Legion is a masterpiece. A frothing, rabid beast of an album.

#1771 July 23, 2024, 01:40:10 PM Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 03:18:33 PM by Thorn
100% agree with all of that, well said Andy. It really was all about a time and place in history when Deicide broke, it was truly a big thing for a impressionable and hungry Metal teen back then to see and hear how serious the band were. Nothing is sacred now. Everything is reduced to a meme or a joke thanks to how online savvy we all are. There's no doubt the continual Christian bashing by Glen on every single album is way past tiresome and ,yes Ducky, embarrassing but in that time and that place Deicide were Gods
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

I think the Deicide s/t is one of the greatest albums ever in the genre and bar an argument for Legion which I would absolutely accept, nothing in their discography is remotely close to that, not by a country mile. I still love those records, there's tracks on Serpents or OUTC that are still superb, but nothing is as rabid as Dead By Dawn, say. They started at their absolute peak.

You could legit scare folks with Deicide. Recall one of our gang in school being freaked out by the samples on OUTC.

Ya, I got Serpents in 1st year and it was truly evil to me. Savage stuff. Still have a soft spot for it but would agree with Squigz that the first 2 are just leagues ahead of everything else.

I hear almost as much Possessed and German thrash - At least in terms of the Hoffman brothers playing style - as Slayer in early Deicide. Although granted the delivery was more of a Slayer type intensity than say an early Kreator one.

McLove is spot on about them being an essential band, and the classic albums more than hold up against anything else happening at the time.

Also, I like that, early on at least, like Morbid, they had a proper fucking metal image that tied in with the music/lyrics/artwork.

Also, the cover of the first album made one of the coolest metal shirts of all fucking time. Still looks so badass.   

#1776 July 23, 2024, 03:01:28 PM Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 04:27:41 PM by The Wretch
Quote from: Sworntothecans on July 23, 2024, 02:11:20 PMYou could legit scare folks with Deicide. Recall one of our gang in school being freaked out by the samples on OUTC.

I remember when I was 17 or 18, I was wearing a Once Upon The Cross shirt when I met my girlfriend of the time outside her after school job, and her work mates were all appalled by it, to the point they were complaining for at least a year after, and asking her if she was OK. They genuinely though I was some sort of maniac. Ahh, small town 80's and 90's Ireland.

Thankfully it probably helped in keeping me/us from being invited to hang out with them.

Early Deicide is utterly essential.

I can still remember hearing the ST album for the first time,I was around 14,hair on the back of the neck stuff!

Amon: Feasting the Beast was the first death metal album I ever heard. A friend's older brother taped a copy for me. I remember listening to it with the volume down very low as as I didn't want my parents to hear the unhinged devil music.

Quote from: Thorn on July 23, 2024, 01:40:10 PM100% agree with all of that, well said Andy. It really was all about a time and place in history when Deicide broke, it was truly a big thing for a impressionable and hungry Metal teen back then to see and hear how serious the band were. Nothing is sacred now. Everything is reduced to a meme or a joke thanks to how online savvy we all are. There's no doubt the continual Christian bashing by Glen on every single album is way past tiresome and ,yes Ducky, embarrassing but in that time and that place Deicide were Gods

Yeah I definitely don't have the benefit of being there at the time. Again, first time I heard Deicide was in 2000 or 2001, I just had the music and lyrics sheet to go off, and it was already filtered through a bunch of other albums I had heard at that stage and it just didn't sound as menacing (hearing peak Napalm Death and Gorguts in particular kinda neutered Deicide for me). Plus, I think ND singing about bad shit that actually happens to people is far more threatening than the make-believe of Deicide's lyrics. Ditto hearing Slayer rattle through Angel of Death - the literal Holocaust vs. "Jesus bad, Satan good".

All that said, I don't dislike Deicide :laugh: Just the production on Legion is not very enjoyable to me lugs and the lyrics are old hat at this stage.

Sure they are all fannies compared to Venom anyway lads.  :D 

#1781 July 23, 2024, 11:34:29 PM Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 11:39:50 PM by Eoin McLove
The lyrics on the early stuff aren't old hat, they are timeless satanic death metal. Are you comparing it to DSO or what? That highly cerebral, metaphysical, philosophical approach is grand, it has its place too, but I'm far more convinced by simple evil lyrics these days. They are the ones that hold up over time.

In the 80s and 90s merely being explicitly satanic was considered taboo. It was taken seriously as being threatening to the moral fabric of society. Nothing is taboo anymore- the genie is out of the bottle and everyone knows fucking everything and is burnt out at 25. I think you're confusing the mindset of the millennium with that which came before. It was in many ways a more innocent time, so simply attacking this monolith called Christianity, which still had a firm grip on the day to day lives of people, was rebellious. It might seem cartoonish from the perspective of where black metal lyrics have evolved to, but in many ways it remains a much more potent force. Reading reams of lyrics that baffle you unless you go and study theology can set a certain interesting atmosphere no doubt, but it can't quite compete with a punch in the face like Sacrificial Suicide or lyrics like "Open the door Jehova you whore", which remain brutal and timeless. 

Quote from: The Wretch on July 23, 2024, 11:31:43 PMSure they are all fannies compared to Venom anyway lads.  :D 

Cronos 'n' Mantas versus the Hoffman Brothers in a steel cage!

Quote from: Sworntothecans on July 24, 2024, 12:03:27 AM
Quote from: The Wretch on July 23, 2024, 11:31:43 PMSure they are all fannies compared to Venom anyway lads.  :D 

Cronos 'n' Mantas versus the Hoffman Brothers in a steel cage!

 :laugh: My money is on the Geordies. "Reet bad lads" 

Quote from: The Wretch on July 23, 2024, 03:01:28 PM
Quote from: Sworntothecans on July 23, 2024, 02:11:20 PMYou could legit scare folks with Deicide. Recall one of our gang in school being freaked out by the samples on OUTC.

I remember when I was 17 or 18, I was wearing a Once Upon The Cross shirt when I met my girlfriend of the time outside her after school job, and her work mates were all appalled by it, to the point they were complaining for at least a year after, and asking her if she was OK. They genuinely though I was some sort of maniac. Ahh, small town 80's and 90's Ireland.

Thankfully it probably helped in keeping me/us from being invited to hang out with them.

Had that shirt as well, the only time I ever got shit over it was at a Waylander gig in Monaghan. From some guy in a Slayer shirt.  :laugh: