Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 02, 2021, 12:49:31 PM
It's neigh as high as your one. That's for sure.

On fire today ye are  :laugh:

Would you not donate that 50 euros to the 'save the poor starving kids in Clonee' fund, instead of using it for your own personal pleasure?

Quote from: Pedrito on January 02, 2021, 02:08:38 PM
Quote from: Bigmac on January 02, 2021, 12:58:29 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 02, 2021, 12:45:17 PM
... then why shouldn't the black community believe race was a determinant issue?

There'll be no convincing them otherwise, unfortunately. Their minds are made up on that one.

:laugh: perfect

Facile, more like: There'll be equally no convincing the white nationalists that this guy wasn't just what they will say is yet another symptom of the inherent impossibility of integrating communities from different backgrounds, rather than, say, a failure of government (as you said yourself) to establish these communities according to proper guidelines, or - if it turn out to be the case - a failure to properly engage with warnings of mental health issues, especially in young people who were close to murder victims. You won't be able to convince those white nationalists of any of that. And I know you're reading this, and I know it's all going in on some level, even though you're refusing to engage with it, but all that insistence on supposed previous convictions is a core part of the false narrative that integration will never and can never work. So, go ahead, do what you like with all that, but that's what is going on, that is why you heard what you heard about Nkencho's supposed past, not by accident. Propaganda, pure and simple. Yes, BLM is propaganda too; but sure any old schmoe can recognize propaganda that's not aimed at him- or herself.

White Nationalists? There is a huge supply-demand issue with these mysterious characters. The demand is clearly there, as you prove with your bogeyman argument, but outside of an insignificantly tiny number of screwballs with zero influence in anything, they are extremely thin on the ground, particularly in Ireland. Of course, the post modernist take on the term puts anyone who leans to the right as a Nazi.

BLM and woke capitalism running the planet should be of more concern.

White nationalists? What in the hell are you talking about? I have no interest whatesoever in them clowns. AND we can always have excuses. I lived out there. There's loads of people with jobs and lives and families but as usual the scum drag it down because we allow them.to. There's zero reason for someone to be wielding a knife in the streets of Clonee other than being a complete degenerate. But we keep making excuses for them. I'm sorry, I'm not buying it. Life was way worse in the 80's. There was real unemployment, we had the troubles etc. But nowadays? Get a job. Get your shit in order and let's stop making excuses for any of these thugs, be they black white or whatever, because that's what they're trying to do.

This is gone quare daft.  Back to social media to inform myself.

Nationalists who are white, "patriots". White Irish people who are anti-immigration and anti-immigrant. There are lots of them, and their influence is large enough to be found right here, sometimes knowingly, sometimes not. Either way, what difference does it make whether one is taken in by a movement of a thousand or a million?? The bullshit turned up here; whatever size the movement, it is part of the narrative they put out there. And still not once engaged with the question of how that list of previous convictions came to you, or why it entered your mind as fact. You should recognize the source of that type of questioning of the self from previous discussions outside of this forum.

So if you are a nationalist and you are white, you are a 'white nationalist'? (everyone here knows what that expression means perfectly well, including you)

That is either wilfully dishonest, irresponsible or a completely dumb thing to say.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 02, 2021, 03:00:41 PM
There'll be equally no convincing the white nationalists that this guy wasn't just what they will say is yet another symptom of the inherent impossibility of integrating communities from different backgrounds...

Equating those who recognise the failures of diversity, to White Nationalists who would hate based on skin colour, is a bit much.

Diversity and proximity will always yield some sort of friction due to inherent differences in culture, customs, religion, history and the like. But if any time someone who is white brings this up, and is immediately called a racist, it's probably going to start making more actual racists.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 02, 2021, 03:29:14 PM
So if you are a nationalist and you are white, you are a 'white nationalist'? (everyone here knows what that expression means perfectly well, including you)

That is either wilfully dishonest, irresponsible or a completely dumb thing to say.

