it's the Ahman brothers from IS. Absolutely oddball. Definitely not metal in any way shape or form but dark as fuck. The first track is insanely creepy.

I bought a couple of the Midnight albums and gave  them away soon after.
It's fun for a bit then gets old very fast.
Same as Hellripper. Live should be great but pure background music on an album.

Nice. I'll give it a spin later.

Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Overkill - Horrorscope
Tailgunner - Guns for Hire (great album, nothing new but some catchy heavy metal). 
MegatonSword - Might and Power
MegatonSword - Blood Hails Steel (yup another couple of hours tidying in the garden this morning before I got rained off)

Drive up and down the country today consisted of

Maiden - Somewhere in Time
Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell
Cultes des Ghoules - Coven...
BOC - Spectres
Malthusian - Below the Hengiform

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 30, 2023, 06:54:37 AMI think Stälker are playing here soon with Midnight and Denouncement Pyre (and another band as well I think). Are they any use? I must listen to Midnight as they have pretty much passed me by completely.

They're pretty good Agent Steel/Razor esque speed metal. They played last night walking distance from my gaf, fun show with plenty of energy but not sure I'd be going out of my way to catch them.

Tsujder - Helvegr

Took a break from the new Primordial record to give these 2 a go.

SHINING; as usual I really like the really dark black metal rock style and even the suicidal shit I'm on board with, fuck it like kill yourself already cunt, but I just can't get pass some of Kvarforth's dodgy borderline funny vocals, and not understanding a word of his tortured Swedish doesn't help either!

Tsujder, this is actually a fucking great & solid True Norwegian black metal album. A couple of songs on there like Gods Of Black Blood at least are up there with the most ferocious TNBM I've ever heard like select/peak 1349, MAYHEM, Gorgoroth etc. This album actually I'd say stands up very well to rival MARDUK's newest one, which rules too, for BM AOTY.  8)

That's high praise for the new Tsjuder. Must check it out. Not a band that disappoints normally.

#10524 September 30, 2023, 11:36:11 PM Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 12:30:06 AM by Eoin McLove
Burzum- Det Som Engang Var.

Veles- The Black Ravens Flew Again. I've had this LP for fifteen years or more and always thought it was boring shite but chatting to one of the lads over here in recent times he has mentioned them several times and I've always said, nah shite. But I pulled it off the shelf the other day after another conversation with him about them and it has been eyeballing me. I just put it on now and blow me down with a feather, it's bloody good. My tastes within black metal have changed quite a lot over the years and I find I'm coming around to this monochrome style more and more. It's very basic and unadorned in terms of riffs but the atmosphere is spot on. Color me Nazi :D

All Veles is great with that last album being the best.

I'll have to check out the rest and familiarise myself with Ravens... I still struggle with Graveland though.

The trick to listening to Graveland is to forget that Rob Darken wrote it  :laugh: . If its the earlier stuff you struggle with try The Fire Of Awakening.

Thousand Swords is a classic. First album is very good as well. I got lost after Immortal Pride but the re-recordings album 1050 years of Pagan Cult and the last full length are also really good.

Death -Human 9/10
Enslaved -Frost 9/10

Tankard - Zombie Attack 8/10
Samael - Passage 8/10
Hypocrisy - Osculum Obscenum 8/10

Enforcer - Nostalgia 7.5/10
Cruciamentum - Engulfed In Desolation 7.5/10

Memoriam - Rise To Power 7/10
Burial Choir - Iconoclast 7/10
Misery Index - Rituals Of Power 7/10
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes