Legion is brilliant. Stop all this madness. The production is part of the appeal.
It's like a swarm of bees. All the mid cut with more savagery from the brothers, Glenn and Steve.
Perfect follow up.

The IVth crusade is the best Bolt Thrower album.

Big fan of the first four Deicide albums as well. Legion is a feral beast of an album. There's less of a thrash metal feel to it than the debut. It's somewhat similar to Suffocation's relentless rhythmic approach. The production never bothered me, but I enjoy Breeding the Spawn so what do I know?


No love for Stench? It's top 3 Deicide for me, maybe even second after the debut.

Quote from: Circlepit on July 22, 2024, 08:58:28 AMThe IVth crusade is the best Bolt Thrower album.

You misspelled Realm of Chaos but to be honest, everything Bolt Thrower recorded was ace.   

First four (and Amon) are perfect.

I've always found Scars Of The Crucifix/Stench Of Redemption really overrated.
One or two good songs but they lost the hooks

Quote from: Anvil on July 22, 2024, 10:24:51 AM
Quote from: Circlepit on July 22, 2024, 08:58:28 AMThe IVth crusade is the best Bolt Thrower album.

You misspelled Realm of Chaos but to be honest, everything Bolt Thrower recorded was ace.   

Realm Of Chaos is the first one I heard in school and for a long time it was my favourite but the opening riff alone on The IVth crusade alone... it's like Crowbar mixed with death metal.

If your best of Bolt Thrower pick is among Realm of Chaos, War Master, IVth Crusade, or ...For Victory, then it's not a controversial opinion imo. Same with Morbid Angel's first three. Judge the greatness of a band by the proportion of their albums that can be justifiably defended as their best. And by that criterion, Death comes out on top  8)  :abbath: That said, the sheer speed of Death's staff turnover means it's not exactly "fair" to compare them to most other bands.

I was 15 back in 1992 when I first heard Deicide and Legion, and remember thinking should I really be listening to this? It was a total step up from Slayer singing about Satanism etc and these guys actually meaning it, total unease. But loved both albums, the demonic screams and growls and the frantic, menacing riffs. I remember reading a review of Legion in Kerrang or MH at the time, and they basically admitted that for Legion they were basically competing with each other to see who could play the fastest, kinda shows alright, ha. Both are my fav Deicide albums, don't think any band ever fully achieved that same evil, malevolent sound since...

I certainly felt that sense of danger with Deicide as well. They were my stepping stone from Slayer into death metal and there was a sense of putting yourself in peril by listening to them. It's impossible to recapture that sense of corrupted innocence decades on, but the memories remain.

Legion is one of the best metal albums ever released and it shits all over albums like Spiritual Healing and Human. Even down to the story of how they came about the artwork concept for Legion. The only bad thing that can be said about it, is that the album is too short.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on July 22, 2024, 10:07:43 AMNo love for Stench? It's top 3 Deicide for me, maybe even second after the debut.

Like I said in a previous post, it is well crafted death metal, but vocals aside doesn't feel like Deicide to me at all. Post 'Serpents...' the best thing any of them have been involved in are the Vital Remains albums Glen did, both of which tear later Deicide a new arsehole.

Quote from: mickO))) on July 22, 2024, 01:13:43 PMLegion is one of the best metal albums ever released and it shits all over albums like Spiritual Healing and Human. Even down to the story of how they came about the artwork concept for Legion. The only bad thing that can be said about it, is that the album is too short.
What's the story with the artwork? Never really thought too much about it other than being some sort of symbol/logo yoke

This was posted by Necromorbus on another forum some time ago

Quote"Out of my mind into a world between"

I had never thought of Deicide as the potential pioneers of the concept of qliphoth in death metal until I spoke to a friend of mine who is very close to the band.

In his words, the "trifixion" symbol on the cover represents Legion, the demon of the Gadarenes, while the "glass orb" is a symbolic representation of the invisible boundaries God has created for us. The trifixion symbol is projected outwards and radiates so strongly that the sphere is about to crack, thus creating a connection between the satanic essence of the album and the physical world, specifically the listener.

The sample that opens the forth track Trifixion represents the glass orb cracking due to the overwhelming build-up of demonic power, while the inner sleeve depicts the final escape and revelation of the demon, Legion, now free to shroud the world in red, a color associated with violence and aggression.

It's a very interesting concept that, intentionally or not, is completely in line with the ideas of qliphothic magic.

An interview also exists which I never saved where the band confirms the above.

Quote from: Sworntothecans on July 22, 2024, 07:14:26 AM
Quote from: Ducky on July 22, 2024, 02:07:18 AM
Quote from: Carnage on July 22, 2024, 01:58:30 AMAll adressed above.

Another one: Legion is shit. Deicide's best albums are:

Serpents Of The Light
Once Upon The Cross

In that order. Nothing else worth bothering with.

The fucking production is awful.

Even Scott Burns would say that. He made the Hoffmans use proper amps on OUTC because of it.

The guitar sound on OUtC is so much more enjoyable than Legion's. And the drums don't fatigue the shit out of your ears after half an hour on headphones either.

Quote from: mickO))) on July 22, 2024, 01:13:43 PMLegion is one of the best metal albums ever released and it shits all over albums like Spiritual Healing and Human. Even down to the story of how they came about the artwork concept for Legion. The only bad thing that can be said about it, is that the album is too short.

Bleating goat, or Deicide's cringe "god bad" sthick vs. some of James Murphy's best playing, or some of the most influential and iconic drumming on a death metal record...