Poignant indeed. And very much a grassroots rather than media instigated movement, though I've seen the front pages for tomorrow and even the Daily Mail's is proclaiming solidarity, praising this resistance to "the thugs." They must have sampled the waters and confirmed that a majority of even their readers were disgusted enough with the behavior they'd seen and/or had to live through. We'll see how long it takes them to get back to business as usual!

#6451 August 08, 2024, 02:09:51 AM Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 02:14:56 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Tommy being furious. Though I think this was recorded before tonight's gatherings cos he doesn't seem to have gotten the memo, maybe a couple of days ago. He'll flip out when he sees tomorrow even the tabloids have thrown "the thugs" under the bus:

Edit: Here he is this evening:

I do feel sorry for his children though. Having him for a father.

Whatever about the police being biased, there certainly seems to be a major discrepancy in how certain groups are being treated by the judicial system over there.

Guy who hit a polis during the Southport disturbances - already convicted and jailed for 3 years.


The Muslim who broke a WPC's nose in Manchester airport hasn't even been charged with anything yet. The filth who stabbed three young girls to death is not due to be tried until January 2025.

To be fair, and I don't know anything about the legal system, but one of those three cases seems way more straightforward - and less serious - than the others.

The one in the airport I imagine is considerably complicated by a policeman being caught on camera trying to either kill or give serious brain damage to the guy who is lying down restrained.
The Southport attack is one of the most horrific and devastating crimes I can imagine, committed by a (then) underage person, some of the victims of which are still in critical condition - that already extremely serious case might get even more serious in the weeks and months to come as the full effects are made apparent. Those factors (the gravity, the age at the time, the ongoing uncertain condition of the other victims) probably make it more complicated.

Rioters being filmed (or filming themselves) causing criminal damage and assaulting police officers seems way more straightforward and 'easy' to get throught the system, no?

Whatever the cops intention (he overreacted, clearly), the other lad brought it on himself and was also caught on camera assaulting a woman. Straight forward enough to charge the cunt at the very least.

Airport thing still a highly active case by the looks of it:


Again, leaping from a handful of examples to a conclusion of "two-tier policing" doesn't hold water. Has no one done the requisite painstaking statistical research into relative probabilities of arrest, conviction, length of sentencing for comparable crimes and with comparable prior criminal record, etc.?

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 08, 2024, 08:30:06 AMWhatever about the police being biased, there certainly seems to be a major discrepancy in how certain groups are being treated by the judicial system over there.

Guy who hit a polis during the Southport disturbances - already convicted and jailed for 3 years.


The Muslim who broke a WPC's nose in Manchester airport hasn't even been charged with anything yet. The filth who stabbed three young girls to death is not due to be tried until January 2025.

The case where he killed the 3 girls is always going to take longer to get to court. It's a murder case. Therefore the prosecution takes time to get its house in order correctly. Also theres discovery, then presenting the discovery to the defence before the trial and so on.

As regards the assault cases I know nothing of them so won't comment.

Plus he's been remanded in detention so for all intents and purposes is already imprisoned.

Starmer has promised not only prosecutions, but also convictions for the 'far-right agitators'. How could he possibly know the later?


Anyway, be careful out there kids, shit load of fake news going around at the moment. Musk last night/today shared (then later deleted without giving any explanation) a post from the co-leader of Britain First (he keeps an eye on all the best accounts!) with a fake Telegraph headline claiming Starmer was building detainment camps on the Falkland Islands  :laugh:  Also plenty of this kind of thing:

Track 6, Chaos AD, ye know the score.

Sure Musk said yesterday Harris was a communist.

He's an interesting mix of dumb and dastardly. I mean, he definitely knows that Harris isn't "literally a communist", so him pushing that message is conscious propaganda. Yet how he goes about that propaganda is often exceedingly dumb. And it's not always clear whether that's genuine stupidity or him being lazy because, given his target audience, he doesn't really need to make any more effort. E.g.:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 08, 2024, 12:17:07 AMElon Musk is not some influencer aiming to up his subscriptions. He's got one of the biggest stakes in social engineering in the world. Twitter is merely an instrument to him. Don't think Musk has financial interest in stoking the right? Think it's not in his direct present and future interest to make sure as many people as possible associate the left above all else with issues like gender and immigration rather than equitable resource distribution and social contribution?

The thinking cap you like to use for anything and everything Bill Gates does, put it on for Musk there for a couple of days.

Why weren't you saying any of this during covid if you're so horrified by social engineering? Because the censorship suited your views. Now that you see the growing popularity of the opinion that isn't your own socially acceptable one, you're crying foul over his social engineering, as if pfizer and moderna were some sort of socialist martyrs, foregoing all their profits made on censorship and government coercion of their citizens. Oh no, but it's Musk looking for market share that bothers you now because you disagree and that's all it is. Didn't I say in my post that he's doing the obvious thing, growing his market share? Just like all your covid heroes. Equitable distribution me hole

Find one place I said something positive about Pfizer.

'Just like all your covid heroes'

Ah lad 😂

I thought of you driving through Tipp Town earlier (I'm in the sweeter surroundings of Ballyferriter now) - rough around the edges but solid :) That pub Lowrys looks like a good place to thrill and spill by the way.