Garage days revisited was probably in my Walkman as much as any of their albums when I was a kid. It's fantastic, love the production on it.

#226 March 21, 2023, 09:30:08 AM Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 09:31:43 AM by Carnage
Same as that. They released a remastered version of it a couple of years ago, I wonder if there's any difference in quality (their album remasters haven't sounded all that different to my ears anyway). That might defeat the purpose of it though.

The second Garage Inc. disc is the best obviously, the first is quite hit and miss. I quite like Tuesday's Gone, as others have said an album in that style would have gone down well. The Fate and Sabbath medleys are grand, though I'd prefer full songs.

The Motorhead tracks on disc 2 are mighty, dunno why they're getting slated. I find So What incredibly cringeworthy these days though, even more so than Whiskey. Killing Time was the pick of that era's covers for me.

I'm sure we all agree that the original Garage Days Revisited and Re-Revisited tracks are the best of the bunch.

#227 March 21, 2023, 09:42:44 AM Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 10:00:46 AM by Eoin McLove
I have Garage Inc. on CD. I can't remember getting it, if it was a gift or what. I am sure I must have put it on at some point but I can't remember, but sure, after all this prattle here I've pulled it off the shelf for inspection tomorrow. I'm familiar with the Garage Days stuff although I haven't listened to it in a long time- I always preferred the albums myself- but the 98 covers stuff I can barely remember apart from Migraine in the Jar.

At 16 Metallica were deeply uncool to me. It was a few years before I returned to them and realised I still loved the early stuff. The fucking state of them in 98 in fairness. They looked shit, their new logo was shit and they had fairly lost their way by then so it'll be interesting to see how my old ears take to this stuff now.

Quote from: jobrok1 on March 21, 2023, 07:59:57 AMHave they played many (if any) of the covers from disc 1 live, does anyone know?

From wikipedia:

Quote"Free Speech for the Dumb", "Loverman", "Astronomy", "The More I See" and "Bridge of Sighs" have never been performed live.

I'm assuming that means that they must have played the others at some point, according to Wikipedia anyway.

Quote from: CarnageI quite like Tuesday's Gone, as others have said an album in that style would have gone down well

I think it sounds great. I was just getting into Skynyrd around the time I heard this album, and thought it was class to hear Metallica cover this song with one of Skynyrd's guitarists.

This youtube vid of Fight Fire With Fire performed live in 86 appeared on my recommended this morning. Fucking ferocious:

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 21, 2023, 09:42:44 AMAt 16 Metallica were deeply uncool to me. It was a few years before I returned to them and realised I still loved the early stuff. The fucking state of them in 98 in fairness. They looked shit, their new logo was shit and they had fairly lost their way by then so it'll be interesting to see how my old ears take to this stuff now.

I was 16 when somebody gave me a lend of Load and Reload, and he said they weren't good albums. At that point, I'd heard the first 5 records and Garage Inc, thought they were the coolest band on the planet.
I remember looking at the booklet wondering what the fuck was up with Kirk's face, but also thinking that the graphics on the flying V were so fucking cool, how could this album not be good?
I listened to them both once the whole way through and never did so again. That was 20 years ago, might revisit them for shits and giggles.

I tried to listen to St. Anger last year, almost made it past the 5th song I think.

Quote from: Giggles on March 21, 2023, 12:26:20 PMThis youtube vid of Fight Fire With Fire performed live in 86 appeared on my recommended this morning. Fucking ferocious:

Jesus, that's fairly ripping alright. Was that the Ozzy tour? Might have been a 'bump' or two taken.

Newsted on bass, would have been after the Ozzy tour. The full set is powder-fuelled. Amazing stuff. They were so fucking good  :laugh:

Aye fucking gunpowder!  :laugh:

I love that Canada gig. It's possibly the best one out there.

Played Die Die My Darling in the point back in 98. Went down a treat. Other than that I think I've only heard Whiskey in the Jar at the same gig they wheeled out Eric Bell for it

I stuck on Garage Inc. today and enjoyed it for the most part. Funny how much less irritating Jayumsah's yeaheee-yeaagghs are to me these days. Maybe because I was expecting to be irked by his vocals they didn't seem as bad a I remembered. Maybe it's from 30+ years of exposure, my ears have toughened up a bit. Whatever the explanation I thought the album sounded a lot better than I did in 98. I might fire on Garage Days tomorrow for the spin home  8)

I stuck it on at work today myself (just the second disc, that's all I had on the phone) went down very well I must say. I was just hoping nobody came in during So What, that would have been fun to explain.

Tuesday's Gone is awful. Sounds like a drunken jam session. Probably fun to have been at but painful to listen to  :o

My favourite off that set is The Prince. I can just picture a whole room of people going absolutely apeshit to that in a small club, sweat dripping off the walls type atmosphere. Stone Cold Crazy is a surprisingly excellent cover too, Hetfield's voice really suits it.

In terms of the general Metallica talk, I'd say RtL is my favourite. Puppets is probably a little bit more consistent overall, but for me the best parts of RtL are the best parts of Metallica in general. Not to be too dramatic, but they're arguably the best parts of metal as a genre overall.

Well, erm, thank you YT algorithm?

Ye'll never guess, but it's not great.

The well is most certainly gone dry...

As someone who has most of the bands releases (albums, singles, all the big album boxsets, DVDs, books), I can safely say that this is one that won't be getting bought. Zero in any of the 4 songs to encourage me to buy it.