Potentially a rapist, potentially a member of Hamas... oh I've heard enough, kill them all, they're all guilty of something those muzzies! What, this electronic tag? Assault and battery mate. Yeah, but she was really annoying me, y'know how it is, sure you had one yourself last year.

#6391 August 05, 2024, 03:52:51 PM Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 03:56:58 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
That's satire btw, merely inspired by real events, as they say at the movies. Such as...

Remember this simpleton blaming immigrants cos he couldn't get a job, even though he knew the real reason was that he had a record? Then turned out one of the sentences he'd served was for repeatedly molesting a 7 year old girl:


Rioter from the weekend with an electronic tag:

And just to reiterate, because some want to unjustifiably throw this into doubt: it is absolutely possible to be a lout and an out-and-out racist who laps up everything Farage, Robinson, etc., say. In fact, it's very fucking common.

And this kind of thing too, in Belfast, this is also 'the far right':

So, one must be an 'out and out racist' to identify with Nigel Farage? Get a grip

You are so incapable of seeing the woods from trees when it comes to the current unrest, the only conclusions your ideology can pallet are the usual dismissive buzzwords and derisive, churlish 'isms' that you throw at everything.

'Look at this video, another yin'!

Critical thinking is only of merit when you can summon it to analyse what you despise. You fail repeatedly.

#6393 August 05, 2024, 04:12:22 PM Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 04:14:06 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Use your immense powers of English comprehension to point out exactly where I said "one must be" an out and out racist to identify with Nigel Farage?

Actually, don't bother: "it is absolutely possible to be" is what I said. Your mulch brain turned that into "one must be", because you're still as wantonly thick-headed as ever. Which, as ever, I wouldn't say if I thought you were actually thick.

If you'd care to break down the penultimate paragraph of your most recent eye-roller of a post into something that the fella on the street can understand, the proles fervently anticipate.

I'll do you one better:

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 04, 2024, 10:44:48 PMNot all who identify with Farage are out and out racists, I agree.

But all out and out racists lap up the kind of xenophobic racist scutter Farage comes out with.

'COOLOCK SAYS NO' becomes banner non grata at Dublin demonstrations after appearing beside Loyalist flags and Union Jacks in Belfast:

Had heard it kicked off a load of in-fighting across social media, which is hardly surprising.

Nigel is possibly what you might call xenophobic, but calling him a racist is just using the language 'they' want you to.

This video is an excellent summary of how such language has been warped and engineered.

#6398 August 05, 2024, 06:00:39 PM Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 06:02:30 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 05, 2024, 05:32:11 PMThis video is an excellent summary of how such language has been warped and engineered.

Fucking hell man, are you actually this far gone or is this another example of your dazzling humour? You want me to watch something from a channel who opens their videos (I checked the others, including one called 'The Interconnectedness of the Aryan Peoples') with a screen showing the thunderbolt S, a GOTT MIT UNS medal, and "Meine Ehre heißt Treue", the motto of the fucking SS?

If you want to know about language being warped and engineered to twist people's thinking, seems apparent you'd be much better advised reading Klemperer than watching this shite.


The word Aryan is quite harmless, if one considers it.

It's only a rune. Gott mit uns is an ancient enough motto. The SS thing, well, that's unfortunate, but not reflective of the content.

You should take a listen, you might learn something. By all means call it shite if not satisfied.

I'm familiar with Klemperer and the Nazi and Soviet manipulation of language, but those were euphemistic strategies. What's happening now is quite different.

#6401 August 05, 2024, 06:26:47 PM Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 06:31:28 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Your premise for sharing that video was the presumption that I consider Farage a racist because 'they' want me to. In reality, it's because I'm the kind of person who recognizes on sight and recoils from the motto of the SS, responding with "You should read Klemperer" instead, that I can assure you I do not consider Farage a racist because 'they' want me to.

"'they' want you to call Farage a racist, watch this video by a racist and you'll understand." jesus christ man

Look man, tone down the bluster. The content is non-racist and my motives are non-confrontational.

This was you commenting on a Channel 4 news segment I shared a few months back. "The mainstream outlets have been colonised absolutely by the postmodern leftist POV. It's not news, it's propaganda." Now we know that the unarticulated context there was: "A nazi told me."

Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 14, 2024, 05:00:07 PMthe mainstream outlets have been colonised absolutely by the postmodern leftist POV. It's not news, it's propaganda.

What are you on about man? The main thrust of the video is about language manipulation rather than the media.

A Nazi? Oh yer man who makes the videos? If you consumed a few without harping on about the motto you'd see that you're mistaken.

I've spent the last year living in Russia so I'm quite used to propaganda and I can detect it without assistance.