Indeed he shouldn't be available for interview but when he is it'll be at my expense which is a lot of the issue too

If I'm paying for the cunt I want to pay for the flaying and not the free legal aid

#182 November 24, 2023, 01:56:27 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 02:17:46 AM by Eoin McLove
Shocking attack. I wonder what the motive was but whatever it was, he's in custody and should either get good jail time or be deported. The rioters are surely the same old fucking gimps who take any opportunity to wreck the gaff and cause mayhem. Politics of any stripe is probably the last thing on their mind. Fight the guards, smash shit up and get pissed!

Who gives a shit they'll always find an excuse to cause chaos, the real issue is some maniac cunt stabbing a bunch of people. Stabbing a 5 year old for fuck sake! Off with his head, whatever colour it is.

Edit . I went on a bit of a journey there haha. I'm impressed by the biker who bate him with his lid and the women who jumped in as well, and putting their safety on the line. Good to see so much selfless bravery out there.

Scumbags needed a kickoff point to go mad. The stabbings provided it. No excuse. They should have learned from the Tottenham riot, scumbags running amok. Go in with machine guns. Over in 10 mins.

Naturalised Irish citizen apparently so tis going to be hard to deport!

Here 20 years, no indication if working or free loading so no indication about free legal aid bar people jumping the gun.

Article in the Irish Indo indicates psychotic episode. Of course there's never been such a sad case with Irish people stabbing their own family or killing them in a crash etc. But hey let's twist things and repeat regardless if people are using old army footage etc. to play a narrative.

Anyway outside all the soapbox posturing bullshit,the families of the kids have had a day beyond thinking about. But for the woman supervisor intervening in the first instance and the fearless Brazillian and others joining it could have been a much sadder day. Serious respect to them.

It's a pity Kev has disappeared from the forum. I honestly think he would have been convinced by the lefty take on all of this.

#186 November 24, 2023, 07:24:51 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 07:28:01 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
QuoteSiobhan Kearney, whose brother Liam Dunne died in the fire at the Stardust nightclub in 1981, was attending the inquests into that tragedy at the nearby Rotunda Hospital when the stabbing happened.

That's one of the women who made a circle round yer man to keep people off him until the gardai and emergency services arrived. Tough fuckin' day of it for her all round!

5 year old still in critical condition. Words being useless and all, but really hope the doctors and surgeons can get her through it.

There should be a collection organised for that delivery driver. He's probably making fuck all delivering pizza. He can't spend praise.

We don't have a punishment brutal enough for that Algerian bastard. I'm glad he got a good kicking before getting arrested.

That poor child is still fighting for her life today. What kind of animal could take a knife to a child? It's the last frontier of being scum.

Obviously the most prudent course of action for the government to follow is to repeat the term far-roight as much as possible, double up on migrant intake and refuse to debate immigration in the Dail.

These riots, coupled with various EU countries moving to the right, doesn't bode well for the future.

#189 November 24, 2023, 11:33:10 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 11:35:47 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
He probably is making fuck all alright. He probably also has plenty of experience, likely both direct and through the rest of the Brazilian community in town, with the xenophobe buds who've regularly attacked Deliveroo workers in town and who also tore up the city last night. Anyway, when there's a gofundme set up, people will be throwing money at him, and good. But hopefully someone else throws a decent, secure and stable job his way too. And he can't be made enough of a public hero of; mayor of Dublin, President, get them all in, pull this entire thing away from, yeah, the far right (what else would you call The National Party, Óige Náisiúnach, Gavin Pepper, Philip Dwyer, etc., etc.?) who are openly and (characteristically) stupidly trying to defend rather than disown last night's riots. Claiming to want to make Ireland safe and whipping up actions like last night do not go hand in hand. Everyone actually thinking understands that.

A by idea of the numbers of rioters?
Do the liked of The National Party of Óige Náisiúnach have a following? Do they get air time?

Quote from: TheRuts on November 24, 2023, 11:13:56 AMThese riots, coupled with various EU countries moving to the right, doesn't bode well for the future.

