Quote from: astfgyl on June 11, 2020, 03:29:29 PM
Quote from: The Butcher on June 10, 2020, 11:43:51 PM
We should at least make it to 50 pages? astfgyl and mugz can yoke it out, let us appease the untouchable, billionaire demigods.

I take umbrage with two things here and I wish to clear them up.

First, I am being lumped in with another user with whom I have no affiliation as if we are in some sort of club together here. I will admit to enjoying a lot of his posts, but then that goes for many other users here. Any opinions expressed on here by me are entirely my own, and I tried on several occasions to steer this thread back on course before it morphed into all that it currently encompasses.

Second, the yokes comment may have appeared to be taking the piss but it was actually designed to make a point that people on all sides need to just forgive and move on, otherwise the world will never be free of prejudice and bigotry. The yoke is proverbial. Maybe that was misunderstood along the way but I thought I was making a fair point all the same, while trying to use humour to somewhat defuse the generally confrontational nature of posting in online forums.

Also if you look at where the thread has gone since you made this comment, it wasn't myself who dragged it out to its' current length and if you are looking to make a pariah of somebody, I would rather you didn't involve me in it.


love you man

Quote from: astfgyl on June 11, 2020, 03:43:10 PM
Thanks Hellfire, I appreciate that.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 11, 2020, 02:53:26 PM
....and are of the opinion that deep change does have to come from without.

I'll bring a little bit of Gandhi to this one

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

I think this quote quite nicely encapsulates what is wrong with looting and burning and destroying statues and throwing rocks and petrol bombs at cops and generally acting the complete cunt in protest at somebody else doing something which you perceive as wrong. That something being the George Floyd incident in this instance. These communities, which undeniably have suffered on racial grounds over the years really do need to take the bull by the horns and change themselves now instead of smashing everything up and generally behaving like absolute pricks in the hope that everybody else will change to suit them.

again this is the truth of it- it's always an opportunity to refine yourself, as much as the extreme drama of our teens and 20s seem like the high point of life, and as much as BIG ISSUES seem important, becoming a smoothed out person and monitoring your thoughts and managing your reactions ... those things matter. Leave the psyops behind, where psyop can be toppled statues or long books written in other centuries, basically anything which stops you managing yourself and your interactions with loved ones.

Quote from: mugz on June 11, 2020, 05:17:37 PM
Quote from: hellfire on June 11, 2020, 12:52:58 PM
Using the depressed analogy (a subject I know far too well). I can have the best GP and consultant on the planet. If I don't follow their instructions I'm going to feel like shit.

what if I told you you're not suffering from depression, but you're depressed because life at its best barely scrapes mediocrity?

It wasn't meant to debate depression. The point was that if all the state things they need such as education, employment and of course not getting strangled are given to them and the inner city gang culture doesn't change then no visible improvement will happen.

Quote from: hellfire on June 11, 2020, 07:47:07 PM
Quote from: mugz on June 11, 2020, 05:17:37 PM
Quote from: hellfire on June 11, 2020, 12:52:58 PM
Using the depressed analogy (a subject I know far too well). I can have the best GP and consultant on the planet. If I don't follow their instructions I'm going to feel like shit.

what if I told you you're not suffering from depression, but you're depressed because life at its best barely scrapes mediocrity?

It wasn't meant to debate depression. The point was that if all the state things they need such as education, employment and of course not getting strangled are given to them and the inner city gang culture doesn't change then no visible improvement will happen.

yah  but the benefits of running a dedicated scapegoat caste outweigh the benefits of running a cohesive society.

there's a certain amount of social disarray the government needs in order to keep all of the rest of us busy.

I don't see how it benefits the government of the US to have a lot of unemployed people committing crimes. Benefits the private companies running the prisons for sure. I'm sure there are probably a few kickbacks or backhanders going on, apart from that though.

Quote from: hellfire on June 11, 2020, 08:00:24 PM
I don't see how it benefits the government of the US to have a lot of unemployed people committing crimes. Benefits the private companies running the prisons for sure. I'm sure there are probably a few kickbacks or backhanders going on, apart from that though.

distraction, confusion, isolation, paranoia, indignation

those things are far more valuable to the powers that be than things like guns or laws

Netflix is a weapon. Social media used to be a weapon but then they realised people will binge watch tv shows generated by algorithm, so you can control 100s of millions of people with essentially a press of a button. Less work, more results.

Quote from: hellfire on June 11, 2020, 08:00:24 PM
I don't see how it benefits the government of the US to have a lot of unemployed people committing crimes.

You should look into it, because that's what's going on.