To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'd call the kind of people who agree with the likes of Grand Torino, either in general or from time to time. I've a fair few in my extended family, who I've no wish to baldly insult, but they are anti-immigrant. So, I'll have to say it's a thing to say for lack of a better thing to say...closest to completely dumb!

I think the majority of people are willing to see what stems from the investigation, if any improvements can be made regards training protocols, deescalation attempts etc. My bro was in the Gards and he said the quality in terms of training/crisis situation handling between garda stations can be staggering. And yes - point towards mental health funding, resources for education, try revitalise these areas before they really go off the cliff and said communities should bind together to put pressure on government and local TDs to turn things around.

I'm sick of the extremes taking away from these common sense narratives or others trying to point to these extremes to negate the middle ground which the likes of twitter/facebook does very well in highlighting these crazy comments for people to get sucked in and continue to mindlessly engage on said sites (astfgyl had a good post on that side of things in this thread). I'll agree with BSC that it's important the facts are laid out and bullshit from both sides and the whataboutery gets us nowhere.

It's Orwellian to think that being wary of mass immigration is enough to be branded a white nationalist, as in, along the lines of the AWB, Combat 18, the LVF etc.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 02, 2021, 03:48:28 PM
It's Orwellian to think that being wary of mass immigration is enough to be branded a white nationalist, as in, along the lines of the AWB, Combat 18, the LVF etc.

I meant that they're nationalists, in the Irish sense, and also white, and also anti-immigrant.

#1452 January 02, 2021, 03:53:39 PM Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 03:59:07 PM by Caomhaoin
Yeah, but you know what 'white nationalist' implies.

I'm finally having a look at this Grand Torino lad...Why am I not surprised that annoying shitbag John Waters is on loads of his videos. Seems like the simple mans Dave Cullen, aka Computing Forever.

I don't know, I find this kind of guff very hard to take seriously from Irish lads.

Quote from: The Butcher on January 02, 2021, 03:41:55 PM
I think the majority of people are willing to see what stems from the investigation, if any improvements can be made regards training protocols, deescalation attempts etc. My bro was in the Gards and he said the quality in terms of training/crisis situation handling between garda stations can be staggering. And yes - point towards mental health funding, resources for education, try revitalise these areas before they really go off the cliff and said communities should bind together to put pressure on government and local TDs to turn things around.

I'm sick of the extremes taking away from these common sense narratives or others trying to point to these extremes to negate the middle ground which the likes of twitter/facebook does very well in highlighting these crazy comments for people to get sucked in and continue to mindlessly engage on said sites (astfgyl had a good post on that side of things in this thread). I'll agree with BSC that it's important the facts are laid out and bullshit from both sides and the whataboutery gets us nowhere.

There's nobody here being extreme. Clonee and that area are not poor areas. This is a middle class/working class area with some ropier spots around it. I personally really didn't like living there because it is a suburban sprawl. That said, there is the world of green areas, there are sports clubs, cinemas, shops, the whole lot. One lad walks.down the street with a knife and suddenly the whole.area is an issue. YES, I didn't like it. Doesn't mean it's Baghdad.

'Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. People tend to unconsciously select information that supports their views, but ignore non-supportive information'.

I would argue that trawling twitter for white nationalists is a perfect example of confirmation bias. I would argue that a Lord Mayor taking the unprecedented step to send condolences to a violent criminal's family in a police shooting incident, ONLY because of his background is condirmation bias.

I'm talking about the middle ground here, not some Gran Torino gonshitery or SJW nonsense. If someone, anyone, walks around my area brandishing a weapon, I don't want a Garda to hesitate because of skin colour or whatever factors will be pulled to pieces by the public after. We're all experts it seems in how to deescalate these situations, but there was a big team of professionals on the scene and you can bet the decision wasn't taken lightly. The idea that he was shot because of his skin colour is absolutely insulting tbh, especially when we look at the rareness of police shootings in our country and some of the rhetoric is completely out of control.

I found most of the white nationalist stuff while looking up your claims of previous convictions.