Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 24, 2023, 03:30:20 AMIt's a pity Kev has disappeared from the forum. I honestly think he would have been convinced by the lefty take on all of this.

Anyone know what happened with him? I was only thinking the other day he might come out of the woodwork for some of the latest craic

Quote from: mickO))) on November 24, 2023, 01:00:28 PM
Quote from: The Butcher on November 24, 2023, 12:24:15 PMPlus this is the main focus from government the day after the stabbing of 3 children, let this sink in ->

Just as I predicted yesterday although I didn't expect the stabbing to take a back seat this quickly. All that is being discussed in the media today is the riots and very little mention of the actual attack itself. Riots are the perfect excuse for the Government to take the spotlight off of themsleves and continue to point the finger at those big bad far right boogeymen they have been telling us all about non stop for the last few years.

As usual the reaction to the problem is the problem. Children were knifed. This has been boiling for about two years now. At any one time there are at least two anti IPAS centre protests going on somewhere in the country. These are ignored or slandered as far-right by government and media in tandem. The riots were always going to happen at some point regardless of what the activating event was. It wouldn't be a massive leap to say most of the lads around there have a fairly unhealthy relationship with the Gardai. Pursuing the line they are pursuing the government are ensuring something like this happens again. That said anyone who was destroying property or attacking Gardai deserves a stint in jail to think about what they did.

#197 November 24, 2023, 02:08:58 PM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 02:11:06 PM by stearl
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 11:33:10 AMHe probably is making fuck all alright. He probably also has plenty of experience, likely both direct and through the rest of the Brazilian community in town, with the xenophobe buds who've regularly attacked Deliveroo workers in town and who also tore up the city last night. Anyway, when there's a gofundme set up, people will be throwing money at him, and good. But hopefully someone else throws a decent, secure and stable job his way too. And he can't be made enough of a public hero of; mayor of Dublin, President, get them all in, pull this entire thing away from, yeah, the far right ...

Go fund me has exceeded its goal already:


I'm just hoping the DPP in their wisdom don't decide to press assault charges  :-\

Was just about to post the link too. Yeah, it's shooting up alright.

The cogs eventually got to grinding and heads like Pepper and O'Keeffe have deleted posts from yesterday where they were calling on their followers to meet at the Spire last night.

I've sort of realised in the past few years that far-right sentiments have become far too normalised, there's way too many people who under the guise of wanting to have a 'balanced' discussion will all too happily align themselves with or defend the most extreme right wing fanatics.

It seems we've gone in a bit of a radical shift, 5 years ago everything was hyper, super politically correct, and in the last 2 years or so that has changed to people casually expressing the maddest shit about whatever group the target is. I mean to be fair in my life I've only met one person who I'd describe as annoyingly 'woke', but in day to day life I've met way more people working themselves into a frenzy spouting madness about whatever the foreigners, gays, transgenders or whoever the fuck is on their list is apparently up to.

Quote from: stearl on November 24, 2023, 02:08:58 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 11:33:10 AMHe probably is making fuck all alright. He probably also has plenty of experience, likely both direct and through the rest of the Brazilian community in town, with the xenophobe buds who've regularly attacked Deliveroo workers in town and who also tore up the city last night. Anyway, when there's a gofundme set up, people will be throwing money at him, and good. But hopefully someone else throws a decent, secure and stable job his way too. And he can't be made enough of a public hero of; mayor of Dublin, President, get them all in, pull this entire thing away from, yeah, the far right ...

Go fund me has exceeded its goal already:


I'm just hoping the DPP in their wisdom don't decide to press assault charges  :-\

Good. He deserves every penny.

Crazy amount of money.
And quite unfair considering the fund for the victims (kids and carer) is less than half what he's already at.

Do you have a link to the fund for the victims?

Quote from: jobrok1 on November 24, 2023, 06:30:34 PMCrazy amount of money.
And quite unfair considering the fund for the victims (kids and carer) is less than half what he's already at.

He has won big on the lottery of doing the right thing! In his 40s with two kids and working for those fucking Deliveroo cunts. Plus apparently his restaurant in Brazil burnt down, or something along those lines, which is why he went seeking his and his family's fortune elsewhere. All in all, seems to be money going to a worthy place (but get your point too, of course).

Ah it's good to see the lad getting the recognition. Fair play to him.

I wonder how many other potential heroes will be a bit more likely to hop in to things if they think there might be a go fund me in their honour.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 07:25:00 PM
Quote from: jobrok1 on November 24, 2023, 06:30:34 PMCrazy amount of money.
And quite unfair considering the fund for the victims (kids and carer) is less than half what he's already at.

He has won big on the lottery of doing the right thing! In his 40s with two kids and working for those fucking Deliveroo cunts. Plus apparently his restaurant in Brazil burnt down, or something along those lines, which is why he went seeking his and his family's fortune elsewhere. All in all, seems to be money going to a worthy place (but get your point too, of course).

Did anyone hear the story going round that it was an Irish lad called Warren that was the first to take him on?

I hope that's not the truth of it because nobody is interviewing Warren or running articles on him or donating to give him a better life.

If it is true (and I genuinely hope it isn't) I will be even more disgusted with the government and media than I already am, which would actually be quite the achievement.

Only quoting you because it was the first one with the mention there, not in direct response to anything you're saying there