Saw that, what the fuck was that about? Was it a total random attack?

Looks like it so far. I see two women stepped in to protect the attacker from the crowd the fuckin eejits

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on November 23, 2023, 06:19:39 PMSaw that, what the fuck was that about? Was it a total random attack?

Yep another one of those random attacks just like the ones that have happened all over Europe over the last few years but don't worry it will be explained away as an isolated mental health incident and it will disappear from the news cycle just like the airport stabbing did.

Eh, no. This won't be disappearing. Dublin may well fully hop off tonight.

Gods help them all, especially the 5 year old in intensive care.

Great to see 2 kids released from hospital. Fingers crossed for the seriously injured kid.

Yer man was seriously injured so I guess the kids didn't need to witness manslaughter as well. One of the women said we're not savages here so enough was probably enough.

Speaking of savages, local skangers already attacking Gardaí. Yeah great idea not letting them get on with securing the scene etc. and tying up resources for protests earlier etc.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 06:48:23 PMEh, no. This won't be disappearing. Dublin may well fully hop off tonight.

Gods help them all, especially the 5 year old in intensive care.

Yep, the poor kids. I don't care about the background of who did it, they need to be flayed. This one will not be disappearing at all.

Ugh, just listened to an RTÉ reporter who said he witnessed CPR being performed when he got there earlier. It wasn't the man but didn't clarify if it was the seriously injured child or woman  :'(

Yob element totally losing the run of themselves as per videos online and doing the rounds isn't going to help the situation at all.  Innocent "dirty foreigners" bearing the brunt of the anger next I'd imagine >:(

I would say the government will be the focal point of this one. Everyone knows loads of foreigners and works with them and lives beside them so I don't think the ones that are here will be the targets but like I was saying in the other thread, the entry requirements and the available benefits when they do get in will need reforming.

Vehicles seem to be the focus point!

From photos of the alledged man involved it looks like he may actually have been getting the CPR. Apparently he was well and truly battered by a Brazillian using a helmet as a weapon.

Yeah, just saw a photo of him getting CPR. Videos of a Luas, bus and squad car in flames. Stupid cunts. If it's not brought under control quickly it could turn into Tottenham, bit extreme maybe but the way things are. Nuke the gaff ta fuck.

Looting in full swing now in Arnotts and Foot Locker on O'Connell street, RTE are saying. Not really something I care about personally, looting that is, but they'll fairly sabotage their own cause if their riot goes the way of the BLM riots they were so quick to criticize.

The problem with the events of the last week with the statement from Aisling Murphy's fella and now this is indeed that decent folk will be demonised for nothing other than where they are from and that's wrong no matter how it's presented, but at the same time we have imported the dregs of the third world without a thought and our beloved leaders have been gaslighting us over asking the obvious question of why the fuck are we doing all this. I put the blame for the reaction squarely at the door of Leinster House but not just over this reaction but for all the other policies they've enacted which treat one class of people worse than others. It could have all been headed off it really could if only a sensible approach had been taken at any stage and it's not just one thing it's many things. It was all going to come to a head at some point and this is why it's not a vigil being had in Dublin but rather the outward expression of the general "fuck you" that most of the country feels about everything that is being done.

Still can't believe those two women stopped the lad from being killed. Eejits.

And fair play to the Brazilian lad if that's how it played out

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 23, 2023, 08:44:57 PMLooting in full swing now in Arnotts and Foot Locker on O'Connell street, RTE are saying. Not really something I care about personally, looting that is, but they'll fairly sabotage their own cause if their riot goes the way of the BLM riots they were so quick to criticize.

The hypocrisy of everything can't be underestimated either

Emergency accommodation in Finglas set ablaze now too. Can sense them losing support already over this response.

Agreed, they should be outside the Dáil or somewhere useful.

Useful Idiot isn't just a Tool track