Quote from: Nazgûl on January 01, 2021, 09:56:20 PM
I'm not really on social media anymore, nor was I being sent any videos of the incident or the protests surrounding it (aside from seeing whatever The Times had up of the BLM stuff)...so what I'm interested to know is what's the story with mentions here of regular people being called "white bastards" on the street and being attacked!? Is there proof of this and if so what the fuck is going on up in Dublin?

I did watch a video somebody posted here of a load of scaldy types outside a petrol station brawling. But to me I couldn't see how that correlated with the protests going on in town. Is this another case like in then U.S. where scumbags are getting involved in wrecking the place for the sake of it.
There is this video I posted earlier in the thread.


Quote from: Nazgûl on January 01, 2021, 09:56:20 PM
I'm not really on social media anymore, nor was I being sent any videos of the incident or the protests surrounding it (aside from seeing whatever The Times had up of the BLM stuff)...so what I'm interested to know is what's the story with mentions here of regular people being called "white bastards" on the street and being attacked!? Is there proof of this and if so what the fuck is going on up in Dublin?

Think this compilation has pretty much all the various bits footage:


#1397 January 02, 2021, 12:23:28 AM Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 12:51:49 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: PedritoThe simple facts of the case are what I'm interested in.
It is feeding a false narrative, with absolutely no basis in fact.

Okay, it's Friday night, we're back in lockdown, the missus and kid don't get back until tomorrow, the film I was watching is over, and since confirmation bias is my research subject, I can always convince myself this is of broader use to me. Either way, I'm afraid I just can't in good conscience allow the above righteous indignation to slide, so here's a list, in order of posting, of everything that has been said here so far about George Nkencho and the events of 30 December 2020 which, as far as I can tell (i.e. no actual sources provided, but still time to do so if they exist), have "absolutely no basis in fact" and which are being used online now and over the last couple of days to "[feed] a false narrative."

He robbed or attempted to Rob a shop at knife point
- No official confirmation yet that there was an attempted robbery (circumstantially, seems most likely thing, but nothing confirmed yet so motivation for attack could be something else as yet unknown...or may even turn out to be related to mental issues).

Quotethen went on a 5 hour standoff
- False.

QuoteI see the 'he was troubled/had mental health issues' bollocks has already bern trotted out
- No available basis yet for either confirming or dismissing existence of mental health issues.

QuoteHe slashed the person in the Spar.
- Unconfirmed, but most likely false, as all official reports so far describe only a punch.

Quote90 minutes standoff with the guards
- Unconfirmed, but doesn't match times published in all major media.

Quotewhen he lunged at a Ban Garda.
- Can find no source to confirm there was a bean garda involved.

QuoteBeat his missus in the face with a hammer
- Unconfirmed.

Quoteattacked an elderly woman in the street
- Unconfirmed.

QuoteThere'd be no faffing around for 90 minutes either.
- Probable false premise.

QuoteYou spend 90 minutes trying to talk a guy down and then he lunges at a female Garda
- Probable false premise, plus see above as to source for gender of guard.

QuoteThe idea that anyone of any colour is brandishing a knife and continues to do so for hours afterwards is simply horrific
- Probable false premise.

QuoteWhy did that lad feel like he can have a standoff with the Garda for 90 mins?
- Probable false premise.

So, if there are verifiable sources for any of these, great; get in the habit of providing them, thereby also spreading a good habit.
For any of them which don't have a verifiable source; get in the habit of trying to trace back anything you hear to the earliest possible source you can reach, and if that's not a verifiable source, ask yourself what the nature of that source is, who is the source, what's their agenda, etc., etc. Sometimes, it may even turn out, as with the supposed photo of the manager with a slashed face, that it is total fabrication.

I'm definitely not immune to falling into this trap from time to time either, no human can avoid it, but you have to at least try to actively combat it; it can only benefit the acuity of your reasoning.

Yeah a fella getting shot by the gardai is always front page here and it is certainly newsworthy but just look at what social media is doing to the story on both sides.

We can be fairly sure he wasn't shot because of his colour as there is fuck all lads of any colour being shot by gardai to base it on.

It was inevitable that it would lead to some blm type of response because that's how it goes these days but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous.

I think the machine is radicalising the whole world by simply offering them more of what they want and letting the people take the bait. Algorithm drags more and more people into direct opposition day by day, solidifying very narrow points of view with little room for nuance and extremely resistant to being changed. And it doesn't even have to be doing it on purpose, it just wants more clicks and dutifully sends the people where they want to go to make themselves feel less empty. The natural reaction to that then is that everyone has at least someone to be in direct conflict of opinion with and then add in everyone being under restrictions so frustrated anyway and it's no wonder shit like this turns out like this.

Just start by taking responsibility for your own personal consumption and distribution - no matter how wide or limited that may be - of information. Demand reliable/verifiable sources. If you can't find one, there's a pretty good chance there isn't one, and what you've been hearing has been exaggerated beyond accurate recognition or was quite simply entirely fabricated in the first place.

