Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 09:13:51 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 04, 2024, 02:05:26 PM
Quote from: John Kimble on September 04, 2024, 09:53:43 AMhttps://www.irishexaminer.com/business/companies/arid-41468755.html

On a tangent here (but slightly related), sad to see these restaurant closures on almost a daily basis. Business owners calling for a reduction in the VAT rate but falling on deaf government ears. Predictably enough, the govt will cite a loss to revenue as being a reason not to reduce the rate but yeah, we can splash the cash on a bike shelter when it suits. It all seems very short-sighted...yeah, reducing the VAT rate will undoubtedly have a knock-on effect but so too will businesses closing down and the resultant unemployment of staff etc. I've lived most of my life between Cork and Dublin, and both cities (and their towns) have become almost unrecognisable. Aside from the pubs, it's just an endless supply of mobile phone and vape shops, shitty takeaways and discount stores.

I've lived most of my life up the other end in Sligo and it's the exact same. Bar the shitty takeaways, even they're mostly gone (and good luck to getting a curry chip after the pub now too).

I was up for Whiplash there and I couldn't believe the four lights was closed after the pub. the only place I could find open was the place beside McHughes.

I know the one, it's a different kebab/Middle Eastern-style chippy every year or so. It was Aberakebabra back in the day so we all refer to whatever is in there at the time as that lol.

The Four Lights is kinda there in name only now - the gent who owned it passed away over COVID and it was shut completely for a year or so. Was looking like that was the end, but the folks that have the one in Letterkenny took it over.

They lost all their old staff bar one fella (this is significant as some of the heads working there were there since the 90s). They now open at 1pm (which is fine but some days the shutters are still down until almost half past and that's no craic if you're on your lunch), and are closed at 9pm. They've a high turnover of staff (vs. the really low turnover of the old proprietor - he was well know and liked for being just a really good person), the food ain't as good, the prices are silly for fast food now (which is most places).

As an aside, I've always been low-key disappointed that Whiplash never teamed up with them for some marketing as the Four Lights signature item is the Big Four burger :laugh:

You weren't wearing the Malthusian t-shirt by any chance?

I fucking was the second night yeah, Across Deaths.
Oh Christ, don't say I was talking shite to ya, I was absolutely fucking bongoed!

The four lights used to be a great spot allright. Didn't realize the buck died. That's a pity.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 09:17:12 PM
Quote from: Bürggermeister on September 04, 2024, 08:28:05 PMSouth Tipp is the only real Tipp. The other bit is East Galway. Falsers, the lot of them.

Steady on now, as an east Galwegian I can tell ya we don't want any association with the north Tipp crowd, dodgy as fuck the whole lot of them.

Seconded. East Galway for East Galwegians!

Quote from: Carnage on September 04, 2024, 10:30:48 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 09:17:12 PM
Quote from: Bürggermeister on September 04, 2024, 08:28:05 PMSouth Tipp is the only real Tipp. The other bit is East Galway. Falsers, the lot of them.

Steady on now, as an east Galwegian I can tell ya we don't want any association with the north Tipp crowd, dodgy as fuck the whole lot of them.

Seconded. East Galway for East Galwegians!

Although we are a bit short on women and would grudgingly accept a few good looking Tipp ones, if they behave themselves, eh, in public.

#6094 September 05, 2024, 12:08:35 AM Last Edit: September 05, 2024, 12:10:31 AM by The Wretch
People who are always "On" and forever trying to be funny or clever, whether it is in person, or online.

You can't have any sort of serious conversation. And you can't have the craic either, becuase they are trying to top whatever other people say. And they are always the ones who get sore when they are on the other end of a joke.

Like overly camp blokes, or overly dramatic people, they are just exhausting to be around. As soon as they turn up somewhere, they immediately suck all the energy and fun out of the room.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 10:18:31 PMI fucking was the second night yeah, Across Deaths.
Oh Christ, don't say I was talking shite to ya, I was absolutely fucking bongoed!

The four lights used to be a great spot allright. Didn't realize the buck died. That's a pity.

