Akercocke - Goat of Mendes

Goatwhore - A Haunting Curse

Ride for Revenge - Feed the infamy

Edge of Sanity - Unorthodox

Lock Up - The Dregs of Hades
Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell
Bell Witch - Longing

Immortal Bird - Thrive on Neglect
Bedsore - Hypnagogic Hallucinations

#6591 December 21, 2021, 03:01:07 PM Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 03:03:59 PM by Nazgûl

Listening to various tunes and albums while I'm working here. Although it's nowhere near my most listened to album as a whole; God's Old Snake followed by Mouth of Judas on RATPH might be one of the greatest examples of the band's diversity and ear for good songwriting. Those vocals in God's Old Snake are pure killer.

Amon Amarth- Live At Summer Breeze
Immortal- Battles In The North
Malignamemt - Hypocrisis Absolution

Sol invictus by Faith No More. Better than I remembered.

Deicide - Serpents of the Light

Sargeist-Let the Devil In. Absolutely spellbinding Finnish black metal. No sooner has one track ended than you start to think the next couldn't possibly be as good before your jaw hits the floor. A must listen. No idea what the rest of their discography is like but this has to be la creme de la creme.


I listened to that Rob Halford Christmas album today and it might be one of the worst things I've ever heard.  Otherwise:

Gaahl's Wyrd - "Gastir: Ghosts Invited"
Forgot completely about this and it popped into my mind out of nowhere earlier, stuck it back on.  Still great, had forgotten a lot of it since I first gave it a go, very easy to sink into.  Will be getting a few spins out of it this week I think.

Weedpecker - "IV: The Stream of Forgotten Thoughts"
Top class stuff.  Bit of a slow burner, thought at first it was okay but a bit too all over the place, something kept me interested though and since I loved some of their earlier albums, I stuck it on again and it just clicked.  I can't leave it alone now.  Stoner Rock, Psychedelic, relatively straightforward but just excellently done, plenty of variety and lush textures throughout, doesn't drag on at all.  One of my favourites this year even though it's only out a few weeks.

Ustalost - Before the Glinting Spell Unvests
This has only been out a few days but I've been addicted to it. Atmospheric but not in the often droning, uneventfully repetitive way of self proclaimed 'Atmospheric black metal'; it is actually drenched in magical, arcane and byzantine feeling. Highly recommended.

Quote from: ochoill on December 21, 2021, 11:55:25 PM
I listened to that Rob Halford Christmas album today and it might be one of the worst things I've ever heard.
He has two Christmas albums... shocking stuff!

Quote from: jobrok1 on December 22, 2021, 09:15:56 AM
Quote from: ochoill on December 21, 2021, 11:55:25 PM
I listened to that Rob Halford Christmas album today and it might be one of the worst things I've ever heard.
He has two Christmas albums... shocking stuff!
Ah Jesus, it was Halford III: Winter Songs I had on anyway, not even going to look the other one up.  It's like something you'd find in a CD bin at the tills of a co-op.