Not easy to know how to respond.

1) He's a nazi. What better explanation is there for adopting the motto of the SS, displaying it under a thunderbolt S and a GOTT MIT UNS medal, and presenting it in all its fascism-worshiping glory at the beginning of every single communication you put out into the world over years?

2) Everyone can detect propaganda that's targeted at someone else.

3) Your denial of 1 is pretty strong evidence that you're not meeting the challenge of detecting propaganda that's targeted at your sensibilities.

4) I've read countless pages of Hitler's own speeches from both before and during the war. They obviously, by their very nature, constitute nazi propaganda. But anyone who knows them will also know that any explicitly bonkers "kill the jews" stuff a naïve person might expect to find all over the place is actually relatively sparse. For the most part, you need to know who you're reading in order to penetrate to the actual message. In that vein, this--the statement of intent and very first video from that channel--is absolutely fascist propaganda:

All the key points are hit, up to and including the primacy of blood (even embellished in the video using a quote from Mussolini-era racist, antisemitic, fascist Italian philosopher and poet Julius Evola, who later moved to Germany to work alongside... the SS!). It's really only details that distinguish this from Hitler's own words: the guy is a modern American, so there's faint praise of the founding fathers, an innocuous quote from Twain, instrumentalization of Orwell (always an efficient way to pull the wool over a certain kind of "I'm too smart to be taken in by propaganda" person's eyes), and so on. I didn't watch all of it, just a few minutes beyond the Evola quote, which tbh was a sufficient flashing neon swastika moment for me, but yeah: this is 100% modern nazi propaganda. And you've been taken in by it. Up to you to decide where to go from here.

Social commentary is secondary to painstakingly researched history on his channel but that's by the by.

Fine speech. You've watched a few moments of two videos, rather than your countless pages of AH, therefore your conclusions cannot hold water.

Granted, if you asked me to spend a few hours listening to Vaush, Sam Seder or someone of their ilk whose views I despise, I'd find it difficult, so let's leave it.

Oh I'm quite sure his history videos are indeed painstakingly researched, quite sure he leaves as little as possible to chance when selecting, eliminating, emphasizing and down-playing all the various elements necessary to spin just the right narratives.

But if you do have any concern for actual reality, historic or scientific, then you'll bear in mind, whenever watching the results of his research, that it was conducted by an individual who is still proudly impressed in the 21st century with the precise pseudoscience (which the likes of Evola actively contributed to) that was used to justify the persecution and ultimately slaughter of millions. And we can leave it at that because there really is nothing else to say on the matter.

Well go on so... I'm sure you'll find a way to defend these poor chaps for their part in it now. This is what the uncompromising left and right viewpoints have brought on, driving everyone mad altogether. All so annoyingly predictable

I guess, not being high at all myself, I'm failing to see, in the context of the levels of violence we've all seen over the last few days, why a slashed tire would even be of interest. Arrest him, I don't care. Throw the full weight of the law for slashing tires at him, whatever weight that is.

#6412 August 05, 2024, 11:48:27 PM Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 12:00:40 AM by astfgyl

More far right violence here for you.


How's this fitting with your narrative? I'll edit in a few more and you can edit in the white lads beating the coloured lads and we can decide which ones are justified and which group should be condemned by the UK prime minister

Leave those minorities alone!

Look I only have to go to one account that leans right for clicks and I have those in no time. All you'll have to do is go to one account that leans left and we'll get the bould white lads. It's really that simple and it's all the fault of the UK government and media who have created this monster along with monetised, engagement-driven social media sources on all sides. Each side lying about the other each side distorting everything to their own view each side violent each side criminal.

