Apart from Mattie and Peadar Toibín, every man Jack in that house is compromised, a bullshitter or a globalist minion.

The less said about Sinn Féin the better.

A lot of hysteria about the Freedom Party getting in, Nazis etc (they aren't) but if you examine their policies, it's not a mystery why a party like that is getting elected. We have no credible alternative, it's so depressing.

The global economic system is the true enemy. We've lost sight of the transcendent and embraced materialism to such an extent that corporations are dictating culture - an army of cheap labour imported thanks to the breakdown of borders. It's gas, the left wing doing the bidding, inadvertently, of these cunts. Why do you think the strong woman is promoted so heavily, get these bitches into a cubicle work work work, her offspring would be too pricey in wages, we'll just import a new working class from the third world. Any fucker mouths off about it on the internet? We'll get them cancelled if they are famous, and thrown in the jail if they aren't. Traditionalism and nationalism? We'll call them fascists and scare them into silence. Fucking masterful.

Anyways go on, talkcha.

Quote from: astfgyl on October 20, 2024, 04:21:32 PMActually, on a bit of a tangent, but why have over half of Fine Gael incumbents declared that they won't run this time? It's absolutely unprecedented but is getting little attention on the whole. It's very odd, unless taken in the context that they know they will be crucified by the populace that they purport to represent but have not represented at all.
They're so tone deaf I dont think they believe they'llbe hammered. Sure Varadkar didn't get a seat in his own constituency last time until something like the fourth round, and they thought it was a good idea to make him taoiseach. His own neighbours didn't even want the prick

#6602 October 20, 2024, 08:43:47 PM Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 08:51:02 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 20, 2024, 04:59:14 PMWe've lost sight of the transcendent and embraced materialism to such an extent that corporations are dictating culture - an army of cheap labour imported thanks to the breakdown of borders. It's gas, the left wing doing the bidding, inadvertently, of these cunts. Why do you think the strong woman is promoted so heavily, get these bitches into a cubicle work work work, her offspring would be too pricey in wages, we'll just import a new working class from the third world.

Up until a little over 100 years ago the women and children of the poor were in fields, factories, sweat shops, etc., day in day out because the working class were paid so little it was impossible for families to survive unless every member contributed. It was a genuine "leftist" movement who progressively changed that situation and, for a while, it was indeed possible for working class and middle class families to survive on a single full-time income. Pick up a history book and see what manner of folk fought tooth and nail against the labour and civic reforms which collectively constructed that reality. And today too there is still a minority/genuine left pushing for the kind of cost of living conditions the "trads" now like to reminisce about while pouring most of their energy into a basketful of -phobias.

#6603 October 21, 2024, 06:19:27 AM Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 08:53:56 AM by Caomhaoin
I'm not disputing any of that, bar the last sentence.

Some of the genuine left, past and present like Howard Zinn, Chomsky, Magalurski etc, Jaysus even comedians like Jimmy Dore, many strike a chord with right thinking people. Chomsky is a true leftist, a wit and an intellectual. Doesn't excuse Putin but critiques NATO double dealing and expansionism as provocation where as the faux left BBC has strict reporting guidelines on that conflict, and must add the caveat of either 'unprovoked' or 'illegal' to Russian activity and will never report Ukrainian losses.

My point is, the laissez-faire free market doctrine was a counterpoint to the Soviet style planned economic system, and the former won the argument decisively. Many on the right then gave this imperfect system a kind of religious character, manifested in Thatcher and Reagenomics, abandoning the domaines of philosophy and culture which have since become wokified. What the right also gets badly wrong is that the vanguard of the free market promote the ideologies that it tends to rail against, DEI, the deification of the homosexual, NSG, the list goes on. 1989/90 was a sliding doors moment for the west and it's been fucked up so badly you'd despair for the species.

As for the left, think of your striker miner in Wales, 1983. Do you think he gave a fuck about any of that pish? But now, big money has hoodwinked the left as beautifully as it has the right, turned them into frontshwein in an engineered culture war, doing their bidding while the wealth gap expands and you can't buy a house.

Common cause is what these cunts are terrified of. Schwab, the Clintons, money lending cunts and Tony Blair are your enemy, not the lad who is startled at the dilution of the character of his nation and culture.

#6604 October 21, 2024, 02:03:39 PM Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 02:23:40 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Your history is a bit mucked up there. Laissez-faire was around for decades prior to even the USSR, let alone the Soviet style planned economic system. The "robber barons" of the 19th century (for the most part devout believers who considered their wealth both a blessing from God and a sign that the Almighty had chosen them to dictate social structure) owed their existence to laissez-faire free market doctrines. Following repeated failures of laissez-faire, culminating in the Great Depression of 1930, there was added momentum to progressive movements which led to Roosevelt starting to roll out his New Deal policies in 1933. In light of these two critical moments in US history (Great Depression + New Deal), liberal economists and thinkers went back to the drawing board aiming to find a new liberalism capable of encompassing and surmounting both laissez-faire and progressivism: the "neoliberalism" that was first christened as such in 1938, under the primary influence of Walter Lippmann. A more laissez-faire tipped "neoliberalism" (inspired by Hayek rather than Lippmann) manifest under Pinochet, Thatcher and Reagan, but it still wasn't full on laissez-faire: the government still had a strong hand over the market, albeit they only exercised it to ensure continued market dominance whenever this wavered (e.g. bank bailouts, corporate bailouts, etc., which happened in more or less equal measure under Nixon (GOP), Carter (DNC), and Reagan (GOP)).