#1400 January 02, 2021, 07:00:52 AM Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 07:09:44 AM by Kurt Cocaine
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 02, 2021, 12:23:28 AM
Quote from: PedritoThe simple facts of the case are what I'm interested in.
It is feeding a false narrative, with absolutely no basis in fact.

Okay, it's Friday night, we're back in lockdown, the missus and kid don't get back until tomorrow, the film I was watching is over, and since confirmation bias is my research subject, I can always convince myself this is of broader use to me. Either way, I'm afraid I just can't in good conscience allow the above righteous indignation to slide, so here's a list, in order of posting, of everything that has been said here so far about George Nkencho and the events of 30 December 2020 which, as far as I can tell (i.e. no actual sources provided, but still time to do so if they exist), have "absolutely no basis in fact" and which are being used online now and over the last couple of days to "[feed] a false narrative."

He robbed or attempted to Rob a shop at knife point
- No official confirmation yet that there was an attempted robbery (circumstantially, seems most likely thing, but nothing confirmed yet so motivation for attack could be something else as yet unknown...or may even turn out to be related to mental issues).
An article I read a couple of days ago said it was an attempted robbery. Either way, he punched the Spar manager's face and then brandished a 'large knife', no doubt terrifying staff and customers in the shop.

Quotethen went on a 5 hour standoff
- False.
This was also reported in an article I read too, as have a few others here it seems, but what do we do? Sit back for two weeks and say nothing until the facts are all laid bare?

QuoteI see the 'he was troubled/had mental health issues' bollocks has already bern trotted out
- No available basis yet for either confirming or dismissing existence of mental health issues.
His brother, dear little Emmanuel, stated that the Guards had been round to the house 'to chat with George' a few times. Could be mental health issues (was he ever treated? Hopefully we'll find out), or he could have simply been a bad bastard.

QuoteHe slashed the person in the Spar.
- Unconfirmed, but most likely false, as all official reports so far describe only a punch.
Correct, but only a punch that required the Spar manager to go to hospital for treatment for his nose.

Quote90 minutes standoff with the guards
- Unconfirmed, but doesn't match times published in all major media.
The article I posted yesterday from The Irish Times did state a time of incident between 12pm and 12.35pm to the shooting. So going by that, it's 35 minutes.

Quotewhen he lunged at a Ban Garda.
- Can find no source to confirm there was a bean garda involved.
I myself have seen no mention of a Ban Garda so can't comment.

QuoteBeat his missus in the face with a hammer
- Unconfirmed.
"She was goin through the change bos!"

Quoteattacked an elderly woman in the street
- Unconfirmed.
She shouldn't have been out anyway. Cocooning..

QuoteThere'd be no faffing around for 90 minutes either.
- Probable false premise.
You raised this point already.

QuoteYou spend 90 minutes trying to talk a guy down and then he lunges at a female Garda
- Probable false premise, plus see above as to source for gender of guard.
Either way, it was still 30+ minutes and this guy still wouldn't lay his weapon down, even when multiple gus were pointed at him. Plenty of time to calm down and rationalise his impending doom wouldn't you say?

QuoteThe idea that anyone of any colour is brandishing a knife and continues to do so for hours afterwards is simply horrific
- Probable false premise.
Anyone, no matter what colour, who attacks staff or customers in a shop or wherever with a weapon has to know that he/she will be met with full force when the law arrives in my opinion.

QuoteWhy did that lad feel like he can have a standoff with the Garda for 90 mins?
- Probable false premise.
A couple of posters posted the same time frame. Big deal, you're just regurgitating here to prove your point.

So, if there are verifiable sources for any of these, great; get in the habit of providing them, thereby also spreading a good habit.
For any of them which don't have a verifiable source; get in the habit of trying to trace back anything you hear to the earliest possible source you can reach, and if that's not a verifiable source, ask yourself what the nature of that source is, who is the source, what's their agenda, etc., etc.

Yes bos. Anything you say bos. We hav all the time in the world bos.   :laugh:

Sometimes, it may even turn out, as with the supposed photo of the manager with a slashed face, that it is total fabrication.

I'm definitely not immune to falling into this trap from time to time either, no human can avoid it, but you have to at least try to actively combat it; it can only benefit the acuity of your reasoning.
Jebus wept man. How long did it take you to trawl through all this bollox?  :laugh:
If my missus and kid was away, the last, the very last thing I'd be doing is spending my precious free Friday night trawling through posts on a forum to prove a point.
The film's over? Put on another one or kick back with a J and some tunes even....
So chatting bollox with lads on a Metal forum is considered part of 'research' nowadays, huh? Not a bad career at all at all....  8)

And your attack yesterday on all the indigenous gingers of this country with your; "would we be this outraged if this was a freckly scanger?"
Well sure as shit a couple of hundred faux outraged 'friends' of Mr Freckles wouldn't have went on the rampage in West Dublin afterwards. Would they?

