Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 02, 2021, 10:26:37 AM
What if it was a black mask?

Typical for a white man to jump straight to colour.

I bet you only wear white masks you literal white supremacist.

Quote from: Bigmac on January 02, 2021, 10:32:58 AM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 02, 2021, 10:26:37 AM
What if it was a black mask?

Typical for a white man to jump straight to colour.

I bet you only wear white masks you literal white supremacist.
Well, my pointy hat is white after all. Colour co-ordination and all that.

How does every good racist joke start?

With a look over both shoulders.

#1413 January 02, 2021, 11:05:16 AM Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 11:23:03 AM by Eoin McLove
I bumped into a lad I know this morning and he's an armed guard. I was asking him what he made of the Floyd Blanch scenario. He was saying it looks like it was legit and that proper protocol was followed. Their training teaches them to shoot to stop, not to kill. They use 9mm bullets which are designed to cause minimum damage, and three shots were fired indicating that your man didn't stop coming forward/ attacking with his knife even after being shot twice. Possible mental health issues with the dude so, again, seems more a shit combination of a person with ghetto disenfranchisement not getting the treatment he needs or possibly not taking medication.

I worry that reducing something like this to racism will benefit nobody. Not the family, not the black community, not the white community, not the guards who have to deal with the problems that these shit areas inevitably throw up. And it takes the focus away from the potential solutions- giving these communities proper amenities, education and the structures to set up businesses all of which might instil a sense of pride and reduce victim mentality which can only be cancerous.

The self-defeatist BLM victim mentality is so depressing. Constantly positioning your whole community as the underdog, revelling in that and not using it as a way to propel yourself out of it,  worse- to brand those who do get out as sell-outs or Uncle Toms, must be fucking soul crushing. Teaching your kids that they are forever hated,  even if things appear to be good, in actuality the racism persists beyond your perception! How the fuck is that supposed to motivate people? It's a kamikaze attitude and to see it begin to creep in here is worrying. The black community here are mostly decent people who want to get along so I hope we see some resistance to that way of thinking from the less polluted minds in those communities.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 02, 2021, 11:05:16 AM
I bumped into a lad I know this morning and he's an armed guard. I was asking him what he made of the Floyd Blanch scenario. He was saying it looks like it was legit and that proper protocol was followed. Their training teaches them to shoot to stop, not to kill. They use 9mm bullets which are designed to cause minimum damage, and three shots were fired indicating that your man didn't stop coming forward/ attacking with his knife even after being shot twice. Possible mental health issues with the dude so, again, seems more a shit combination of a person with ghetto disenfranchisement not getting the treatment he needs or possibly not taking medication.

I worry that reducing something like this to racism will benefit nobody. Not the family, not the black community, not the white community, not the guards who have to deal with the problems that these shit areas inevitably throw up. And it takes the focus away from the potential solutions- giving these communities proper amenities, education and the structures to set up businesses all of which might instil a sense of pride and reduce victim mentality which can only be cancerous.

The self-defeatist BLM victim mentality is so depressing. Constantly positioning your whole community as the underdog, revelling in that and not using it as a way to propel yourself out of it,  worse- to brand those who do get out as sell-outs or Uncle Toms, must be fucking soul crushing. Teaching your kids that they are forever hated,  even if things appear to be good, in actuality the racism persists beyond your perception! How the fuck is that supposed to motivate people? It's a kamikaze attitude and to see it begin to creep in here is worrying. The black community here are mostly decent people who want to get along so I hope we see some resistance to that way of thinking from the less polluted minds in those communities.
What he has described is exactly as I saw it on the WhatsApp video the other day. It all happened so quickly.

Nail on head McLove. The only people who brought race into the equation were the usual neanderthals on the right, but far more worringly our 'liberal' 'woke' media and politicians. They might feel they're doing some good here, extending some sort of hand of friendship across the racial lines, but it only serves to blur everything. A criminal should be dealt with the same be he black, white, asian whatever. We are not the US. Our Garda are unarmed and respond in this way only in the direst of circumstances. All the rest of it is simply giving liscence to those who wish to divide us and/or gain points in whatever idealogical argument they are so concerned about winning.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 02, 2021, 11:36:22 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 02, 2021, 11:05:16 AM
I bumped into a lad I know this morning and he's an armed guard. I was asking him what he made of the Floyd Blanch scenario. He was saying it looks like it was legit and that proper protocol was followed. Their training teaches them to shoot to stop, not to kill. They use 9mm bullets which are designed to cause minimum damage, and three shots were fired indicating that your man didn't stop coming forward/ attacking with his knife even after being shot twice. Possible mental health issues with the dude so, again, seems more a shit combination of a person with ghetto disenfranchisement not getting the treatment he needs or possibly not taking medication.

