Manilla Road - Open the Gates
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Diocletian - Amongst the Flames of a Burning God

Trouble - Manic Frustration

Deicide - once upon the cross

#3948 January 16, 2021, 11:26:39 PM Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 12:04:56 AM by Eoin McLove
Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse.
Sigh- Ghastly Funeral Theatre/ Tragedies.
Mayhem- De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.

Therapy? - Nurse. Still great after all this time. Possibly even better than Troublegum.

Oh man, Nurse is untouchable. A league of its own. Troublegum doesn't come close.

Bolt Thrower - For Victory and Those Once Loyal. Unreal catchy heavy riffs, oh how I wish I'd managed to see this band live.

Last days of humanity - putrefaction in progress

Funny, I was very skeptical of Nurse when it came out first, as they'd 'cleaned up' their sound so much, but it's a cracking album, one of their best for sure. The remastered version sounds lovely, too.

Fall Of Because: Life Is Easy
Swans: My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky

Tangerine Dream: Atem

Gjendød- Angrep. This album is so good.

Goatess - Blood and Wine

Took a punt on this from Svart. Tepid stoner doom. Like Orange Goblin swapped the booze for Prozac.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Opeth - In Cauda Venenum

When this came out, it was the first Opeth release I'd enjoyed in well over a decade, especially in the Swedish version. Listening to it again over the last couple of days, I've remembered just how wonderfully Burzum-y the last track is:

Lord Vicar - The Black Powder

Went on an early  Cannibal corpse buzz the last day or so,first 4 are incredible.Loved them when i first got into DM,i constantly change my mind as to which one is my favourite.Butchered,Tomb or The Bleeding,hard to pick between those 3!.Barnes some vocalists in his prime,everything just worked on those early albums.

Kyuss - Wretch
Maiden - Killers
Sanctuary - Refuge Denied and Into the Mirror Black