My place beats that. Wee have overtime, yeah of course, it exists... just don't ask for it. They "can't justify it". The only justification needed that I can think of is that I was there working and I had worked past my hours. Apparently there needs to be see special extra justification added for them too cough up...

Quote from: Ducky on September 07, 2024, 07:03:56 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 07, 2024, 12:39:22 AM
Quote from: Ducky on September 06, 2024, 11:08:37 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 05, 2024, 09:44:16 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 05, 2024, 12:48:46 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 04, 2024, 10:18:31 PMI fucking was the second night yeah, Across Deaths.
Oh Christ, don't say I was talking shite to ya, I was absolutely fucking bongoed!

The four lights used to be a great spot allright. Didn't realize the buck died. That's a pity.

Thought I hit reply to this but clearly I rolled over and went to sleep... but yeah, we were chatting briefly! I was the dipshit at the bar in the Death "Human" t-shirt fanboying over your t-shirt  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Yeah the old Four Lights is/was part of Sligo's DNA, it's a huge loss to the town. Plus your man who ran it was an absolute gentleman as well.

Ah beJaysus I do remember ya man. Hows things.
I think I was on the way to drain the spuds when I was talking to ya, which is lucky for you, ya dodged the bullet of having to listen to me drunkenly  waxing lyrical about things I know fuck all about!
It was a good auld night that, Craic Sabbath were mighty.
your t-shirt is lovely too by the way :P .

I lived in Sligo for a fair few years myself, really liked the town but as you said above, its all changed since.

Ah that's gas. Small world/country. I was also of the well on variety even at that point and prone to shitetalk - there used to be a table quiz on there every week (moved to the Belfry a while back), myself and a few heads won a bunch of times. Prize is 50 quid voucher for the bar that you can spend whenever, so we basically have a 200 quid bar tab that we otherwise would have trouble spending as we'd never go to the Garavogue for a night out (it attracts a rougher element), so we said fuck it, we'd head in for Whiplash :laugh:

I missed the Saturday, which boiled me piss a bit as I wanted to see the Sabbath tribute.

Did you live in the town? I'm a dirty townie from Forthill meself :laugh:

Free drink is a dangerous thing, it has been known to lead to near fatal levels of shit talk!
The change in atmosphere in the Garavogue after whiplash was palpable, it went from a feeling of general comradery to every man for himself in the space of 10 minutes.
I lived in Tonaphubble (wrong spelling I'd imagine but ya know the place) and Caltragh Heights. Its the guts of 15 years since I lived there man.

Oh wow yeah they flipped on some err, Cranberries and Foo Fighters after the gig. I'd imagine that the post gig playlist was very restrictive. I bailed out almost immediately afterwards as I was dying for a shite and wasn't using the jacks in there :laugh:

I've stayed on for the odd pint there after the table quiz and it's really not a good vibe at all. Same shite music every week that some "DJ" is playing. Was there one night and he played the same fucking Spice Girls song twice in the space of an hour. But with Anderson's (AKA The Velvet Room) closing down there's basically no live bar/venue left in town. So it's great that the weekend went ahead, and I'm sure the bar was happy for the cash, but Garavogue and metal (even if it's of the System of a Down tribute variety) don't make great bedfellows at all.

Yeah I know Tonaphubble (which is the correct spelling!) as that's where I live (and am sitting right this moment!) these days. Small world  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Sorry man, I got distracted by the holocaust!!.
That SOAD tribute were great craic, the teaming rain brought everyone inside too which added to it.
That's gas, next you'll be telling me Your landlords name (if your renting) is Terry.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 09, 2024, 12:14:36 PMMy place beats that. Wee have overtime, yeah of course, it exists... just don't ask for it. They "can't justify it". The only justification needed that I can think of is that I was there working and I had worked past my hours. Apparently there needs to be see special extra justification added for them too cough up...

I'd be downing tools at home time. 