Quote from: astfgyl on January 02, 2021, 01:27:34 AM
Yeah a fella getting shot by the gardai is always front page here and it is certainly newsworthy but just look at what social media is doing to the story on both sides.

We can be fairly sure he wasn't shot because of his colour as there is fuck all lads of any colour being shot by gardai to base it on.

It was inevitable that it would lead to some blm type of response because that's how it goes these days but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous.

I think the machine is radicalising the whole world by simply offering them more of what they want and letting the people take the bait. Algorithm drags more and more people into direct opposition day by day, solidifying very narrow points of view with little room for nuance and extremely resistant to being changed. And it doesn't even have to be doing it on purpose, it just wants more clicks and dutifully sends the people where they want to go to make themselves feel less empty. The natural reaction to that then is that everyone has at least someone to be in direct conflict of opinion with and then add in everyone being under restrictions so frustrated anyway and it's no wonder shit like this turns out like this.
Very good post astfygl.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 02, 2021, 12:23:28 AM
Quote from: PedritoThe simple facts of the case are what I'm interested in.
It is feeding a false narrative, with absolutely no basis in fact.

Okay, it's Friday night, we're back in lockdown, the missus and kid don't get back until tomorrow, the film I was watching is over, and since confirmation bias is my research subject, I can always convince myself this is of broader use to me. Either way, I'm afraid I just can't in good conscience allow the above righteous indignation to slide, so here's a list, in order of posting, of everything that has been said here so far about George Nkencho and the events of 30 December 2020 which, as far as I can tell (i.e. no actual sources provided, but still time to do so if they exist), have "absolutely no basis in fact" and which are being used online now and over the last couple of days to "[feed] a false narrative."

He robbed or attempted to Rob a shop at knife point
- No official confirmation yet that there was an attempted robbery (circumstantially, seems most likely thing, but nothing confirmed yet so motivation for attack could be something else as yet unknown...or may even turn out to be related to mental issues).

Quotethen went on a 5 hour standoff
- False.

QuoteI see the 'he was troubled/had mental health issues' bollocks has already bern trotted out
- No available basis yet for either confirming or dismissing existence of mental health issues.

QuoteHe slashed the person in the Spar.
- Unconfirmed, but most likely false, as all official reports so far describe only a punch.

Quote90 minutes standoff with the guards
- Unconfirmed, but doesn't match times published in all major media.

Quotewhen he lunged at a Ban Garda.
- Can find no source to confirm there was a bean garda involved.

QuoteBeat his missus in the face with a hammer
- Unconfirmed.

Quoteattacked an elderly woman in the street
- Unconfirmed.

QuoteThere'd be no faffing around for 90 minutes either.
- Probable false premise.

QuoteYou spend 90 minutes trying to talk a guy down and then he lunges at a female Garda
- Probable false premise, plus see above as to source for gender of guard.

QuoteThe idea that anyone of any colour is brandishing a knife and continues to do so for hours afterwards is simply horrific
- Probable false premise.

QuoteWhy did that lad feel like he can have a standoff with the Garda for 90 mins?
- Probable false premise.

So, if there are verifiable sources for any of these, great; get in the habit of providing them, thereby also spreading a good habit.
For any of them which don't have a verifiable source; get in the habit of trying to trace back anything you hear to the earliest possible source you can reach, and if that's not a verifiable source, ask yourself what the nature of that source is, who is the source, what's their agenda, etc., etc. Sometimes, it may even turn out, as with the supposed photo of the manager with a slashed face, that it is total fabrication.

I'm definitely not immune to falling into this trap from time to time either, no human can avoid it, but you have to at least try to actively combat it; it can only benefit the acuity of your reasoning.

Ah he was a great guy god rest his soul.

I keep forgetting that Chris is the only one with the true story all the time. Must be amazing to be always on the ground at these events with the truthful reporting that we've all become used to in our media.

He's the only reason I come on this forum. And I really mean that.  :laugh:
He's a good lad though.

I'm sure he's taking a knee for George as we speak.

Why isn't ANYONE asking the big question: Was George wearing a mask in the shop?

I think in this day and age, with everything we have learned from Covid, we can at least all agree that not wearing a mask would be grounds to be shot there and then.

If CCTV shows he wasn't, then this is a closed case.

Quote from: Pedrito on January 02, 2021, 10:15:53 AM
I'm sure he's taking a shit for George as we speak.
Fixed that for you....

Quote from: Bigmac on January 02, 2021, 10:21:14 AM
Why isn't ANYONE asking the big question: Was George wearing a mask in the shop?

I think in this day and age, with everything we have learned from Covid, we can at least all agree that not wearing a mask would be grounds to be shot there and then.

If CCTV shows he wasn't, then this is a closed case.
What if it was a black mask?
Unless the CCTV images provided are in 4k resolution that all efforts to provide this valuable information would be futile.