Quote from: Don Gately on October 22, 2023, 07:15:51 PMNot sure about Exodus I wouldn't be a big fan
Madness! I'd rate Exodus ahead of Anthrax, Testament & Nuclear Assault on the back of Bonded by Blood & Pleasures of the Flesh alone. Bonded is one of the best thrash albums easily up there with Reign In Blood. & then Brain Dead from Pleasures I think is is one of the best & most catchy Thrash riffs ever.

After your Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer, give me Forbidden or Dark Angel over Anthrax, Exodus or Nuclear Assault. It's not that I've no time for them, but very little.

Forbidden or DA over those 3 without doubt. Enjoy a bit of Nuclear Assault but the other 2 do nothing for me.

Quote from: nukeabuse on October 22, 2023, 11:35:43 PM
Quote from: Don Gately on October 22, 2023, 07:15:51 PMYes had it on today in the car. It's fantastic, AA averil had a recent podcast talking about it and it's legacy. Peace Sells, Reign, Puppets for me are the best albums of those bands careers.
The Legacy and Among the living the following year also. Not sure about Exodus I wouldn't be a big fan

Peace sells has a couple of songs better than anything on rust in peace but RIP is a better overall album
The shite cover songs on their first three albums always put a dent in any Megadeth vs Metallica/Slayer argument for me, really poor decision imo. Though My Last Words is probably my favourite Megadeth song.

Maybe a thrash thread is warranted, some good points and ridiculous points being made.


Might be controversial, but Exodus to me are ridiculous and epitomise the sillier side of thrash which I've no interest in. I recognise the brilliance and influence of Bonded, but then you've the whacky Fabulous Disaster and Pleasures which are both fun but silly. Have they done anything of worth since?? Force of Habit and Impact are the sound of a band that haven't a clue what to do with themselves, they burned out pretty quickly compared to their peers. Tempo is a solid record but the reunion fire was short lived, anything they did with Dukes was bottom barrel brain dead tough man metal, more recent material is as forgettable as anything Testament et al roll out on a two yearly basis. The notion that they should be included in the Big Four is nonsense to me. There's other sides to these things too, they never seemed to be able to get their shit together - even Holt's decade away with Slayer hindered the bands progress somewhat.

QuoteThe shite cover songs on their first three albums always put a dent in any Megadeth vs Metallica/Slayer argument for me

100%. Completely ridiculous choices that would've been better served as B-Sides. They absolutely stop those albums from being flawless.

QuoteForbidden or Dark Angel

Another complete agreement but both were only ever going to have niche interest - too sophisticated for a mass appeal. But outside of the Big four, both would be my go to.

I'd put Testament all day every day over Megadeth.
For me the song writing, the vocals, the actual riffs are far superior.
Rust In Peace is a bag of shite.

Exodus peaked with Tempo of the Damned, Bonded by Blood has some great music but is ruined by Baloff's fucking awful vocals

Overkill's Horrorscope is better than anything released by the lower tier thrash bands. It's also better than anything Anthrax ever released.

Anthrax can consider themselves very fortunate to be considered a big four act. I know they shifted a lot of Units but musically.........

Everyone always puts Exodus and Testament in the Big Four mix over Anthrax.

Apart from Slayer, the only other thrash band to remain any way consistent over the years has been Overkill.
They may not have been in the running back in the day, but they certainly deserve to be in the conversation at this stage.
Moreso than Exodus, at least.

Quote from: Circlepit on October 23, 2023, 10:11:12 AMRust In Peace is a bag of shite.

Now that is controversial! Incredible album that still sounds fresh no matter how many times I listen to it. I could never tire of that iconic razor sharp guitar tone paired with that unmistakable Megadeth playing style.

Game Over and Rust In Peace are my favourite thrash albums, so that's a foot in each camp, I suppose. Neither's perfect (Mr. Softee Theme and Dawn Patrol can fuck off) but they're each band's peak IMO.

Re: Exodus putting anything of worth out recently - Tempo is great, War Is My Shepherd alone brings it up. Nanking off The Human Condition is the best song Slayer never wrote.

Persistence Of Time is reason enough to have Anthrax in the Big 4, Got The Time aside it's perfect.

Agree that Baloff's vocals make Bonded by Blood shite, and Tempo is their peak. Rarely see him mentioned, but I think Tom Hunting is one of the best drummers of that era.

Dark Angel's Time Does Not Heal is my fave thrash album too.

A lot of revisionist shite talked about Anthrax.  First 3 albums are great and Charlie Benante is the most underrated musician in the "Big 4".

Yep, Anthrax deserve their place, cheesy of course but let's be honest most of the second wave thrash stuff is completely interchangeable, Anthrax at least had their own identity, and I still rate Spreading the Disease and Among the Living highly.

I mean, people say Exodus should be in over them, I love Bonded by Blood but they've milked a 40 year career off one album.