All this goat talk is reminding me of Necrosadistic Goat Torture who were shit.

All this Goat talk has reminded me I haven't picked up the new Goatmoon yet.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Surprised no one's mentioned Archgoat yet. They're the best of the goat bands.

Back to Slayer. Show No Mercy and Hell Awaits are shonky NWOBHM. I could happily get by without everything except RIB and SOH. The songs on SOH are better but the poxy thin guitar and no-bass production is shite, it drains the agression out of the music. The sound of RIB is still fucking ferocious, they never topped it. SITA is, at best, alright but it is where it all started to turn to shite... which is where it stayed.

South of Heaven with the production of Reign In Blood would be a thing of utter beauty.

Quote from: Massey Ferguson on October 18, 2023, 09:38:31 PMSurprised no one's mentioned Archgoat yet. They're the best of the goat bands.

Goatlord reigns supreme

Unholy Goat Fucker....great band..... what a logo..... go on check em out!

Back to Slayer again.... sort of!!!

This is King's best guitar solo    :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
Age restricted so can't embed it...

On the Slayer thing I like everything up to and including Seasons. Nothing beyond that and Seasons is patchy.

Can't forget Blasphamagoatachrist which contains a Goatpenis member (lol).

South of Heaven is peak Slayer for me. Reign in Blood is a close second, and I prefer Show No Mercy to Hell Awaits - I've listened to HA countless times, but I can't remember any of the tracks after At Dawn They Sleep. Not sure if the production is putting me off, it all sounds a bit samey to me.
Show No Mercy is like Kill 'Em All, very rough sounding but the enthusiasm gives it a charm.

Seasons is grand, but not on the same level as the 2 previous albums. I've never listened to Divine Intervention, I might give it a lash today.

While I've always liked Slayer, I don't think they've ever made a stonecold classic album, there's always two or three fillers for me

But when they're on form they're fucking great

Quote from: Danny on October 18, 2023, 05:50:22 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on October 18, 2023, 04:53:36 PM
Quote from: Danny on October 17, 2023, 05:15:19 PM
Quote from: Circlepit on October 17, 2023, 08:42:09 AMKing might go out as KK's Slayer or something. That wouldn't surprise me.

I don't get all the hate for the last few SLAYER albums. I think they are deadly. Christ Illusion I think is better than World Painted or Repentless.

You think GoatPenis is awful but then you can't understand the hate for the last few Slayer albums? GP shits all over anything Slayer released post 94.

Dude, their music is unlistenable to me. SLAYER is my 2nd fav band ever. Even if fucking GOATPENIS were a deadly band, I couldn't take them seriously with such a stupid fucking name, unless they had an incredible sense of tongue in cheek humor, kinda like a Municipal Waste or Gama Bomb...but something tells me that is not the case here.

Cmon like even Goatdick, Goatcock, Goatcunt, Goatflaps or fuckin GOATSLAYER were better options for the craic, but no they went with fuckin GoatPENIS! lol  ;D

I will somewhat agree that the name isn't great and as someone else mentioned it is why I will never own any GP shirts. I would put the name down to the band being very young when they formed and also the language barrier they may have been going for something else then the name just stuck. Goatsmegma is a lot worse than GoatPenis.

Quote from: open face surgery on October 18, 2023, 05:56:40 PMGoatpenis is a great name, as is Goatsemen.

Goatsemen are great it is just a shame the debut went under the radar because they delayed recording it for some many years that it was never going to live up to the hype.

Quote from: Thorn on October 18, 2023, 08:54:55 PMAll this Goat talk has reminded me I haven't picked up the new Goatmoon yet.

New album is very good patiently awaiting for the vinyl release.

Quote from: jobrok1 on October 19, 2023, 08:40:19 AMBack to Slayer again.... sort of!!!

This is King's best guitar solo    :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
Age restricted so can't embed it...

 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Also, there isn't a Slayer album I wouldn't listen to any day of the week, They're all class in their own way, and they're all SLAYERRRRRRR! :abbath:
I even enjoy undisputed attitude the odd time I stick it on.