Scenes like this have been playing out all over Europe for years now. The common denominator is EU immigration policy. Calling people far-right and actively taking the piss out of their concerns has not ended well anywhere else and wont here. Keeping on the current path will lead to more ugly scenes like last night followed by a Geert Murphy type character.

Government/Gardai/Media will double down on this now. It's all about the riots - the scummers from around parnell st are predictable.  There will be plenty of arrests after last night. Meanwhile authorities throw their hands up in the air when men turn up at Dublin airport with no documentation whatsoever. I condone neither but I am confident that one group will be pursued thoroughly and the other won't be. Plus this is the main focus from government the day after the stabbing of 3 children, let this sink in ->

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 24, 2023, 12:23:34 AMSure, if SF get in and then fuck things up worse than ever, as some seem certain will occur, then conditions would be set for a shift right. But led by who? Genuine question; maybe there are plausible heads I don't know about.

If it's SF (Can't see anyone else getting the numbers next time) and rag-tags of Greens/Social Dems or FF etc - then I'm sure we will see a shift to the right by around 2030. You are correct - any of the right wingers at present have no political astuteness and I don't see how they will climb to the top. I haven't seen any right wingers across Europe or elsewhere that have done well in recent elections that I would like to see rise here in Ireland, for what they might change in immigration policy they might ruin in other areas but I think many people are starting to extremely fed up of the current direction and are frustrated by a lack of a political choice.

Importing people to claim welfare is nuts. And for this we have run out of accommodation (there is only so many housing units you can build with limited resources, we've seen this in every area of the workforce) and have put further major stress under loads of services/health/education etc. For such a huge change and complete shift in demographics/culture - this should be discussed and voted on by the people - but it's purposely ignored by state and it's various arms + media etc. There will come a tipping point where the Gardai will be overwhelmed as they are leaving in their droves, fed up with the lack of resources/long hours and the various assaults they put up with more and more.

There used to be certain basic expectations, most of which have evaporated when the housing market bent berserk, and every generation since is royally fucked. They get tiny rented shoeboxes, insane commutes, no sense of place or belonging, transient relationships and a massive tax bill.  Every year the social contract is further eroded as we import welfare parasites to choke up social housing that natives aren't even entitled to.  It's every man for himself with no sense of citizenship or obligation to community. That's what happens when society is atomised and fragmented, and the basic deal is now a bum deal. Working till all hours to be able to afford to keep living in a house you'll never own, and be evicted from if you ever get sick, or you simply scale down your ambitions and live hand to mouth on credit.

Politicians have long used immigration as a sticking plaster to mask anemic growth, they have never done it out of the kindest of their hearts. They continue this policy while neglecting the fundamentals of a functioning society. It's dangerous, destructive and immoral. We're becoming a low trust society that is a neoliberal grazing strip; a land of plenty for those who already have plenty, but for everyone else, a land of cut-throat competition for scraps.  Across the western world, politicians are flushing their countries down the toilet while enriching themselves, while conspiring to make our votes worthless - denying us a choice of every issue of importance. That can only go on for so long before people who are currently silent but growing in number get desperate and vote for the other side.

Quote from: The Butcher on November 24, 2023, 12:24:15 PMPlus this is the main focus from government the day after the stabbing of 3 children, let this sink in ->

Just as I predicted yesterday although I didn't expect the stabbing to take a back seat this quickly. All that is being discussed in the media today is the riots and very little mention of the actual attack itself. Riots are the perfect excuse for the Government to take the spotlight off of themsleves and continue to point the finger at those big bad far right boogeymen they have been telling us all about non stop for the last few years.

#194 November 24, 2023, 01:29:14 PM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 01:30:53 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
...while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to the very easily identifiable "boogeymen" who have been up and down the country for the last couple of years orchestrating all sorts of actions counter to themselves gathering any broad support. Let that sink in too. Been saying it all along: it's the far right who are playing into the Government's hands by dividing the lower classes, which includes immigrants, amongst themselves. Oldest play in the book, and particularly easy in Ireland given the absolute shtate of those coordinating the movement.

A gift!

Riots the subject of discussion and not the stabbing of three children? Another gift!