Quote from: Giggles on October 04, 2023, 09:59:22 AMBut for the LAW which states that as the kid is under 18 and due in court, his identity MUST be protected, and sharing the video could reveal his identity. As if that has a higher priority over the actual murder or something.

Look at the length's and expense they have gone through to protect the identities of Venables and Thompson over in England. People will still get done for simply posting a photo of either of them online.

Just on that last point I do think the definition of child needs to be changed. Might be controversial, but I think it should be changed to maybe 13 and under.

I think it's awful in the likes of the Kriegel case that the poor girl and the family and everything they went through is known to everyone in the country. Yet the two fuckers that carried out the crime and their families enjoy anonymity and the potential for freedom. It's Ireland, so you can be guaranteed they'll re-enter the general population before long - surely society should have a right to know what's moving in next to them.

It was like that stabbing in France. What thrills do they get out of seeing a woman getting brutally murdered and why?

I wonder when they talk about rehabilitation in prison, what exactly do they do, espically in the case of this fucking young butcher? Do they sit them down everyday and try to reprogramme them somehow, or are they just locked up 23 hours a day? I'm fine with the locking up bit without anything to entertain themselves but unfortuanlty they're not going to be detained indefinitely in there and will have to be let out.
The best solution would be if the guards look the other way and give the promise of an extra roastie at dinner time to anyone who bumps him off in the showers.

Quote from: hellfire on October 04, 2023, 11:32:35 AMIt was like that stabbing in France. What thrills do they get out of seeing a woman getting brutally murdered and why?

I'd imagine it's not all about thrills, some people would watch out of morbid curiosity. We're exposed to a lot of death and violence via tv and film, which, excluding actual news footage, is obviously fake. Maybe people just want to see the real deal from time to time.

On the other hand, you could have some cunt who hates women watching the video, and pulling himself asunder for sexual thrills.

And then I imagine you'd have another category of people who'd watch it just because it's 'banned', and that in itself would be their thrill, not necessarily the video content itself, but rather the exclusivity of it.

At what point does having extra people with you when attacking someone become a hindrance? You'd just be hitting your mates in the hand.

I like to imagine it like in a game such as assassin's creed or batman, groups of 30 goons stood in a circle as they take turns to approach one at at time in an orderly fashion

I see the most blatant case of "the husband did it" has finally been put to bed in Cork (pending court case, of course!). Not since Joe O'Reilly appeared opposite his mother-in-law on the late late have I seen a less convincing concerned husband routine. Flippant observations aside though,tragic incident and good for the family to get closure but the truth will out...even after 6 years.

I came across a youtube channel about 2 weeks ago that goes over Irish murders, missing persons etc. and this case was one of the first I watched. I had never heard of it before because I wasn't in the country when she went missing and here we are two weeks it has been solved. From what I read when he was charged he replied with 'guilty'. Questions are going to have to be asked as to how the body was missed in the house.

I might have misread but I don't think the body was stored in their house. Open to correction on that.

When I heard that "guilty or not guilty.... guilty" quote I instantly thought of omad djalili's character in Mr Nice

See a certain murder was a stabbing, 11 times to the neck - Media and/or gardai lied saying it was strangulation. Now what can be believed? Everything Is doubtful.

Surprised with the plea too. Thought this was clear cut.