Quote from: 91/30 on August 06, 2024, 09:38:05 AM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 05, 2024, 06:47:52 PMI've spent the last year living in Russia so I'm quite used to propaganda and I can detect it without assistance.

C'mere, what's your impressions of the place these days? Any heavy metal bands worth paying attention to?

It's not what you'd expect. The sanctions have little to no effect on daily life (McDonald's and coke are not available, boo-hoo, alternatives immediately sprang up). If you are a foreigner on a good salary, it's very cheap - 40c for a litre of petrol, groceries, especially the basics are for a song. Conservative, straight forward people. Learning Russian is a must and it's the most almighty cunt of a language I've ever come across. Contrary to popular smear, bring gay is absolutely fine (in the cities at least), but god help you if you start waving flags around. Petty crime is extremely rare, the electric scooters are unchained and unmolested on the street. Imagine that in Dublin. Any kind of prick acting and your asking for a bearing from the polis. Plenty of immigrants, mainly from Central Asia, sound lads.

Putin and the war are generally supported by everyone, bar maybe on the college campuses. They appreciate that he dragged the country out of the post-Soviet chaos.

As far as metal goes, there is almost no scene where I am (Kazan). Russians are shit engineers but the two times I've seen the ballet, absolutely jaw-dropping art. They also have a famous war song, 'Katyusha' which the travelling army choirs perform. I was 'fortunate' enough to see this 2024 version with the Russian navy's Jean-Claude Van Damme. Surreal.

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 06, 2024, 11:22:10 AMOne person in Belfast in hospital in serious condition after some of these protestors stamped on their head repeatedly. Been investigated as a hate crime. That's the only info so far so did some of these protestors see someone of a different colour and proceed to stamp on their head. Attack stopped when some other members of the public stopped it. Bravo to whoever stepped in anyway.

A host of videos on X showing lone whites being targeted by gangs of Muslims. Nae cunt smelling of roses at the moment.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 06, 2024, 11:32:14 AM
Quote from: 91/30 on August 06, 2024, 09:38:05 AM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 05, 2024, 06:47:52 PMI've spent the last year living in Russia so I'm quite used to propaganda and I can detect it without assistance.

C'mere, what's your impressions of the place these days? Any heavy metal bands worth paying attention to?

It's not what you'd expect. The sanctions have little to no effect on daily life (McDonald's and coke are not available, boo-hoo, alternatives immediately sprang up). If you are a foreigner on a good salary, it's very cheap - 40c for a litre of petrol, groceries, especially the basics are for a song. Conservative, straight forward people. Learning Russian is a must and it's the most almighty cunt of a language I've ever come across. Contrary to popular smear, bring gay is absolutely fine (in the cities at least), but god help you if you start waving flags around. Petty crime is extremely rare, the electric scooters are unchained and unmolested on the street. Imagine that in Dublin. Any kind of prick acting and your asking for a bearing from the polis. Plenty of immigrants, mainly from Central Asia, sound lads.

Putin and the war are generally supported by everyone, bar maybe on the college campuses. They appreciate that he dragged the country out of the post-Soviet chaos.

As far as metal goes, there is almost no scene where I am (Kazan). Russians are shit engineers but the two times I've seen the ballet, absolutely jaw-dropping art. They also have a famous war song, 'Katyusha' which the travelling army choirs perform. I was 'fortunate' enough to see this 2024 version with the Russian navy's Jean-Claude Van Damme. Surreal.

Why did you move to Russia, Kev? Will you sign up to help take Ukraine?

Quote from: astfgyl on August 06, 2024, 10:50:00 AMSo you're finding ways to excuse your favourite machete wielding Islam boys.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 06, 2024, 12:27:00 AMRound them all up, charge them all

Literally haven't excused anyone. Literally just said that the easily identifiable initial influential instigators, the ones most likely in this entire scenario to get away scot-free, should be charged too, and as heavily as possible.

Went there last September, got bamboozled by the big rouble pay check :)

I'm too auld for the front lines I think:) The salary for soldiers fighting in Ukraine is over 2000 dollas a month, about 4 times the average wage. 60 grand to your family if you get wiped out. A lot of culchies take up the offer...

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 06, 2024, 12:48:53 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on August 06, 2024, 10:50:00 AMSo you're finding ways to excuse your favourite machete wielding Islam boys.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 06, 2024, 12:27:00 AMRound them all up, charge them all

Literally haven't excused anyone. Literally just said that the easily identifiable initial influential instigators, the ones most likely in this entire scenario to get away scot-free, should be charged too, and as heavily as possible.

How far back are we willing to go to find the root cause of thousands and thousands of white English people taking to the streets in response to their government's handling of the migrant situation there?

Yes, a minority are violent. That is not in doubt. What of the rest though? Saying they're all the far right now is like saying all Muslims want to behead us all, when in fact it's likely only a minority of them. Accepting that both of those statements are true, the UK Labour government and prime minister have taken the approach of only applying the vilification to the white nationalists doing damage and committing racially motivated offences and have gone down the road of only applying beatification to the Islamic people doing damage and computing racially motivated offences.