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 09, 2024, 12:14:36 PMMy place beats that. Wee have overtime, yeah of course, it exists... just don't ask for it. They "can't justify it". The only justification needed that I can think of is that I was there working and I had worked past my hours. Apparently there needs to be see special extra justification added for them too cough up...

That's exactly how it is where I work so I just leave on time now

What is this paid overtime you speak off.
I'm a chef. There is some far away magical place where overtime is paid.
It sounds so exotic yet scary.

Got myself a physical copy of the new Warhammer on Xbox the other day and only got round to playing today...when I say playing, I mean attempting to. Pop the disc in and have to wait for a gargantuan update to install before I can use it. Still waiting. I wouldn't mind but I only buy these games for the campaign, I have zero interest in the online stuff.
By contrast, the Nintendo Switch is good to go the second you put the game card in. Considering it's a console I originally bought for the kids, it's much more enjoyable than the Xbox and the games are much better too. Sometimes less is more.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 09, 2024, 12:57:21 PMThat SOAD tribute were great craic, the teaming rain brought everyone inside too which added to it.
That's gas, next you'll be telling me Your landlords name (if your renting) is Terry.

Well that's definitely a sentence to lead with :laugh:

No landlords named Terry but one of the lads did have (about 20 years ago) who had a few places around town and he was generally bang on.

Quote from: John Kimble on September 11, 2024, 04:38:02 PMGot myself a physical copy of the new Warhammer on Xbox the other day and only got round to playing today...when I say playing, I mean attempting to. Pop the disc in and have to wait for a gargantuan update to install before I can use it. Still waiting. I wouldn't mind but I only buy these games for the campaign, I have zero interest in the online stuff.
By contrast, the Nintendo Switch is good to go the second you put the game card in. Considering it's a console I originally bought for the kids, it's much more enjoyable than the Xbox and the games are much better too. Sometimes less is more.

A lot of the time the Xbox discs don't even contain v.1.00 of the game and work as a little more than an installer, it's a shambles.

Yeah, that what I thought. The update was so big that I could only conclude it was, in fact, the whole game

Games that use far too much space when doing updates. Genshin Impact 5.0 update? "Not enough room to do update, make space". I had 120GB free on my PS4...

Quote from: John Kimble on September 11, 2024, 05:31:09 PMYeah, that what I thought. The update was so big that I could only conclude it was, in fact, the whole game

It's more prevalent on Xbox as PS5 games usually have v.1.00 on the disc. That's possibly bourne out of the fact that the Series X's games are shipped on 50GB discs, while the PS5 discs are 100GB. And any "Smart Delivery" discs you buy have the Xbox One version on them, and you have to download the Series X version in its entirety despite buying what's supposed to be a Series X disc.

Didn't stop the pricks at EA making Jedi Survivor 150GB on PS5 though... downloading that was the impetus for me to finally hardwire the console, so I guess that's something to he thankful for :laugh:

I'm currently making my way through Dying Light 2. It's great, not as good as the first one. Having said that it loves updates. There was one  a while back took 2 days! Cunts.
I still haven't found the guns that was supposed to part of this hoopla.

Quote from: Circlepit on September 11, 2024, 07:59:04 AMWhat is this paid overtime you speak off.
I'm a chef. There is some far away magical place where overtime is paid.
It sounds so exotic yet scary.

Do you get to take home plenty of feeds as some sort of perk.  Do chefs get paid extra for bank holidays and weekend work?

Quote from: 91/30 on September 12, 2024, 08:00:37 AM
Quote from: Circlepit on September 11, 2024, 07:59:04 AMWhat is this paid overtime you speak off.
I'm a chef. There is some far away magical place where overtime is paid.
It sounds so exotic yet scary.

Do you get to take home plenty of feeds as some sort of perk.  Do chefs get paid extra for bank holidays and weekend work?

For weekends no, for BH you get a day Im lieu or a paid day.
You definitely don't get to take home food, depending on how long your shift is you get fed. For a lot of places it's take it or leave it for a staff meal.
Some places are better than others obviously.

Starting the day with a Shit of One Thousand Wipes.