Thought I hit reply to this but clearly I rolled over and went to sleep... but yeah, we were chatting briefly! I was the dipshit at the bar in the Death "Human" t-shirt fanboying over your t-shirt  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Yeah the old Four Lights is/was part of Sligo's DNA, it's a huge loss to the town. Plus your man who ran it was an absolute gentleman as well.

Quote from: Ducky on September 05, 2024, 12:48:46 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 10:18:31 PMI fucking was the second night yeah, Across Deaths.
Oh Christ, don't say I was talking shite to ya, I was absolutely fucking bongoed!

The four lights used to be a great spot allright. Didn't realize the buck died. That's a pity.

Thought I hit reply to this but clearly I rolled over and went to sleep... but yeah, we were chatting briefly! I was the dipshit at the bar in the Death "Human" t-shirt fanboying over your t-shirt  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Yeah the old Four Lights is/was part of Sligo's DNA, it's a huge loss to the town. Plus your man who ran it was an absolute gentleman as well.

Ah beJaysus I do remember ya man. Hows things.
I think I was on the way to drain the spuds when I was talking to ya, which is lucky for you, ya dodged the bullet of having to listen to me drunkenly  waxing lyrical about things I know fuck all about!
It was a good auld night that, Craic Sabbath were mighty.
your t-shirt is lovely too by the way :P .

I lived in Sligo for a fair few years myself, really liked the town but as you said above, its all changed since.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 05, 2024, 09:44:16 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 05, 2024, 12:48:46 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 10:18:31 PMI fucking was the second night yeah, Across Deaths.
Oh Christ, don't say I was talking shite to ya, I was absolutely fucking bongoed!

The four lights used to be a great spot allright. Didn't realize the buck died. That's a pity.

Thought I hit reply to this but clearly I rolled over and went to sleep... but yeah, we were chatting briefly! I was the dipshit at the bar in the Death "Human" t-shirt fanboying over your t-shirt  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Yeah the old Four Lights is/was part of Sligo's DNA, it's a huge loss to the town. Plus your man who ran it was an absolute gentleman as well.

Ah beJaysus I do remember ya man. Hows things.
I think I was on the way to drain the spuds when I was talking to ya, which is lucky for you, ya dodged the bullet of having to listen to me drunkenly  waxing lyrical about things I know fuck all about!
It was a good auld night that, Craic Sabbath were mighty.
your t-shirt is lovely too by the way :P .

I lived in Sligo for a fair few years myself, really liked the town but as you said above, its all changed since.

Ah that's gas. Small world/country. I was also of the well on variety even at that point and prone to shitetalk - there used to be a table quiz on there every week (moved to the Belfry a while back), myself and a few heads won a bunch of times. Prize is 50 quid voucher for the bar that you can spend whenever, so we basically have a 200 quid bar tab that we otherwise would have trouble spending as we'd never go to the Garavogue for a night out (it attracts a rougher element), so we said fuck it, we'd head in for Whiplash :laugh:

I missed the Saturday, which boiled me piss a bit as I wanted to see the Sabbath tribute.

Did you live in the town? I'm a dirty townie from Forthill meself :laugh:

On a related note, I wonder how many of you lads here I've bumped into over the years? Obviously I've no way to know but it won't be none anyway.

Coroza lads I've bumped into in the kasbah playing above third island and I've seen a good few of you saying you were at gigs I was at but still no real world conformation of having met anyone from here. Mad really.

Would have loved to bump into the Shepherd at emperor for the craic but I was too busy being off my shitter I suppose. Oh don't worry man I'm not going to try get off with you or anything but it would be great some day to put a few faces to my many arch enemies on here.

Wait actually what's the plural of nemesis? Is it nemesis? Grand, still room for new thoughts after all these years lol

Quote from: Ducky on September 06, 2024, 11:08:37 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 05, 2024, 09:44:16 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 05, 2024, 12:48:46 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 10:18:31 PMI fucking was the second night yeah, Across Deaths.
Oh Christ, don't say I was talking shite to ya, I was absolutely fucking bongoed!

The four lights used to be a great spot allright. Didn't realize the buck died. That's a pity.