Hope Ur OK Hun xxxx is feeling verdy annoyed with Virgin Media de shower ov dzopes!!!!!
6 December 2016 ·

Virgin Media Ireland yiz r a shower ov Robbin bastards! yiz raise yizzer prices n den I Kant watch fukin Netflix cos yizzer internet is a load of me slice and breaks down 2nite??? #KantKope #VirginMediaCanAskMeSlice <3 <3 xxx

Public schools are funded by property tax over there, so the more affluent neighbourhoods have better funded schools, which is a problem, no doubt about it. I've heard redlining being brought up and banks not lending to people, usually blacks, from these areas. That practice is now outlawed.

Homeownership and a college degree are still drastically lower amongst black communities, single parent families outnumber the traditional nuclear family. Could the welfare system have a portion of the blame in the latter? I'm not an expert, just something to consider.

Atlanta, when I was there in 2008, is apparently the city of black success stories, I certainly didn't see that side of it. Loads of homeless, lots of down and outs. Something is definitely askew, but I'm not convinced that systemic racism is the 'answer'.

One of the lads in my group there was a very successful black lad and the 'hey Mick, ya ain't had yo liquor today baby' to my 'where have you been? mugging someone'? was taken with a chuckle and a pinch of salt unthinkable today.

A black barber also ran out of his shop as I walked past 'hey man! hey man, let me cut yo shit nigga' which was a highlight of my few days there :)

Quote from: mugz on June 11, 2020, 08:31:25 PM
Hope Ur OK Hun xxxx is feeling verdy annoyed with Virgin Media de shower ov dzopes!!!!!
6 December 2016 ·

Virgin Media Ireland yiz r a shower ov Robbin bastards! yiz raise yizzer prices n den I Kant watch fukin Netflix cos yizzer internet is a load of me slice and breaks down 2nite??? #KantKope #VirginMediaCanAskMeSlice <3 <3 xxx

WTF? We don't need to know your every thought.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 11, 2020, 08:26:41 PM
Quote from: hellfire on June 11, 2020, 08:00:24 PM
I don't see how it benefits the government of the US to have a lot of unemployed people committing crimes.

You should look into it, because that's what's going on.

Where would you suggest I start my research?

If Barangutan and Sausage Fingers McBrien we're manning the battlements, the banhammer would have been swung quite a while ago on this lad, Mick.


Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 11, 2020, 08:34:23 PM
Public schools are funded by property tax over there, so the more affluent neighbourhoods have better funded schools, which is a problem, no doubt about it. I've heard redlining being brought up and banks not lending to people, usually blacks, from these areas. That practice is now outlawed.

Homeownership and a college degree are still drastically lower amongst black communities, single parent families outnumber the traditional nuclear family. Could the welfare system have a portion of the blame in the latter? I'm not an expert, just something to consider.

Atlanta, when I was there in 2008, is apparently the city of black success stories, I certainly didn't see that side of it. Loads of homeless, lots of down and outs. Something is definitely askew, but I'm not convinced that systemic racism is the 'answer'.

One of the lads in my group there was a very successful black lad and the 'hey Mick, ya ain't had yo liquor today baby' to my 'where have you been? mugging someone'? was taken with a chuckle and a pinch of salt unthinkable today.

A black barber also ran out of his shop as I walked past 'hey man! hey man, let me cut yo shit nigga' which was a highlight of my few days there :)

that rap hiphop ghetto 'black' culture thing is a great example;  much like heavy metal is rap for white kids, ya get me?

some scenes run longer than others  but for a few million dollars spent on music and tv and some kind of printed media in support, you can control the minds  and lives of potentially billions of people, for decades at a time.

this applies to nearly everything

things get more interesting when you think about why they need to keep things at about 60% decent 40% terrible, it gets deep right away.

you might think you're awesome with an advanced degree in comp sci or neuroscience and a healthy collection of underground black metal limited releases etc but to varadkar or obama or miggledy higgins you're the same as any black guy in america sleeping on a park bench.

the pens we're kept in are infinite.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 11, 2020, 08:40:35 PM
If Barangutan and Sausage Fingers McBrien we're manning the battlements, the banhammer would have been swung quite a while ago on this lad, Mick.



Where would you suggest I start my research?

There are so many dimensions to it, some purely about profit, others about social control. The first is more easily demonstrated, for the latter you're talking about deep sociological and political analyses. But this is pretty evident:

The documentary I posted back a bit '13th' is worth a look (in full on YouTube) Follow up any claims you find doubtful.

#764 June 11, 2020, 09:23:41 PM Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 09:45:15 PM by hellfire
Will do. Won't get a chance over the weekend, but I'll let you know once I have checked.


Just had a look at that page you sent. Haven't watched the documentary yet.  I think what that contends is that the for profit prison system (which is a bad thing in itself) exploits these inmates? I get that. My boss would pay me 12c an hour if he could. If this money were going to the state I'd see more of a connection. As it is the state is paying a fortune to have them kept. I don't see the problem with recouping some of that loss with cheap postal workers uniforms. The state ultimately loses money out of this even if they do buy some cheap goods.

I haven't watched the documentary yet, does it show how a connection between arrests, sentencing and the for profit system? That would be interesting.