Your Trumps, Murdochs, Musks, etc., dream of a return to and global expansion of laissez-faire and so cumulatively spend billions startling "the lad" who has never had his eyes fully opened to how the Trumps, Murdochs, Musks, etc., are cynically exploiting him specifically even more than the Clintons, Schwabs, Gateses, etc., are. They tell him "the left" and neoliberalism and immigrants poorer than him or people superficially different to him (superficial = not in terms of concrete resource wealth) are responsible for his discontent. Your Clintons, Schwabs, Gateses, etc., want to further entrench neoliberalism and so cumulatively spend billions engineering global society in their particular favour: they're less likely to willfully crush their own fellow citizens "at home" than the laissez-faire crowd but have no problem crushing humans located far enough away not to upset their domestic electorate and/or clients, and of course they're just as resistant to any kind of full-on resource equality as the laissez-faire crowd.

So since the aim of both elite groups, the Trumps, Murdochs, Musks, etc., and the Clintons, Schwabs, Blairs, etc., is to gather power and resources towards the top, no one on the genuine left (your Chomskys, Corbyns, Graebers, etc.) has ~ever been hoodwinked by any of them. But this same left also won't reject anyone on the basis of race, origin, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. Because their deal is equality for all. And this makes it just as easy for (neo)liberals to pay lip service to "leftist" diversity as it is for the right/far right to stoke and leverage a diverse host of facile human prejudices against any genuine left movements. And as for mass migration specifically, the genuine left also tend to be the only ones actively concerned with improving living conditions in the regions people are migrating away from, while (neo)liberals and the right just as actively participate in exacerbating them.

It seems a minefield to navigate, but when you set out from a place of "every human being on the planet deserves sufficient resources and freedoms to live with a minimum of dignity, regardless of who they are or where they may find themselves at a given time" it's actually surprisingly easy.

#6605 October 21, 2024, 03:09:31 PM Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 03:12:48 PM by Caomhaoin
How far do you take the concept of equality for all? Or social justice (for all ha ha).

Are those ideals, in your opinion sacrosanct to the point that they can't be compromised upon? The transition from minority rule in Rhodesia to Zimbabwean 'democracy, for example. This is going to be highly unpalatable but hear me out.

The Rhodesians managed the economy better than the Zanu PF government, they were innovative, resilient and had no legalised segregation like RSA (but clearly discriminated against blacks).

They built a utopia in Sub Saharan Africa which was by some distance the best place to live on the continent. Zimbabwe quickly became a brutal, totalitarian and oppressive hellhole with almost the entire white population taking flight. They have no idea how to run anything besides propaganda, the economy is in tatters and the quality of public services is appalling. Living standards were comparable to Western Europe (granted, without equality), had the highest literacy rates in Africa for blacks , albeit few had voting rights (not all whites could vote either)

Quoting Morgan Tsvangirai Former Prime minister of Zimbabwe, "If Smith was a black man, I would say that he was the best Prime Minister that Zimbabwe ever had". (Referring to Ian Smith, last PM).

Look at Zimbabwe now the economy is non-existent, brutal repression of dissidents hyperinflation, and a Marxist dictatorship led by senile old men.

Before you accuse me of racism or white supremacy or whatever, my question is (and a similar question could be be posed about Cuba), is equality for ALL always the holy grail, even if equality for all means equality of misery?

Quite a few Russians who are old enough will tell you it wasn't so bad in the USSR, but almost all would tell you that the only equality bit was poverty.

First, as I've said before, imo any dictatorship is first and foremost a dictatorship: whether it is superficially a neoliberal capitalist one (e.g. Pinochet) or a "Marxist"-Leninist one (e.g. Zimbabwe), etc., should imo always be considered as secondary. In other words, I don't think any socio-economic system can be judged on the basis of what it produced under a dictatorship, especially any violently repressive one. Second, as I also explained somewhere recently in this morass, I don't personally consider Leninism to be a form of Marxism, or at the very least only as a wholly "heretical" form of it. Mugabe self-identified as a Marxist-Leninist, i.e., as far as I'm concerned, not a Marxist at all. Indeed, the core thing Lenin altered about Marxism was the fact that, in its original form, it simply didn't allow for dictatorship (setting aside globally applicable "tyranny of the masses" criticisms of any form of democracy).

Bizarrely, my own father (very much white, for the sake of anyone reading who's never had the pleasure of seeing my pasty face in real life) moved to Zimbabwe just a couple of years after independence and stayed there the rest of his life, though that direction of migration was indeed very much the exception.

I went to see Lenin in his mausoleum recently, I've seen one or two members of this board looking worse after a night on the Christopher Reeve!

You'd be best advised to keep the Lenin is a heretic talk to a low voice in Russia, lads still have a fondness for him, 'tovarish ulianov'. I even know cunts birthday (April 22, I really hope it's yours too😅) and I have trouble recalling my wife's.

I share my birthday with a far greater hero than Lenin ever was: Packie Bonner  :laugh:

Self-proclaimed Irish traditional Catholics: The woke liberals only call us fascists to scare us into silence!

Also self-proclaimed Irish traditional Catholics: "Welcome to our book burning"


So not only did he buy the books, but he's now advertising them for free. Brilliant.

The Warriors is being rebooted as a concept album. With Cyrus, and the entire Warriors gang, as women.
Because of Gamergate.