But led by who? Genuine question; maybe there are plausible heads I don't know about.

I don't know yer man McMenamin, but his statement could just be too underline that the rioting had nothing to do with any kind of anger over today's stabbing. But sure, we know that; any concern for the victims I've seen from any of those who were calling on people to gather in town were an after thought. Maybe I'm missing something you saw in the statement though.

#174 November 24, 2023, 12:24:47 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 12:27:30 AM by astfgyl
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 12:23:34 AMWhich recent French riots? They've been so common here, fairly non-stop since 1789, it's hard to keep up  :laugh: Do you mean the riots after police shot a young lad dead at point blank range during a traffic stop?

I'm sure you've spent enough time perusing far right accounts and outlets to know the kind of conspiracy thinking they wrap material facts up into, the obsession with WEF and related global conspiracies, etc. I know a lot of users of this forum may not agree, but it's a blessing to Ireland that its far right movement seemingly has absolutely zero political acuity. Sure, if SF get in and then fuck things up worse than ever, as some seem certain will occur, then conditions would be set for a shift right. But led by who? Genuine question; maybe there are plausible heads I don't know about.

I don't know yer man McMenamin, but his statement could just be too underline that the rioting had nothing to do with any kind of anger over today's stabbing. But sure, we know that; any concern for the victims I've seen from any of those who were calling on people to gather in town were an after thought. Maybe I'm missing something you saw in the statement though.

Is that one for me?

I reckon I'm the only lad here who is actually a member of the world economic forum and I guarantee you that all of the things they are accused of are bullshit but what they actually want is worse than anyone thinks, even the people who quite rightly think that's the way things are going

No, that was in reply to aul Butchy.

Something a bit more heartwarming here, statements from the Brazilian who clobbered the attacker with his helmet:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 12:29:28 AMNo, that was in reply to aul Butchy.

Something a bit more heartwarming here, statements from the Brazilian who clobbered the attacker with his helmet:

There are decent people from everywhere. That's why we need to pay attention.

Re well-known spheres of the Irish far right openly condoning/identifying with the rioters:

A gift!

It also says a lot that The fucking rag that is The Journal decided to run with the story of the immigrant helper rather than the immigrant attacker but anyone with a brain knows that people are people and also that our policy is bullshit.

I honestly don't think the latest thing is the issue at all. It's the carry on in general from our dear leaders and if not this there will be something else next week that does the trick.

It's time for revolution and has been for years until our dear leaders figure out who they actually work for.

Well I'd say getting an interview with the attacker might be a bit tricky right now!  :laugh: