Quote from: The Wretch on April 01, 2024, 02:47:19 PMIt's good, but I'll take the more Carnivore style aggression of the debut, or the doomy vibes of the last three albums over that, and Bloody Kisses too for that matter. Saw them in the SFX on the October Rust tour though, and they were immense.

Peter Steele and Johnny Kelly were sound too. 

Hey this isn't the controversial opinions thread

Megaton Sword - Blood Hails Steel
Legend - Death in the Nursery
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust

Black Sabbath - The Eternal Idol & Dehumanizer
Acid Reign - The Age of Entitlement

Quote from: Bürggermeister on April 01, 2024, 06:27:26 PMBlack Sabbath - The Eternal Idol & Dehumanizer

Good albums as are Tyr and Headless Cross. I listened to Forbidden earlier in anticipation of the Tony Martin era set coming out. Fuck me that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

Agreed. There's 20 seconds of the remixed Get A Grip on this which is promising, though.


#12230 April 01, 2024, 07:24:28 PM Last Edit: April 02, 2024, 03:42:34 AM by Thorn
Bathory - Blood Fire Death 10/10
Slayer -Hell Awaits 10/10
When these two ended up going back to back recently it struck me that you could embrace minimalism, chuck out half the collection and still have all you need condensed in these two.
It also struck me that apart from being two of the most influential albums ever recorded in our little realm, they also have two of the most hackle raising intros.
I didn't get struck again after that.

King Diamond - Conspiracy 9/10
I first encountered KD via Sleepless Nights on the rather spiffing Thrash The Wall comp. It's still in my Top Ten songs of all time.

Borknagar - Fall 8.5/10
Easily a highlight of the year so far, this band have gone to a whole other level over the last few albums

Therion - Theli 8.5/10
A lush and grandiose symbiosis of progressive Death Metal and Classical music.

Therion -Deggial 8/10
As above though a more streamlined and accessible album.

Sadus - The Shadow Within 8/10
...and one from last year that is still in regular rotation ,a pleasant surprise and a welcome return to action even without you know who

Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom 5/10
I dig it out every now and then just to see is this the day I finally get the reverence for this in certain circles. Nope not yet.

Drowned - Procul His 8/10
Another early year highlight from a band who deal in quality over quantity.

Manilla Road - Playground Of the Damned 7/10
What a job High Roller did on these reissues. This one matches it's foreboding cover with a sober, more subdued collection of songs that intrigue throughout

Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: Thorn on April 01, 2024, 07:24:28 PMBlasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom 5/10
I dig it out every now and then just to see is this the day I finally get the reverence for this in certain circles. Nope not yet.

Try the Die Hard Rehearsal 8/29/01 that came with the die hard version of the Friday the 13th live album I believe it has been released on vinyl as Victory Son of the Damned. That is the best production of anything the band has ever released and it has all of the FOAD songs.

Haemorrhage - Morgue Sweet Home
Marduk - Frontschwein
Marduk - Iron Dawn
Incantation - Unholy Deification

ENGLISH DOGS - Forward Into Battle (1985)

Quote from: mickO))) on April 01, 2024, 11:00:39 PM
Quote from: Thorn on April 01, 2024, 07:24:28 PMBlasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom 5/10
I dig it out every now and then just to see is this the day I finally get the reverence for this in certain circles. Nope not yet.

Try the Die Hard Rehearsal 8/29/01 that came with the die hard version of the Friday the 13th live album I believe it has been released on vinyl as Victory Son of the Damned. That is the best production of anything the band has ever released and it has all of the FOAD songs.

Haemorrhage - Morgue Sweet Home
Marduk - Frontschwein
Marduk - Iron Dawn
Incantation - Unholy Deification

Will do. If nothing else you at least stuck a bit off Venom on my head's jukebox there. DIE HARD!
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Revenge - Scum.Collapse.Eradication

There's a bit more variety in this release than their other stuff. In other words they occasionally horse in a few slower riffs to break up the relentless pounding. It made for the perfect soundtrack for rage walking to work this morning. 

I didn't hear it. A lot of bands seem to realise velocity is more effective in bursts as they get older.

I somehow have three Revenge CDs in my collection. Decent live but hard work on CD. I struggle with Conqueror too. I revisit once a year or so and burn out halfway through. I kind of like that it is so relentless it's too much to take. But I'm not sure if I actually like it.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 02, 2024, 09:52:42 AMI somehow have three Revenge CDs in my collection. Decent live but hard work on CD. I struggle with Conqueror too. I revisit once a year or so and burn out halfway through. I kind of like that it is so relentless it's too much to take. But I'm not sure if I actually like it.

I occasionally feel the need for brutal misanthropic stuff, so I'll stick on a bit of black-death, war metal etc. But yeah, unlike other styles, I find I don't stick with it that long.

N.P - SAVAGE GRACE - Master Of Disguise (1985) 

Watchtower- Control and Resistance. Not familiar with these lads bit the mention of them in the other thread put them in my head for my evening listen. Is it fair to say that Pantera were listening to this while writing Cowboys???

Confessor were anyway. I heard that at a mate's gaff when it came out, instantly hated it and haven't gone near them since. I might try it again, my tastes have changed ever so slightly.