Blizzard Beasts and Battles In The North are savage albums.

I went back several times over the years to listen to everything from DFM to BITN and with some exceptions found it hard to distinguish between one song and the next. I always thought something might eventually click with me but as of yet it hasn't happened. This all changed with ATHOW which is undoubtedly their finest hour thanks largely to Peter TÃĪgtgren.

Pure Holocaust is the best they've done.

#1818 October 22, 2024, 12:26:56 AM Last Edit: October 22, 2024, 12:29:14 AM by Paul keohane
At The Heart of Winter is their best imo.Im not an old school BM fan for the most part bar some stuff,so I nearly always prefer mid period albums by lots of those first wave bands.Same with Emperor and Enslaved.

Damned in Black Is my favourite Immortal album

The first 5 albums range from very good to outright classic. They went downhill after At the Heart of Winter.