As the palaces burn - LOG

Not listened to this in years... 11th hour * Ruin are fucking good

Coffin Rot-  Poor enough to be honest
Six feet under - haunted. Beige !

Gorephilia - Severed Monolith

Not one  of the more lauded bands on Dark Descent but this was a much more interesting album than their debut. A lot of Formulas or Gateways style riffing going on here. Black Horns, in the middle, is a stonker.
Cool sleeve too.
Thumbs up.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Coffin Texts - The Tomb of Infinite Ritual.  Utterly relentless. I've also been revisiting both Dodecahedron albums. I has forgotten just how superb the debut was, but I have no idea why I didn't give the last one, 'Kwintessens', the time it deserves when it came out. It is absolutely incredible

Alcest -Spiritual instinct.
My Dying Bride -  The dreadful hours.
Setherial - Nord.
Negura Bunget -OM.

Deicide-The Stench of Redemption (someone said on here recently it was the biggest fluke of an album ever,so true!)

Morta Skuld-Dying Remains

Testament - Dark Roots of Earth. In preparation for 2 weeks time

The vinyl edition of 'Return to the Rectory' arrived during the week and I'm spinning it now. I haven't listened to this EP in years. Not their best material,  perhaps, but still pretty good. The gatefold Goya artwork is sublime.

Quote from: Vadge on February 19, 2020, 07:26:21 AM
Coffin Texts - The Tomb of Infinite Ritual.  Utterly relentless.
Totally underrated album and band.

I just picked up 'Dead in the Live Room', a new release by Striknien DC. I had no idea they had anything new out but actually this is a rehearsal recording from 94 and consists of some songs that ended up on Ghettoblaster and a few ones I've never heard before.  Deadly sound on it.  It's about time their back catalogue got the vinyl treatment, if you ask me.

Nabbed the new Lankum too, so that's next up.

Kalmankantaja - Kaski

Toxik - Think This

I could do without the clap-of-thunder snare but, other than that, an amazing album somewhere between Watchtower histrionics and Bay Area thrash.

Must dust that one down, Probably lives in the shadow of World Circus in most collections.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Shores of Ladon- 'Eindringling'. This arrived in the post today,  as did the Megaton Sword EP, and I have it on now.  I only heard them for the first time last week and immediately ordered the album.  Traditional sounding BM that makes no attempt to be in any way avant garde or particularly daring,  but the riffs are brilliant.  Maybe a touch of Drudkh in the chords used, but they as often sound upbeat as downbeat. Works for me.