Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 14, 2019, 03:38:20 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on November 14, 2019, 02:22:36 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 12, 2019, 10:13:37 PM
I'm peeved to see the NWN forum go.  I think it was an incredible resource for all things metal with the amount of people who were active there, many of whom had deep extensive knowledge on the most obscure aspects of the scene.  It was such an active forum.  While I had no particular problem with right wing labels or bands being promoted there, I thought it was strange that a few hard-core right wingers were given leeway to spout endless racist rubbish and in a way it's no wonder Yosuke closed it down.  Pity though.  He should have enforced a no racist discussion policy and banned those who flouted it and kept the forum alive.  It's a real loss.

He only closed it down because of pressure from Antifa during the festival last month in the US in fact from what I have read good old Kim Kelly did a huge article on him and the forum and every band associated with the label to try and get the fest shut down. We can thank her for it being gone.

The article is laughable goes into the usual insane shite about Bolzer being nazis, Horna being nazis etc then somehow tries to link them back to the label.

Then Yosuke got rid of the forum to protect his financial interests ie. the shop. Kind of ironic that he begged for donations on the forum to get the shop opened and people did donate then 2 years later he just takes that essential resource away from them.  The only way the forum will come back is if with it being his profits are hurt.

I saw that article.  Such a load of effort and for what? To close down a music forum? Pathetic,  really fucking pathetic.  I do think Yosuke should have been tighter around moderation on the forum but bar a handful of spas it was an incredible place to go for information.  Kim is unfortunately one of the most poisonous people to have slithered into the scene over the past decade.

I just googled her. I never heard of her before.
Whats she done thats so bad?

I think her main goal was to go after the festival and she used the forum as evidence to back up her claims sure she use to post herself under a pseudo name. Yosuke just shut the forum down because he doesn't want his shop targeted like what happened to Patricks metal and hell store back in 2009.

Yes it's awful while I have no love for the label the forum was an essential resource both for new releases / reissues, gigs, asking questions about bands or releases then you also a lot of the actual band members posting as well. Even already the D666 demo is being reissued on vinyl I just got lucky and heard about it. I don't use instagram and facebook is useless for updates like this.

Look like the Bone Awl guys that run Klaxon are starting up a new forum.

The only other time I've heard her name was when Seth Putnam died and she was his manager or something along those lines. Would that not put her on the opposite end of the spectrum?

She's become a complete hard-core save the whales from the rapist Nazi metallers muppet.

Good to hear Klaxon will be picking up the ball here.  Hopefully most people will jump across to that forum.

She did an interview with Dragonforce a few years ago and the whole thing was her trying to get them to admit they were racists, Dragonforce for fucks sake!

Quote from: Hambeast on November 14, 2019, 03:58:06 PM
The only other time I've heard her name was when Seth Putnam died and she was his manager or something along those lines. Would that not put her on the opposite end of the spectrum?

That's exactly it. When people dug into her old twitter posts they found more hypocritical stuff like that with like her praising and saying she loved certain bands that she pretends to be against these days.

Wasn't she also the one behind the article that turned out to be completely false on that all female band that came from somewhere in the middle east.

She is also one of these terrible "metal journalists" that nobody wants or needs. She would be right at home working for metalsucks.

I just read that dragonforce interview.
My god she is some idiot.

I remember another article she wrote about how much we need to support female musicians in metal.  Fair enough. Unfortunately the band she used as an example of a woman making brilliant death metal was some chick who plays guitar for fucking Miley Cyrus or something,  and her band sounded like what Six Feet Under might sound like after they were lobotomized.

I also read an article about a metal fest she put on that had no metal bands on it.  It was all radical lesbian blackened grind punk and vegan doom  :laugh:

Quote from: Trev on November 14, 2019, 04:11:47 PM
She did an interview with Dragonforce a few years ago and the whole thing was her trying to get them to admit they were racists, Dragonforce for fucks sake!

She really has made a tit out of herself on numerous occasions now.  That's the problem when you try to force an ideology into a place it was never meant to be.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 14, 2019, 04:23:53 PM
and her band sounded like what Six Feet Under might sound like after they were lobotomized.

So it sounded like a slightly better Six Feet Under then.

 :laugh: imagine if all of the members of SFU were mentally retarded and not just most of them.  Her band almost sounded that good.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 12, 2019, 10:13:37 PM
I'm peeved to see the NWN forum go.  I think it was an incredible resource for all things metal with the amount of people who were active there, many of whom had deep extensive knowledge on the most obscure aspects of the scene.  It was such an active forum.  While I had no particular problem with right wing labels or bands being promoted there, I thought it was strange that a few hard-core right wingers were given leeway to spout endless racist rubbish and in a way it's no wonder Yosuke closed it down.  Pity though.  He should have enforced a no racist discussion policy and banned those who flouted it and kept the forum alive.  It's a real loss.
For those interested a new forum featuring a lot of recognisable names from NWN,  https://revelationofdoom.com/
Early days and all but looks promising.

I would be surprised at any band that would agree to do an interview with her. Knowing the potential for a career shattering hit piece.