#10620 October 15, 2023, 08:34:10 PM Last Edit: October 15, 2023, 08:40:31 PM by Massey Ferguson

Quote from: Massey Ferguson on October 15, 2023, 08:34:10 PM
Quote from: Massey Ferguson on October 15, 2023, 08:33:28 PM
Quote from: Thorn on October 15, 2023, 09:39:24 AMSammath - Grebbeberg 8/10
Seventh full length from the Dutch destroyers, intense, abrasive and downright ugly, pretty much the soundtrack to human life going right down the shitter worldwide in 2023.

Brilliant album. The music is ferocious but they still retain a sense of melody under the chaos.
Godless Arrogance is one of my favourite Black Metal albums of recent years. There are some great Dutch bands releasing quality Black Metal - Kaeck and Tarnkappe are also worth checking out.

Yeah I only jumped on with the last one but their earlier releases are definitely on my radar now. Love their scorched earth policy approach.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: Thorn on October 15, 2023, 08:54:17 PMYeah I only jumped on with the last one but their earlier releases are definitely on my radar now. Love their scorched earth policy approach.

Strijd is excellent as well, the keyboards are more prominent so it sounds a bit different to their other stuff. That album and Godless Arrogance are their best IMO, the rest of their albums are definitely worth a listen but not in the same league.

Cheers man, I had a look at them playing in Moscow on YT last night, this stuff doesn't do much for me live as it all becomes a bit of a blur, much of prefer such caustic violence served up to me in my armchair with a good book. Now where the hell did I leave my bus pass this morning..
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

MegatonSword - Blood Hails Steel
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland
Meurtrieres - Ronde Fe Nuit
Midnight Force - Gododdin
Monolord - You Time to Shine

Primordial - How It Ends
Immolation - Acts Of God
NIN - The Slip
Napalm Death - Scum

Mortem - Ravnsvart
Manowar - Sign of the Hammer
Manilla Road - Crystal Logic
Majesty - Sword amd Sorcery
Masterplan - Masterplan
Metalucifer - Heavy Metal Tank

New heavy load album a nice surprise

Where did you get it, over 40 quid for the vinyl on Amazon at the minute  and 25+ the cd?
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Reverend Bizarre- In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend.

Solstice - Lamentations
Solstice - Halcyon
Solstice - White Horse Hill
Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power
Doomsword - Resound the Horn

On a doom buzz the last few days, the weather is adding to the atmosphere.
The Solstice thread on here inspired me to go back to their catalogue. I bought the Never Surrender boxset years ago, it's been gathering dust since then.

Massacre - From Beyond
In Flames - Clayman
Gjendød - Nedstigning
Mork - Isebakke

Quote from: Massey Ferguson on October 18, 2023, 09:30:06 AMSolstice - Lamentations
Solstice - Halcyon
Solstice - White Horse Hill
Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power
Doomsword - Resound the Horn

On a doom buzz the last few days, the weather is adding to the atmosphere.
The Solstice thread on here inspired me to go back to their catalogue. I bought the Never Surrender boxset years ago, it's been gathering dust since then.

Can't argue with that playlist at all.

EHG Discography.

Fridays show is my most anticipated gig in Ireland this year.