Again, all miserably predictable years ago

#6413 August 06, 2024, 12:27:00 AM Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 12:34:45 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Chap, yesterday you barely knew the details of how all this had gotten started almost a week ago, a result of massive misinformation from far right accounts and figures: Farage "just asking questions" about why the police "might" be "hiding the truth." Tate blaming the murder on an "undocumented migrant" who'd "arrived on a boat" (all false, I'll remind you just in case your attention is wandering), then he added: "The soul of the Western man is so broken that when the invaders slaughter your daughters, you do absolutely fucking nothing." Tommy Robinson: "more evidence to suggest Islam is a mental health issue rather than a religion of peace" (again, murderer wasn't actually a Muslim, and Robinson is one to be talking about mental health). Plus innumerable other known and unknown far right accounts stirring up sentiment against "the Muslims." All of that bullshit, actual bullshit, happened in real time, real causal time. A week ago. Of course it's fucking chaos now. Round them all up, charge them all, whatever. That doesn't mean it's not possible to trace back to causes, no matter how allergic you insist on being to doing so. But the ones who did the stirring up, they're the cunts who should get the worst of it and won't. They should be going after them as they did Abu Hamza!

And now Andrew Tate earlier today:

"This is the first time in my life Im getting serious racist insults for being brown from white people in the UK.

Not a good look."

Absolute tool of a man.

What happened with the lads breaking in to the hotel? I mean, they got in to the building so how are they subsequently stopped?

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 05, 2024, 06:47:52 PMI've spent the last year living in Russia so I'm quite used to propaganda and I can detect it without assistance.

C'mere, what's your impressions of the place these days? Any heavy metal bands worth paying attention to?

Quote from: astfgyl on August 05, 2024, 12:26:09 PMWhen do we think this latest craic will run out of steam anyway? Surely lads will have to go to work during the week and that will take a bit of the sting out of it

No, I'd say it's picking up steam.  The lumpen proletariat are on the move, they've been riled up and have plenty to target.  The centre cannot hold, anarchy is loosed upon the world. Real anarchy not Micky Bakunin's fantasies

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 06, 2024, 12:27:00 AMChap, yesterday you barely knew the details of how all this had gotten started almost a week ago, a result of massive misinformation from far right accounts and figures: Farage "just asking questions" about why the police "might" be "hiding the truth." Tate blaming the murder on an "undocumented migrant" who'd "arrived on a boat" (all false, I'll remind you just in case your attention is wandering), then he added: "The soul of the Western man is so broken that when the invaders slaughter your daughters, you do absolutely fucking nothing." Tommy Robinson: "more evidence to suggest Islam is a mental health issue rather than a religion of peace" (again, murderer wasn't actually a Muslim, and Robinson is one to be talking about mental health). Plus innumerable other known and unknown far right accounts stirring up sentiment against "the Muslims." All of that bullshit, actual bullshit, happened in real time, real causal time. A week ago. Of course it's fucking chaos now. Round them all up, charge them all, whatever. That doesn't mean it's not possible to trace back to causes, no matter how allergic you insist on being to doing so. But the ones who did the stirring up, they're the cunts who should get the worst of it and won't. They should be going after them as they did Abu Hamza!

And now Andrew Tate earlier today:

"This is the first time in my life Im getting serious racist insults for being brown from white people in the UK.

Not a good look."

Absolute tool of a man.

So you're finding ways to excuse your favourite machete wielding Islam boys. Tell me this, if the actions of the Islam lads lead to more white people joining in the fight, will you trace that back to the cause of the Muslim defence league?

Not in a million years

Quote from: 91/30 on August 06, 2024, 09:47:44 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on August 05, 2024, 12:26:09 PMWhen do we think this latest craic will run out of steam anyway? Surely lads will have to go to work during the week and that will take a bit of the sting out of it

No, I'd say it's picking up steam.  The lumpen proletariat are on the move, they've been riled up and have plenty to target.  The centre cannot hold, anarchy is loosed upon the world. Real anarchy not Micky Bakunin's fantasies

It's certainly like nothing I've seen before over there and it does appear to be snowballing

One person in Belfast in hospital in serious condition after some of these protestors stamped on their head repeatedly. Been investigated as a hate crime. That's the only info so far so did some of these protestors see someone of a different colour and proceed to stamp on their head. Attack stopped when some other members of the public stopped it. Bravo to whoever stepped in anyway.