Thought I hit reply to this but clearly I rolled over and went to sleep... but yeah, we were chatting briefly! I was the dipshit at the bar in the Death "Human" t-shirt fanboying over your t-shirt  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Yeah the old Four Lights is/was part of Sligo's DNA, it's a huge loss to the town. Plus your man who ran it was an absolute gentleman as well.

Ah beJaysus I do remember ya man. Hows things.
I think I was on the way to drain the spuds when I was talking to ya, which is lucky for you, ya dodged the bullet of having to listen to me drunkenly  waxing lyrical about things I know fuck all about!
It was a good auld night that, Craic Sabbath were mighty.
your t-shirt is lovely too by the way :P .

I lived in Sligo for a fair few years myself, really liked the town but as you said above, its all changed since.

Ah that's gas. Small world/country. I was also of the well on variety even at that point and prone to shitetalk - there used to be a table quiz on there every week (moved to the Belfry a while back), myself and a few heads won a bunch of times. Prize is 50 quid voucher for the bar that you can spend whenever, so we basically have a 200 quid bar tab that we otherwise would have trouble spending as we'd never go to the Garavogue for a night out (it attracts a rougher element), so we said fuck it, we'd head in for Whiplash :laugh:

I missed the Saturday, which boiled me piss a bit as I wanted to see the Sabbath tribute.

Did you live in the town? I'm a dirty townie from Forthill meself :laugh:

Free drink is a dangerous thing, it has been known to lead to near fatal levels of shit talk!
The change in atmosphere in the Garavogue after whiplash was palpable, it went from a feeling of general comradery to every man for himself in the space of 10 minutes.
I lived in Tonaphubble (wrong spelling I'd imagine but ya know the place) and Caltragh Heights. Its the guts of 15 years since I lived there man.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 11:47:32 PMOn a related note, I wonder how many of you lads here I've bumped into over the years? Obviously I've no way to know but it won't be none anyway.

Coroza lads I've bumped into in the kasbah playing above third island and I've seen a good few of you saying you were at gigs I was at but still no real world conformation of having met anyone from here. Mad really.

Would have loved to bump into the Shepherd at emperor for the craic but I was too busy being off my shitter I suppose. Oh don't worry man I'm not going to try get off with you or anything but it would be great some day to put a few faces to my many arch enemies on here.

Wait actually what's the plural of nemesis? Is it nemesis? Grand, still room for new thoughts after all these years lol

I'd say He's a sound fella, and if ya dropped the hand he wouldn't mind a bit.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 11:47:32 PMWait actually what's the plural of nemesis? Is it nemesis? Grand, still room for new thoughts after all these years lol

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 07, 2024, 12:45:49 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 11:47:32 PMOn a related note, I wonder how many of you lads here I've bumped into over the years? Obviously I've no way to know but it won't be none anyway.

Coroza lads I've bumped into in the kasbah playing above third island and I've seen a good few of you saying you were at gigs I was at but still no real world conformation of having met anyone from here. Mad really.

Would have loved to bump into the Shepherd at emperor for the craic but I was too busy being off my shitter I suppose. Oh don't worry man I'm not going to try get off with you or anything but it would be great some day to put a few faces to my many arch enemies on here.

Wait actually what's the plural of nemesis? Is it nemesis? Grand, still room for new thoughts after all these years lol

I'd say He's a sound fella, and if ya dropped the hand he wouldn't mind a bit.

I'd certainly hope he'd be up for a bit of slap and tickle at the very least

Quote from: Carnage on September 07, 2024, 02:06:08 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 11:47:32 PMWait actually what's the plural of nemesis? Is it nemesis? Grand, still room for new thoughts after all these years lol

Aha!!! Nice one

Christmas decorations in September.

I was in the local Range branch yesterday and there was a sign up to apologize for half the store closed off as "Santa's elves are busy preparing our new section".

Fast forward today and 2 fricking eejits pop up at the local train station with overflowing bags of xmas decorations!!

Shops have no shame but carrying around bags of such in public at this time of year is beyond shameful.