I worry that reducing something like this to racism will benefit nobody. Not the family, not the black community, not the white community, not the guards who have to deal with the problems that these shit areas inevitably throw up. And it takes the focus away from the potential solutions- giving these communities proper amenities, education and the structures to set up businesses all of which might instil a sense of pride and reduce victim mentality which can only be cancerous.

The self-defeatist BLM victim mentality is so depressing. Constantly positioning your whole community as the underdog, revelling in that and not using it as a way to propel yourself out of it,  worse- to brand those who do get out as sell-outs or Uncle Toms, must be fucking soul crushing. Teaching your kids that they are forever hated,  even if things appear to be good, in actuality the racism persists beyond your perception! How the fuck is that supposed to motivate people? It's a kamikaze attitude and to see it begin to creep in here is worrying. The black community here are mostly decent people who want to get along so I hope we see some resistance to that way of thinking from the less polluted minds in those communities.
What he has described is exactly as I saw it on the WhatsApp video the other day. It all happened so quickly.


That video was in fact a deleted scene from the 2nd Blade movie with the perpetrator's face replacing that of Wesley Snipe's  on faceapp. Get your story straight for fucks sake!!!!

Quote from: Pedrito on January 02, 2021, 10:09:26 AM
I keep forgetting that Chris is the only one with the true story all the time. Must be amazing to be always on the ground at these events with the truthful reporting that we've all become used to in our media.

Neither you nor Kurt even linked to a source for any of those claims (this was my main point about how to do your bit if you think everyone should "only be interested in the facts"), even though KC is now saying everything he read was in "an article." The article he linked me from the IT on NYE when I initially asked for a link to know what this whole Blanch incident was about, clearly states a timeframe of midday to 12:35, a punch, etc., etc., but then in his post directly after, KC went on to claim things not in that very article, and in fact every other unconfirmed claim was posted subsequent to that point. So the very first article I read, before knowing anything else about all this, had the proper account, and it was after that article had been shared here that you all came in with other claims which didn't match that account and for which not a single source to back them up was provided. This is how bullshit spreads.

Have you actually seen any of the videos or are you just getting your story from The Guardian or whatever 'source' or 'article' you see fit. I'm not takking about articles I'm talking about twatty cunts who are trying to sell a line that this incident is somehow racially motivated. I talked about the 6 Garda killings since 1998. I talked about a standoff where someone was asked repeatedly to drop a knife in a neighbourhood where little kids and families and people who have to get up for work on a Monday morning have to endure this type of nonsense. You're the one dragging this out and trying to read more into it than needs be. It's an open and shut case as far as I'm concerned. If someone walks up my street here with a knife in his hand, I don't care if he's Buddha reincarnated I hope the police will deal with him appropriately. End of.

If he's muslim I'm sure they'll say it was the way he was taught history in school, if he's Irish they'll blame him getting bummed by priests, I don't care. You walk up the street threatening people with knives then you need to be put down somehow. The rest of it is the usual deflection tactics you enjoy so much.

#1419 January 02, 2021, 11:56:58 AM Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 12:07:45 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
None of the videos tell us anything about previous convictions, which you reported in emotionally charged and unconfirmed detail. I mean, I don't know why you're trying to dodge it; just try to avoid doing it in the future! You didn't hear those rumours by accident - it's bullshit fakenews, started with an agenda, spread unwittingly. Don't be unwitting!

Edit: I'll pull that back a bit - it's bullshit fake-news, as far as we know. Maybe, it will turn out these rumours are true, but for the moment, as I keep saying, I haven't seen one single reliable source provided as basis in fact for any of them. So, personally, I wouldn't be relating them as fact, since I have no way of verifying whether they are. We're not exactly talking about Mentat-level training  ;) , just a slight, conscious effort of mental discipline.

The smarminess and ego behind some of your posts is frankly startling.

What single reliable source are you looking for here? Some woke bollox written in the Irish Independent or the Guardian that will polish this whole thing up to look like some poor disenfranchised black lad who just wasn't sure how to express himself so he did the only thing he knew how and lashed out with a machete? Because that's the kind of rubbish we're being fed here. I'll focus on the larger picture thank you very much and make up my own mind on these things. If you have 'reliable' sources I'd be very interested to read them. Fire them up for us all to see.

We were reacting to the snippets of news (Irish Times, etc.) posted in the aftermath that afternoon. Of course there was going to be some snippets of misinformation involved and no one here was deliberately telling lies or knowingly spreading said misinformation. It's the digital media age, get used to it.
Also, most of us had seen the few WhatsApp videos of the trail of cop cars following him back to his house. Then the actual stand off and shooting itself.

This lad was, by all accounts a bad bastard. And lo and behold his dear little bruddah Emmanuel seems a cunt too.
Should be locked up for threatening the life of a member of the Garda Síochána And nó doubt his/her family.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 02, 2021, 12:15:26 PM
The smarminess and ego behind some of your posts is frankly startling.
But unsurprising.

I'm just after hearing that a house has been blown up in Blanchardstown.