#120 October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AM Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 01:50:06 PM by Ollkiller
Quote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.

Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.

Quote from: Ollkiller on October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AM
Quote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.

Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.

He's a swarthy lookin inbred all right.  Didn't his scum family all vouch for him and provided alibis?  Crowd of them should be thrown out of the State back to whatever shitpit they crawled out of

The spin his defence team is putting on this is remarkable. Witnesses are being told they didn't see him stab/attack the  victim he was merely there to provide assistance -

QuoteIn cross-examination, Defence Counsel Michael Bowman suggested to Ms Stack that what she had seen was Mr Puska endeavoring to find out what had happened and endeavoring to assist Ms Murphy.

Ms Stack replied "no."

Mr Bowman said it was Mr Puska's recollection that he could not make out what Ms Stack was saying to him and he did not intend to be in any way aggressive.

He said Mr Puska when, he was trying to speak to Ms Stack, caught his leg on a briar and called out in pain.

Ms Stack said that was not the impression she got.

Mr Bowman said his client had no recollection of Ms Stack saying she would call the guards. He said he was instructed that Ms Murphy had reached out and was holding one of his forearms because he was trying to stop the bleeding in her neck.

That particular witness identified the wrong candidate too from a lineup and they're all over it.

Bit surprised there's no mention of the Aaron Brady appeal here, Although given the total lack of coverage of it in media circles perhaps it's not so surprising.
Another case of an innocent man being framed up by our intrepid Gardai. witness tampering, evidence suppression, blackmail, coercion and collusion, the usual pick-n-mix of garda and DPP fuckery.
If he doesn't walk its a fucking travesty, and further proof of collusion between the judiciary, the DPP and the gards.
For anyone interested check out justice4aaronbrady on Youtube

The question that needs to be asked is - why are the gards so anxious to frame a man for the murder of one of their own?

Quote from: Ollkiller on October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AM
Quote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.

Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.

I would argue prank calls are a very small price to pay - instead both lose credibility..another example is failure to report the beheading in the other major court story today. Especially in a small country in the era of the internet. Remember first wave of covid reporting with the utter nonsense "woman from the North and 2 men from the West of the country"

"The sentencing hearing for the 23-year-old also heard while Palani told gardaí that his religion forbids homosexuality, investigators were satisfied that he was not radicalised."

"CCTV near Mr Moffitt's home showed the killer arrive and leave by cycling a bike.

Just hours afterwards, Palani was spotted at his local mosque praying as locals said he was acting as if "nothing had happened" at the time."

Off to the mosques after the first killing!

Quote from: The Butcher on October 23, 2023, 10:01:46 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on October 18, 2023, 11:06:34 AM
Quote from: The Butcher on October 17, 2023, 09:15:22 PMSee a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.

Gardai probably put strangulation out there on purpose. When appealing for information it would weed out the multitude of crank calls they would get.

I would argue prank calls are a very small price to pay - instead both lose credibility..another example is failure to report the beheading in the other major court story today. Especially in a small country in the era of the internet. Remember first wave of covid reporting with the utter nonsense "woman from the North and 2 men from the West of the country"

"The sentencing hearing for the 23-year-old also heard while Palani told gardaí that his religion forbids homosexuality, investigators were satisfied that he was not radicalised."

"CCTV near Mr Moffitt's home showed the killer arrive and leave by cycling a bike.

Just hours afterwards, Palani was spotted at his local mosque praying as locals said he was acting as if "nothing had happened" at the time."

Off to the mosques after the first killing!

Well i worked for the fire service for 11 years and prank calls are a nightmare. End up wasting countless hours on idiots. As for losing credibility. Police forces all over the world give out what info they want to give in a major investigation. Its  not new. Giving out too much information could compromise the investigation. And in this instance they got their man.

Quote from: mickO))) on October 24, 2023, 03:45:46 PMhttps://www.sundayworld.com/crime/courts/mystery-surrounds-357000-cash-found-in-double-murderer-yousef-palanis-home/a1870092448.html

That was his savings from before he came here, so the story goes. Guards are satisfied it's legit apparently...

iirc he came from Iraq or somewhere like that and it's common for those lads to arrive here penniless with savings like that because everyone there is on crazy money or something

Weird, but at least it didn't affect his dole because that would be unfair

The money being his savings is about as believable as the story that Epstein killed himself.

Read the report on RTE yesterday - still baffled by this section

QuoteMr Burke told gardaí he had met Palani through a dating app and he had been at his house the previous day but he was "wary of him" and did not allow him to stay overnight.

He said Palani contacted him the following day and they arranged to meet that evening.

Palani came to his house and was "obsessed" with tying him up and produced a rope and black laces from his pocket but he would not allow him to do it.

Mr Burke said he gave the man oral sex but would not allow him to have sex with him. Mr Burke became uncomfortable with him and wanted him out of the house.

A crime driven by a deeply homophobic outlook???

Trying to comprehend a crime of that nature is probably an exercise in futility but in relation to the homophobic element, at a guess I would say that the culprit was struggling with the conflict between his repressed homosexuality and his own religious beliefs.

QuoteA trial judge was in error when he directed a jury to acquit a man of raping his six-year-old cousin on the basis that there could be no assault as she had touched him on his invitation, the Court of Appeal has found.

3 Children stabbed in the city centre and unconfirmed reports that a little girl has died.

Just watching it now, not good haven't heard of any fatalities. Hopefully remains that way. Busy party of the city primary school nearby.

Rotten altogether. Poor children.