No talk whatsoever of what got the nationalists willing to take to the streets or why they only felt represented by the likes of hardliners on the nationalist side rather than by their own government. The three kids was only the final straw to get them out on the roads really and the numbers speak to a lot of discontent there. Misguided or not that's the reality by the looks of it. And don't forget the part that the left has to play in spreading false rumours - just look at the acid attack lies that were spread and the police said it didn't happen but the outrage in the media isn't there for that side of things. Then there's the fact that brexit was sold on the borders issue and it got through, which means over half of voters want stricter borders, for right or wrong.

It's not as simple as Tommy Robinson or Andrew Tate or even Elon Musk and twitter, as much as all of the traditional media would like people to believe.

I just fucking hope the Irish government take note before we end up with similar here, because we will eventually with the way things are going.

And this isn't coming from a far right perspective at all, I know most of the local Muhammeds and I get on well with them, they aren't causing any hassle at all around here and there's plenty of em too and they just don't bother anyone so I've no racial angle to take here but I can see with my eyes how it was all ripe long before now

Yeah those Hope not Hate scallywags were the ones spreading the acid attack pish.

The way I see it, the rioting is playing directly into labour's hands. They can 'no place in our society' it all they want, they are secretly delighted, now they can plough on with online censorship, digital ID's, Scottish style hate-speech laws and all the rest of it. Anyone who breathes a word of anti-immigrant sentiment, 'we don't want to commit cultural suicide' or what have you, call them far-right extremists and then the game is won. Smashing up the place only adds the exclamation point and justifies the coming clamp down on freedoms.

There isn't a hope in hell that the Muslim trouble makers will be called out publicly, it serves them not at all to do so.

The issue is not the incompatibility of Muslim and non-Muslim. The area of Russia I've been in is 50/50 Russian/Tatar Muslim and not a bother. Muslims and Serbs got along fine for the most part until they were whipped up by cunts with an agenda. The issue is an unacceptable level of uncontrolled illegal migration which only a fool couldn't foresee causing enormous problems.

Unfortunately, this west-wide infantilisation of the non-heterosexual Caucasian male is the broth in which this manky stew is being brought to a boil. The government, the media and left wing agitators shrieking one way whilst the nativist right bellowing to the other.

Schwab, Van Der Leyden, Soros and all the other creeps pishing themselves laughing at it all.

astfgyl: There's no need to slip into the abyss of infinite causal regressions here  ;)

Remember when Gript published the wrong name for the Parnell Street attacker?

Imagine someone had consequently taken it upon themselves to kill that incorrectly identified person. The fact Gript had published his name wouldn't be an excuse for his consequent murder, but it would clearly have played a causal role in it and we would expect Gript to be held accountable for that role.

When Robinson, Tate, etc., etc., communicated similar misinformation--not incorrectly blaming one person, but entire populations (refer back to direct quotes above)--to literally millions of people, they voluntarily played a causal role in what some of those people did next.

They should be held accountable for that causal role. Full stop.

And, by exactly the same logic, that doesn't in any way mean I think that their causal role excuses the nature of any of the consequent actions, no more than I believe that far right thugs attacking a mosque in one city can excuse Muslims in another city attacking random white people. It's a really simple but important distinction to hold to, between identifying causes and excusing. I can list endlessly regressing causes for IRA violence, for example, it doesn't prevent me finding the majority of it inexcusable.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 06, 2024, 06:38:51 PMUnfortunately, this west-wide infantilisation of the non-heterosexual Caucasian male is the broth in which this manky stew is being brought to a boil.

I'm probably gonna be sorry for asking this but what have the gays to do it?

Farage trying to fob off his own personal responsibility onto, among other utterly unreliable sources, Tate:

I like Nigel, but that is inconceivable stupidity.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 05, 2024, 09:53:08 PMSocial commentary is secondary to painstakingly researched history on his channel but that's by the by.

Fine speech. You've watched a few moments of two videos, rather than your countless pages of AH, therefore your conclusions cannot hold water.

Granted, if you asked me to spend a few hours listening to Vaush, Sam Seder or someone of their ilk whose views I despise, I'd find it difficult, so let's leave it.

Well I have had a look at his website and twitter page's and he really does comment on Jews allot.
Also he has no problem whatsoever retweeting Hitler quotes. A complete nutcase in my opinion.

Haha, including his latest tweet about the riots in the UK:

QuoteWhen the Jewish populations conspired with incoming Muslim armies to pry open the Gates of Toledo, and this alliance nearly toppled all of Europe

And oh look, there he is presenting a highly contentious hypothesis (some would say antisemitic myth) about the Jews as historical fact. It's almost like you can't trust a nazi to recount history objectively!  ???

Anyway, from Spain in 711 to Italy in 2024, Angela Carini has apparently now said she was sent messages by the IBA pressuring her to abandon her fight with Khelif. The IBA press conference today was a right mess too, none of them seem to have the same story.

QuoteThe wife of a Conservative councillor has been arrested after she called for hotels with asylum seekers to be set on fire.

In a now deleted post on her X account, Lucy Connolly, who's from Northampton, wrote [on 29th July, night of the Southport murder]:

"Mass deportation now, set fire to all the fucking hotels full of the bastards for all I care... If that makes me racist, so be it."


Speaking of Conservatives embodying the far right, Rishi "Stop The Boats" Sunak and his washed up party should take some responsibility for all the shite that's going on at the moment too: